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This page contains information about the various locations in the game. When it gets long enough, it will be divided into sub-pages.
This page contains information about the various locations in the game.
= Onsen Town region =
**[[VH/Hot Springs Town|Hot Springs Town]]
**[[VH/Ryokan Bathhouse|Ryokan Bathhouse]] a.k.a. Kin-Hou-Rou a.k.a. East Spa
**[[VH/Slave Market|Slave Market]]
**Bay Town [[VH/Ceres|Ceres]]
**[[VH/Ceres Sorcery Institution|Ceres Sorcery Institution]]
**[[VH/Underground City|Underground City]]
**[[VH/Orc Kingdom|Orc Kingdom]]
**[[VH/Mountain Brothel|Mountain Brothel]]
**[[VH/Surglane Village|Surglane Village]]
**[[VH/Elf Forest|Elf Forest]]
**[[VH/Foothills Town|Foothills Town]]
**[[VH/Nanako's Homeland|Nanako's Homeland]]
This is the region where Nanako starts the game. It consists of Onsen Town itself and the areas to the North, East, and West.
**[[VH/Witch's Shack|Witch's Shack]]
**[[VH/Goblin Cave|Goblin Cave]]
**[[VH/Minotaur's Cave|Minotaur's Cave]]
**[[VH/Bandits Cave|Bandits Cave]]
**[[VH/Rin's Hideaway|Rin's Hideaway]]
**[[VH/Fairy's Forest|Fairy's Forest]]
**[[VH/Western Cave|Western Cave]]
**[[VH/Underground Cave|Underground Cave]]
**[[VH/Dead Village|Dead Village]]
**[[VH/Road to Frontier|Road to Frontier]]
**[[VH/North Mountain Cave|North Mountain Cave]]
== Onsen Town ==
*Notable areas that are not a teleport destination:
**[[VH/Barbarian Village|Barbarian Village]]
**[[VH/Jungle Temple|Jungle Temple]]
**[[VH/Kojima Mines|Kojima Mines]]
Onsen Town is a small walled resort located on the horse train line between Nanako's homeland and the Capital. Nanako wants to seek her fortune in the big city, but she stops here because she can't afford a ticket all the way to the Capital. Surely there's a way to make a buck around this place.
[[Category:VH/Locations| ]]
=== Overall layout ===
Onsen Town is build around a crossroads: one main road runs North-to-South, the other runs East-to-West. The roads divide the town into four quadrants. There are gates leading into the wilderness in each cardinal direction, and there's a fountain right at the center of town.
==== '''Fountain''' ====
The fountain at the center of town has several different points of interest. First, if you examine the sign on the south side of the fountain, you'll find that by praying to the Protective Goddess, you can adjust whether or not the game allows you to change clothes in combat areas. This matters more in VH than in most ARPGs, because many monsters rip off or destroy your clothes.
Second, if you're visiting the fountain during the day, you'll find a bald, fat, angry-looking guy standing at the north side. This man is the only decent human being in the entire game. If you talk to him while you have 500 G or less, he'll give you 50 G. You can do this repeatedly, until you have more than 500 G. You can even go blow your money on freaky sex toys and come back broke and he'll start giving you money again.
In addition, if you talk to him while indecently clothed, he'll assume you're desperately poor and hand you 500 G in one lump. He'll cut you off once he's handed you a total of 500 G, though (this is a hand ''up'', not a hand ''out''). Note that if you really want to abuse his generosity, you can get 450 G out of him 50 G at a time, then go topless to pick up your final handout. He'll still give you a full 500 G, making a total of 950 G leeched out of him before he cuts you off.
Finally, if you come by at night you'll see a blue-haired young man walking around the west side of the fountain. He's available for some hot [[VH/H-events|H-event]] action.
==== '''North Gate''' ====
Onsen Town's North Gate is sealed when you first arrive. When you take the [[VH/Quests#Goblin_Extermination_.28Repeatable.29|Goblin Extermination quest]], the gate will automatically be unlocked. While you're on the quest, exiting the North Gate will take you directly to the camp site of the goblins you need to murder. After you've completed the quest, the North Gate remains unlocked and leads to the wilderness north of town. If you ever repeat the quest, the gate will once again lead directly to the goblin camp. It'll go back to letting you access the wilderness once the quest is complete.
