RyonaRPG → Locations
From Hgames Wiki
Core version: 155 (2022-08-10)
Gameplay: Technical help: External links: |
(non-fighting areas)
- RAY-ONの村 - Ray-On Village
- Accessible at the beginning of the game
- 闘技場 - コロセウム - Colosseum
- Unlock by talking to woman on the streets of Ray-On village (cannot unlock if your character is a slave)
File:RayonRPG - Bottle guy.jpg
The guy with bottle
- 奴隷都市シュライク - Slave City Shrike
- Unlock by talking to man at Ray-On village pub, by the bar in front of a beer bottle if a slave.
- Non slave characters can unlock by Talking to the black market dealer at night in 洗脳都市メルベル (Meruberu).
- 生命科学研究所 - Life Science Institute
- Not on the world map. In newer versions accessed by talking to a man in a black suit at night in 洗脳都市メルベル (Meruberu).
Buy the ID off him then go to Slave City Shrike and talk to the woman standing in front of the door. Enter the building then
go to the bookcase closest to you to find the hidden doorway. (note: can only be accessed during the day)
- Not on the world map. In newer versions accessed by talking to a man in a black suit at night in 洗脳都市メルベル (Meruberu).
- 悪魔の店 - Devil's store
- Unlock by finding the pamphlet (チラシ) found in "zone 5" of the 岩山の洞窟(Rock mountain cave) dungeon.
- 首都アバロソ - Capital Avalon
- Unlock by talking to a Father in the eastern section of the 忘れられた邸宅(Forgotten Mansion)
- シュバルツメドヘン- (Schwarz(es) Mädchen? = Black Girl)
- You cannot visit at daytime. Go to the inn and ask the witch to switch the time to night, then access via worldmap.
- 洗脳都市メルベル - Brainwashed City Melbel
- unlock by defeating boss of 廃墟メルベル - Ruins of Melbel
- メルベル公立学院 - Melbel Public School
- In Brainwashed City Melbel once you've completed the main events, Talk to the Hypno in the kings bedroom on two seprate nights.
- レムリア奴隷市場 - Lemuria Slave Market
In Ray On village talk to man on horseback during the daytime. Man on horse moved to シュバルツメドヘン (Schwarz(es) Mädchen)
(any area where you fight and can die)
- ===無想の森===
- Accessible at the beginning of the game
- Cannot gain experience and coins from monsters.
- You will go back to inn if you lost the fight, but your weapon and armor/cloth will be damaged
- ===古代の試練場 - Ancient Trial===
- Accessible at the beginning of the game
- You will go back to inn if you lost the fight, but your weapon and armor/cloth will be damaged
- First floor is safe from monsters, without restrictions from town area, you can change the cloths you like, cast magic etc.
- ===初心者だんじょん - Newbie Dungeon===
- Not on the world map. Enter from Ray-On village, inside Newbie House. Note: 50G is required to enter the newbie house, addition 100G to enter the dungeon.
- ===裏通り - Back streets===
- Not on the world map. Enter from Ray-On village, between the Newbie House and the Weapon Store.
- ===近くの森 - Nearby Forest===
- Unlock by talking to man at Ray-On village inn 2nd floor
- ===女の子屋敷 - Girls' House===
- Unlock by talking to demon at Ray-On village pub, standing on a table.
- ===忘れられた邸宅 - Forgotten Mansion===
- Unlock by reading book at Ray-On village church
- Hint : The piano at the left side of mansion is the key to escape... There's piano on the right side too, but it wont do anything. Be carefull with chests, they randomly contain slave collar (who WILL flag your character as slave, even if you dont equip it).
- With loli Nakoruru, if you check the dog house at the entrance ( map ID 236) , the boss will turn her into a catgirl (map ID 263).
- The dungeon is really hard, lots of defense and silver weapon are a must. Equipement against ??? status is a must too.
- With recent patches, you can't escape with the teleport spell anymore.
- A possible item you can get from the boss is the ribbon, which makes you immune to status ailment, a MUST, as those are not only very common and dangerous, but can get your character into "weak" status, which can only be cured by sleeping (or some uber rare items)
- ===廃墟メルベル - Ruins of Melbel===
- Unlock by talking to solder at Slave City Shrike inn, 2F
- May also be unlocked by talking to princess in Lemuria Slave Market Inn which is easier for non slave characters.
