RyonaRPG → Game system
Core version: 155 (2022-08-10)
Technical help: External links: |
- 1 Controls
- 2 Menu Options
- 3 Interface
- 4 Start a new character
- 5 Start from scratch
- 6 Switching Characters
- 7 Losing Combat and Character Rescue
- 8 Advance
- Arrow Keys: Movement
- Z Key/Enter/Space: Attack,Confirm,Interact
- Shift: Magic
- Shift + Z Key/Enter/Space: Switch between Magic
- Z + C: Toggles strafting
- X/C/Esc/V/B/N: Open menu,Cancel
- F4: Full screen/window mode
- F12: Return to main menu (all unsaved progress will be lost)
Menu Options
When you press escape, choose the first choice to access the normal menu.
Lower left is [[RyonaRPG/Equipment|gold. Options listed top to bottom:
- アイ'テ ム /'Items': Contains all unequipped items, typically includes 乙女の秘密日誌 (journal), crystal fragments and prime blue, potions, unworn equipment, etc.
- アビリティ/ Abilities'''': List of abilities
- 着替え/Equipped Items:' Slots from top to bottom are weapon, shield/arrow, armor,magic, support. Magic can now be equipped in the new menu, you can now equip mantles/accessories instead.
- セーブ/'Save Game: Select a number and press Confirm to save (no overwrite confirmation), can't save in dungeon
- ゲーム終了/''''Return to Title: Must be confirmed
- "H" Bar: Displays your remaining health.
- "M" Bar: Displays your remaining MP.
- "P" Gauge: Hold down the attack/magic key to charge this up for a power attack. A yellow charge indicates a physical attack, while a green charge indicates magic. The attacks vary weapon to weapon (or the equipped magic).
- "Ex" Bar: Ecstasy damage. When it reaches max your character will orgasm.
Start a new character
Intro Cinematic
The game explains that it's violent, rapey, and such, and you have to be 18 or older to play.
When it asks you if you're 18, say yes (the first option). Saying no will get you booted back to the title screen.
Character Selection
- This is where yoiu select your character
- Select the big blue box to change pages
At the start of the game you are taken straight to the character selection menu. From there you can manipulate the hand icon with the movement keys (arrow keys). Selecting a character with the action/confirm/attack key (Z/Enter/Space) will allow you to see what their names and descriptions are. If you do not wish to select that character then you can cancel the option with the cancel key (X/C/V/B/N/Esc). The right hand corner displays the classes of which those champions you see here, by clicking on it, it will change class screens and will display more characters in a different role. (See the Characters Page for a more in-depth guide.)
At the current moment they are 4 playable classes; Soldier, Magic, Hybrid and Other.
Characters without the little box labeled "OK" next to them do not have large-sized pictures.
Further Customization
Standard Questions
Once you have finished selecting your desirable character (choose the first line) you will be then given a number of choices :
Question 1 : Change character name ?
- Yes : Open name editing page, go to bottom right corner select 決定 to close the window.
- No : Next question
Question 2 : Difficulty
- 通常モード (むずかしい) Normal
- V-MAX (やさしい) Easy
- マニアモード(あくむ) Hard
- シャア專用(ニュータイプ用) Char Aznable (Newtype Difficulty) (Mobile Suit Gundam Reference, Insane Difficulty)
Normal or Easy mode are recommended
Question 2.5 : Save Anywhere? If normal is selected it will ask どこでもセーブをONにしますか?(イージーモード) ON OFF
- On : Enable save anywhere
- Off : Disable saving anywhere
Question 3 : Character Monologue
- Yes (You'll see an on-screen dialog of your characters thoughts when in Pain/Ashamed/etc. This option slows down the game A LOT)
- No (it is better to turn this off)
Question 4 : Portrait Settings
- Yes (show the portrait)
- No : Jump to question 06
Question 4.5 : Portrait type Some characters have multiple appearances. This lets you select one.
- Left picture
- Right picture
Question 5 : Girl's type Pick how sexual your character is
- ビッチ以外ない Nothing but a bitch (45 base weakness points and Sexual Feeling starts at 5)
- ふつうのこ Normal Girls (25 base weakness points -- recommended, unless you want to try something special...)
- 不感症女 Frigid girl (15 base weakness points)
- 肉便器 Sex slave (Start in slave mode with almost all H abilities; also start with 40 base weakness points, Sexual Feeling of 10 and Sensitivity of 10 in all body parts)
Question 6: Erogenous Zones Select which parts of your character's body should be how sensitive.
- Manual
- Manual -GUI
- Auto
For those five part of body you can refer to H ability page to get the meaning. If you are not familiar with these, let the game set it for you.
Many characters will begin with adjustments to various body weakness points over and above the base amount that the Girl's type adds.
Question 7: Pregnancy
- Enable
- Disable
Question 8 : In-Game instructions
- Yes
- No
Read the in-game instructions? better to skip it, you can get that information here
Question 9 : Prologue?
- Yes : Your character starts at 無想の森. Please be reminded that those monster won't give you any coins or experience and your weapon and cloth/armor will be damaged after the fight, you can avoid this by removing all equipment, let those monsters kill you, then equip them back in town...
- No : Start at Ray-On Village but your weapon and armor are damaged.
Note: Some character only have question 01, 08 and 09.
Special Questions
- 4.5: After choosing to display pictures, choose Nakoruru's age
- Sexy teenager/adult
Flat-chested loli
- 6.5: After choosing erogenous zones, chose ???
- ???
- ???