You'll use this gate for the Goblin Extermination quest, of course, as well as part of the later [[VH/Quests#Thieves_hide_out|Thieves' hide-out quest]]. In addition, after you reach the Capital and take the [[VH/Quests#Rescue_at_the_Valley_of_the_Wyvern|Rescue at Wyvern Valley]] quest, you'll return and head out this way.
The North Gate contains doors that lead inside the City Walls. Walk underneath the gate so that you're hidden from view and then go either east or west. If you have trouble, shift one square north or south and try again.
Also, note that on top of the wall there are small gaps in the battlements. If you're on top of the wall, you can jump down at those gaps to reach ground level. You can't climb back up through them, though.
==== East Gate ====
The East Gate is sealed, but there's a gaping hole in the wall just to the north of it. Note the patches of sand, which indicate where so many people have walked ''around'' the gate that they've killed the grass. Why is the soldier facing the nice, secure gate to his south instead of the massive breach to his north? ''Because he is bad at his job.''
Anyway, walking out this gate will take you to the wilderness east of town. This is the gate you'll use for the [[VH/Quests#Bodyguard|Bodyguard]] and [[VH/Quests#Babysitter|Babysitter]] quests, as well as the first part of the [[VH/Quests#Thieves_hide_out|Thieves' hide-out quest]].
This gate also has doors that lead inside the Walls. One entrance is on the northern side of the hole, and the other is on the southern side of the gate itself.
The top of the East Gate has just one gap in the battlement, on the interior side. Once again, you can use this to jump down but not to get back up.
==== '''South Gate''' ====
The South Gate is closed, and currently can't be opened. A little odd, since it appears to be the ''main'' gate, with what appear to be pretty beefy towers on either side.
As of update 11.12.06 the South Gate is now open, it leads to an open grassy area with train tracks and a singular house. Approaching this house gives a scene with a mother walking in on a brother and sister having sex, the scene
[[File:South_Gate.jpg|thumb|left|234px|The South Gate and the house]]hasn't been expanded past this.
==== '''West Gate''' ====
The West Gate is open from the time you arrive. It leads to the wilderness west of town.
You'll head out this gate to complete the [[VH/Quests#Medicine_Delivery|Medicine Delivery]] and [[VH/Quests#Minotaur_Extermination|Minotaur Extermination]] quests.
It has doors that lead inside the Walls, and on the top of the wall there are gaps you can jump down from on either side.
=== '''Northwest Quadrant''' ===
The Northwest part of town may be the most important, as it contains both the inn and the Adventurers' Guild. You might think of it as the business district.
==== '''Adventurers' Guild''' ====
The Adventurers' Guild is located right on the main East-West road, next to the West Gate. It's your primary source of quests here in town. You'll need 50 G to join. If you're a little short, you can go to the [[VH/Locations#Fountain|Fountain]] and mooch off of the fat guy. If you're a little short ''and'' you already exhausted his generosity... I dunno what to tell you. You must have been actively trying to screw yourself over.
You'll use the guild both to receive quests and to wrap them up: the last step is talking to the guild master to receive your reward. Also, if you "die" in the vicinity of Onsen Town, you'll wake up in here... assuming you joined the guild first, you have a [[VH/VH-Heart|VH-Heart]], and you weren't killed in some awful rape-you-to-death situation.
You can receive a free horse train ticket to the Capital by working your way to the top of the local rankings, but keep in mind that simply completing all of the quests won't do it; you'll have to do the repeatable quests a number of times.
==== '''Inn''' ====
The Inn is also on the main East-West road, right between the Adventurers' Guild and the Fountain. It is an important source of healing, time-killing (advancing night into day), and, of course, [[VH/H-events|hot beef injections]]. A night at this inn costs 100 G, but you get a free night if you've just completed a quest at the Adventurers' Guild. If you're short on cash, you can stay for free by helping out with chores or working out some ''other'' form of payment.
==== '''Secret Shop''' ====
Just north of the Adventurers' Guild you'll find this unusual building. Step into the alcove as shown in the picture and press the action button to go into the secret shop, staffed by a naked, ghostly Nanako.
This is sort of a cheating/debugging shop. It sells some powerful gear for cheap; if you're playing this game for the ''story'' and don't care about challenging combat you might find it useful. There are also some debugging tools and stuff with no apparent purpose. It also carries costumes, including some that you ordinarily only receive for the duration of a quest or event; now you can go waitress-style ''all'' the time.