- ===迷宮庭園 - Labyrinth Garden===
- Unlock by paying 50G to a guy at Ray-On village pub, by the bar
- Cannot gain experience and coins from monsters.
- Using level 2 general magic (リパルション/repulsion) to stop monsters to respawn make things a lot easier.
- ===海底神殿 - Undersea Temple===
- Unlock by paying 100G to a guy at Ray-On village pub, by the bar
- ===蟲毒の迷宮 - Bug Labyrinth===
- Unlock by paying 100G to a guy at Ray-On village pub, by the bar.
- ===処刑塔 - Execution Tower===
- Unlock by paying 200G to a guy at Ray-On village pub, by the bar.
- Incomplete.
- Incredibly dangerous.
- ===岩山の洞窟 - Rock mountain cave===
- Unlock by finding eastern exit of 近くの森
- ===あやしい寺院 - Doubtful buddist temple===
- Unlock by paying 1000G to the guy in the church wearing in Ray-On, wearing a cloak and to the left
- ===Life Science Institute basement .===
- Go to 2/F floor and you will find the enterance near red face npc, you need to defeat the boss, yourself, to leave this dungeons. Beware, the monsters there are pretty powerful. Learning level 1 support magic that adds elemental effects (aka フレイムセイバー/Flame saber , アイスセイバー/Ice Saber, サンダーセイバー/Thunder Saber ) is an effective way to increase your chances.
- The black slimes seem invulnerable so far, and if they catch you, they will put on you a chastity belt that keep increasing EX. Talk to the ghost scientific in one of the room (keep going the stairs, you will eventaully find him in a small room) to remove.
- Going through the dungeon is the only way for a slave character that got registered into slave city shrike to escape the laboratory. You cannot come back afterwards, so be sure to get access to Brainwashed City Meruberu and Magican's hideout before leaving.
- ===Magicians's hideout.===
- Get access by talking to the mage on the 2nd floor of slave city shrike. Branches into three dungeons somehow (wife museum, dead girl resting place, evil wizard hideout)
- ===Roland Underground Prison.===
- Unlock By talking to Martial artist on castle walls of Slave Market Lemuria, Then talking to
the barkeep in RAYON village.the pirate in the RAYON pub. - Does not appear on world map entrance located behind one of the graves in RAYON graveyard.
- Most enemies are undead physical attackers, Support magic Protect, protection from Bleeding accessory and 聖なるリング (Holy Ring) all reccomended
- Unlock By talking to Martial artist on castle walls of Slave Market Lemuria, Then talking to
- ===Ghestahl Sorcery Ruins===
- Unlock By talking to Assistant Head of Avalon Magic guild after completing events in Roland Underground prison
- Does not appear on world map, Enter through teleporters located in Avalon Magic guild
- Many parastie traps located in the obvious paths, touching any of them will curse you with a random piece of parasite equipment that can only be removed by the nun in RAYON church.
- Contains 2 bosses, Leaving the dungeon after beating the first one will permanently lock you out of the dungeon preventing you from fighting the second boss.
- Only place to obtain the あやつりの輪 (ring of manipulation) マリオネットパウダー(Marionette Powder) and 冥府の魔符(Rune of the dead) you need to complete the quest the Merebel head maid gives you.
- あやつりの輪 can only be obtained by Terra or Celes, simply pick up the right most tiaria in the secret passage. This device contains enough mind control data to complete the quest by itself, Other characters must turn in any 2 of マリオネットパウダー, 冥府の魔符 and the, マインドコントローラ (Mind Controller) from 魔城ガッデム (Demon Castle Goddem), this means either entering another dungeon, or leaving this one incomplete as you must choose between completing the dungeon and grabbing the rune of the dead.
- ===Laputa Floating Continent===
- Not on the world map, acces by buying a tiket from a maid in Lemuria, then talk to a guard that is standing dear a flying ship in the same map.
- ===Unused Factory===
- Unlocked by talking to a npc in Ray-On's inn at night.
- Keycard and the 1st battery for the elevator in the first roomare both located at the bookshelf in the southeast room. There are two shelves with books and they are on the easternmost one.
- 2nd battery is deeper in the facility, need to open two double doors from remote terminals.
- Use a Rubber Suit to avoid a bad case of intestine parasites in the sewage area.