- 1.5: Is Hexer Healthy?
- Yes
- No
- 6.5: Does Hexer have Huge Boobs
- Yes
- No
- 6.5: ?Body Shape?
- ???
- ?Curvy?
Note: If you discover more characters with extra questions, or can figure out what's up with the questions that are still unexplained, please contribute.
Changing Settings
You can change settings via cheat mode in game.
Start from scratch
RTFM: What You Should Read and Why:
Before going to those dangerous dungeons and being abused by the monsters (?) you better read these page first...
- Status : List of negative statuses and the way to remove them (most drugs can be bought from the village grocery)
- Traps : Focus on hidden traps first, they are more common. If you find a trap that hasn't been listed there please edit the page and add it.
- Equipment : Learn their characteristics first. Some weapons may hurt non-warrior characters. Or before you buy a weapon/armor etc go to check its stats to see if it is suitable for you or not.
- Locations walkthrough : If you don't know how to get to, or get stuck in the dungeons, check there and see if it can help you or not. If nothing is useful, you can use cheats to switch your location.
- Cheats : Even if you don't want to cheat and ruin the gameplay, some game setting can be accessed there. Take a look at it.
Step One: Prepare Yourself
In the leftmost bedroom on the second floor of the Inn:
- Talk to the maid to get your injury treated, otherwise you will bleed whenever you remove your bandages.
- Whenever you are injured in the future, you can talk to this maid here to get healed.
- Examine the book in the room on the left to get the "Girls Secret Diary"
- Examine the chest next to the book to get some gold (400g on normal, 2000g on easy, 100g on Newtype)
Buy Some equipment:
- If you are a mage or battlemage, fire magic can deal with those creeps in Newbie Dungeon easily. Stay away from them and learn how to cast magic and hit them accurately. You may want to try the charged attack too. Later on you face some fast moving monsters, the charged attack with area damage will be useful.
- For warriors let's hope your weapon and armor are intact from 無想の森, and haven't been damaged. If not, or your starting outfit is too weak, you can try to play hit and blow to earn more money first. Without good armor even the weak monsters in the Newbie Dungeon can kill you easily. Get a few thousand coins then go to the weapon store. Some cheap items such as the $500 axe and the $100 shield are very useful. Some weapons, like that axe, are two handed weapons so you cannot equip left hand items, such as a shield. You can view the equipment page for details.
- If you have spare money you can buy the anti-capture and anti-poison items from the lady there. These are useful since when you go outside and fight you will face many different negative status and traps.
Step Two: Unlock Dungeons
Talk to people in towns to unlock dungeons. You will know when you've unlocked a new area because the text will be prefaced with a diamond-shape ("◆")
Some places to try:
- Ray-On Pub
- Ray-On Church
- Ray-On Inn
Step Three: Your First Dungeon
To leave town, either press the SHIFT key on your keyboard, or walk out through the gap in the trees south of the fountain.
IMO, there are two good choices for your first dungeon:
Newbie Dungeon | Temple of Trials | |
Location | The stone building at the west end of RAY-ON village | The world map, due west of RAY-ON vilage |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Step Four: Explore the World
Now that you have advanced some levels and have more cash on hand, go explore the world. Obtain information from NPCs to make them accessible from the map. Read the location walkthrough page to get them one by one. The locations at Devil's store and Capital Avalon are harder so you can skip these for now.
Obtain information to grant access to new locations
Places you want to go are ones with good experience, moderate risk
Try to unlock Capital Avalon as soon as possible (If you rush avoiding all fight, it can be done at level 20 or so...
Learn what kind of status you'll have to be worried about, and buy items, or better, accessories, to be safe. Statuses are NASTY.
Earn money to buy better equipment
Defense is the most important stat of your character. Keep it at its best. Equipment with elemental resistances are good to.
Increase combat level (Stats alone won't save you from every monster)
Basically, play more. Go in dungeon, learn to use charged spells and attacks (Those are way, way better than normal attacks), learn how the AI works.
If you have no idea where to level, you could try killing the octopus/siren monsters in the water dungeon, the mothers (with an anti poison accessory) are deeper if you can reach them.
Mages can go up to level 7~10 very easily by fighting the 3 red slimes in the mountain dungeon (kill them all in one shot)
The three nagas deeper in the dungeon can't hurt you if you use anti-capture equipment (plus, the stats of the item are decent for an accessory item
Switching Characters
Enter the RAY-ON village inn and go to the second door on the right. The first option will allow you to switch characters.
Note: Unconscious girls will remain unplayable until they're rescued.
Losing Combat and Character Rescue
The game doesn't always end when your health drops to 0. Instead your character will faint and you'll be given two options: Switch Character or quit. If you switch, your unconscious character will be left on or near the same map. Unrescued characters will be grayed out, and will remain unplayable. To rescue a girl, simply walk into them to pick them up. Next, return to the RAY-ON village inn and talk to the clerk. Now when you switch characters, the girl will now be selectable.
Be quick! As time goes on, all unconscious characters will slowly lose experience. If a character is reduced to 0 experience, they'll be captured and put on the slave market, where you'll have to pay to get them back.The character you choose for the rescue will inherit all items and cash, however they will remain at the level you last left them. Therefore, it's recommended to train at least two characters equally. If the character in need of rescuing has been enslaved and what-not, their equipped items will still be on them.
- under construction
- Ability/精神と時の部屋
- more equipment information
- special item
- ボディチェッカー body checker, details
- H-related gameplay (?) parasite, weakness...
- more...