Finally, the shop sells a few different unique items (like Nanako's comb and hair clip) in case you managed to lose them to a bug or something.
==== '''Loan Shark''' ====
In the northern half of the same building that houses the Secret Shop, you'll see a staircase leading downward. It leads to the local branch of demon loan sharks. They charge a hefty 1% per day, and if you don't pay off the loan within 30 days you receive a bad end.
==== '''Run-down Shack''' ====
This run-down shack is located east of the loan shark, north of the inn, west of the cafe. When you first arrive, you'll find a blue-haired guy in front bitching; listen to him and you'll find out that he bought the place sight-unseen and can't fix it.
The dialogue gives the impression that there might be a quest here in the future, but for now he just goes inside and disappears. If you head in, you'll just find an empty, run-down room; he won't be there.
==== '''Cafe''' ====
Right off the main North-South road, north of the inn, you'll find this cafe. The food here will instantly restore HP or MP, and it's considerably cheaper than buying potions, but you can't carry it with you. That really limits the usefulness of this place, since you could usually just go sleep at the inn instead, but if you want cheap healing and for some reason don't want to advance the clock by sleeping you might find it helpful.
The woman behind the counter describes the amount of healing each food provides, while the man actually ''sells'' it.
==== '''Pub''' ====
The last building in Onsen Town's Northwest Quadrant is the pub. You'll come here (probably many times) for the Adventurers' Guild's [[VH/Quests#Waitressing_in_Bar_.28Repeatable.29|Waitressing quest]].
=== '''Northeast Quadrant''' ===
The Northeast part of Onsen Town has a couple of points of interest, but also quite a bit of filler.
==== '''Onsen''' ====
The onsen (a hot spring that people bathe in) is the feature for which the town is named. It'll cost you just 20 G to enter and get access to all the ridiculous [[VH/H-events#Onsen_Town_Bathhouse.2FHot_Spring|H-events]] within.
==== '''Market''' ====
The onsen actually forms the southwest corner of a little market plaza.
===== Weapons and Armor =====
...and lottery tickets and lingerie.
Yes, the gentleman on the left sells a selection of weapons and armor, though it mostly duplicates what you have. This might be useful if some of your original equipment has been dissolved by slimes.
The woman on the right sells lottery tickets for 100 G (i.e. takes money from you and gives nothing in return). She also sells underwear, but again, it mostly just duplicates the starting equipment of various characters. Drop by here in case something... ''"happens"'' to your panties or those of your companions.
===== '''Items''' =====
The woman in the middle stall mostly sells expendable items (potions and whatnot). She also sells horse train tickets, but they're ''seriously'' expensive. You might be better off earning the free ticket at the Adventurers' Guild, since you'd probably have to work there anyway to get enough money for a ticket here.
She's also involved in the [[VH/Quests#Medicine_Delivery|Medicine Delivery quest]]; she gives you the item to deliver, and at the end of the quest she'll give you a few items as a bonus on top of the payment you receive back at the Guild.
===== '''"Toys"''' =====
Come by during the day and the shopkeeper will be busy unpacking and setting up. Return at night and he'll be open, offering an array of marital aids with little to no in-game purpose.
==== '''Boarding House / Barracks''' ====
The boarding house (formerly the barracks of the City Guard, but now available for rent) is the large stone building just north of the market. It has four entrances: two on the south face and two on the north. All four entrances lead to the same common area. The above picture shows the southwest entrance.
At the moment, there's really nothing to do here. There are a few people to chat with, but that's all. Note that after you finish the whole [[VH/Quests#Thieves_hide_out|Thieves' Hide-out quest]], the boarding house will be closed, but you won't be missing much.
==== '''City Guard headquarters''' ====
The headquarters of the City Guard is to the north of the boarding house, right up against (and connected to) the Walls. There are three doors on the south face; the picture shows the westernmost entrance.
The western entrance leads to a training area, with several soldiers sparring. The central entrance leads to an unmanned counter. The eastern entrance leads to an information desk, where you can report crimes and [[VH/H-events#Onsen_Town_Bathhouse.2FHot_Spring|be raped]] in exchange.
Most of the interior of the barracks is inaccessible from these three public entrances; to experience the rest of the building, including a soldier who craps lava, you'll need to get in the back way by going inside the Walls.
=== '''Southeast Quadrant''' ===
There are a few different events around here, but the southeastern portion of town is mostly dominated by a big lake.
==== '''Restrooms''' ====
Just to the southeast of the fountain you'll find the public restrooms. There are, of course, [[VH/H-events#Restrooms|H-events]] to be had here. Also, the clock on the front of the building can be used to advance time (day to night or night to day).
==== '''Bench area''' ====
At the center of the lake is a small bench that if Nanako chooses to lie down on, triggers an [[VH/H-events#Outside_.28daytime.29|H-Scene]].
==== '''Carriage shop''' ====
From here you can travel to numerous places in debug mode, in regular mode it allows you to travel to the capitol if you have the free city pass.
==== '''Secret rating area''' ====
This area is found by going to the East Gate but instead of going out the little side door, go down into the wall and you will be inside it, keep going down untill you reach a set of stairs to the right, you will be outside again, go down onto the grassy area up towards the child, he will see if you're wearing panties ( though it doesnt really matter if you are or not). Continue on into the stairs to get to the secret room, viewing the mirror will have Nanako check her self out, talking to the man will have him rate you and going as far left as you can and then down and talking to a barrel will give you a similar scene.
NOTE: this area is largely untranslated.<gallery type="slideshow">
Capture1.JPG|Going into the wall
Capture2.JPG|Finding the stairs
Capture3.JPG|Entering the room
Capture4.JPG|Conversing with a barrel
As mentioned before, it is possible to venture within the walls surrounding Onsen Town and atop their battlements. In addition to doors located to either side of each gate and centered beneath the overarching battlements, the Walls' Interior can also be accessed through another door immediately southeast of the Carriage Shop and through numerous stairwells interspersed along the battlements. The battlements themselves can be accessed by ascending stairwells outside in the Northeast and Southwest Quadrants (the Northwest Quadrant has blockaded its stairwell and the Southeast Quadrant's stairwell only provides access to the Secret Room). The Horse Train Station (whose door is mentioned earlier in this section) is actually located within the southern Wall.
=== Southwest Quadrant ===
The southwest section of Onsen Town is filled with residences. One has some very important stuff inside, and almost all have some sort of [[VH/H-events#Residential_Area_.28Southwest_part_of_Town.29|trouble]] that you can get in.
The residential district is built around a small L-shaped road. It connects to the major roads near the West Gate and the South Gate. The different houses will be described in the order you encounter them when you walk along the L-shaped road starting near the South Gate.
==== Soldier's Family's House ====
The first house along the L-shaped road contains a wife and three kids; the husband is off serving in the guard, and this has apparently caused some strife in the family. However, there's nothing for ''us'' to care about in here.
==== "Affectionate" Couple's House ====
The second house you'll encounter belongs to a married couple. They apparently enjoy each others' company greatly; if you head upstairs you'll find that either the husband is away and the wife is eagerly awaiting his return, or he's home and they're [[VH/H-events#Bottom_Left_House|humping like rabbits]].
==== Witch's House ====
Following the third side path off the L-shaped road will take you to a vine-covered house inhabited by a young witch. This is easily the most important house in the district.
First, scattered around the house are books that let you manipulate your character's personality stats: charm, purity/dirtiness, and sexual desire. You can read the books over and over, so you can basically change those stats however you like.
Second, if you're strong enough (determined by your hit points), the witch will offer you extremely degrading but highly profitable quests. There are multiple HP tiers, so if you've done her early quests and she hasn't offered you the later ones you may need to level up more.
Third, after completing the witch's first quest you get access to a new basement area with a magical symbol on the floor. There are similar symbols elsewhere, and the symbol here can act as a teleportation ''destination'' from those, but you can't actually teleport ''from'' here (which may be a bug).
==== Shota's House ====
Proceeding north along the L-shaped road, you'll hit a spot where sidewalks branch off to both the left and the right; if you go left you'll reach Shota's house. By day, there is a loving couple living here with their young son; return at night with a sufficiently depraved character for an [[VH/H-events#Upper_Left_House_.28only_at_night.29|H scene]] with the impressionable lad.
==== House with Kids "Playing Doctor" ====
Hang a right at the intersection described above and you'll find this house. According to a note in the kitchen, the parents have gone out for the day; the kids have accordingly headed down to the basement for some [[VH/H-events#Small_house_located_NW_of_the_Vine_House|H action]].

Latest revision as of 03:40, 11 October 2024

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This page contains information about the various locations in the game.