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*You can choose to change infront of the owner. While Nanako is getting ready to undress she will notice the owner staring at her. You will be give the option to
*You can choose to change infront of the owner. While Nanako is getting ready to undress she will notice the owner staring at her. You will be give the option to
#find a different locker.
#change infront of the owner.
#change infront of the owner.
#find a different locker.
#*If Purity is high, Nanako will convince herself that the owner probably sees many women naked in order to get over her embarassment.
#*If Purity is high, Nanako will convince herself that the owner probably sees many women naked in order to get over her embarassment.
#*If Purity is low, Nanako can choose to perform a little strip show for the owner.
#*If Purity is low, Nanako can choose to perform a little strip show for the owner.

Revision as of 19:53, 3 June 2010

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Other stuff:

On this page you can find allmost all the H-events. In case you know about a H-scene that isn’t on the list yet, feel free to add them by pressing edit.

The Overworld (outside towns)

  • Goblins can tear clothing off as well as attack. If you are naked you can get raped by a goblin (no game over).
  • Slimes are able to melt cloths. If you are naked they can rape you.
  • Minotaurs can rape you when you're naked.

First town/Onsen Town

Onsen Town Bathhouse/Hot Spring

  • You can pay 20G to the man behind the counter to enter the bathhouse.
    • The owner will ask you what you want to wear inside the bath, giving you the option to
    1. wear nothing.
    2. wear a towel.
    3. wear a bikini.
    • If you choose to go in naked the owner will suggest Nanako to show her goods before getting changed.
  • You can choose to change infront of the owner. While Nanako is getting ready to undress she will notice the owner staring at her. You will be give the option to
  1. find a different locker.
  2. change infront of the owner.
    • If Purity is high, Nanako will convince herself that the owner probably sees many women naked in order to get over her embarassment.
    • If Purity is low, Nanako can choose to perform a little strip show for the owner.
      • If Charm is low, the owner will find the show boring, leaving Nanako feeling angry and inadequate.
      • If Charm is high, the owner will be thoroughly aroused, leaving Nanako feeling satisfied with herself.
    • With a Charm of 70, three shows for the owner will want him to have sex with Nanako in which you can choose which hole for him to cum into
    1. Vaginal
    2. Anal
    3. Mouth

Men's Bath

  • As you enter you are given a choice to either
  1. stay and enter the bathwater.
  2. leave.
  • When entering the bathtube Nanako feels her body is in danger, and she can either
  1. get out.
  2. choose to stay.
  • Choosing the second option will lead to the men groping Nanako. The man will ask her if she provoked this by entering the men's bath.
  • Nanako can say she
  1. expected this to happen.
  2. or ask them to stop screwing around.
  • Choosing to have expected this to happen, Nanako will be offering her body to the crowd.
  • Go up to one of the men and talk to them and you'll be asked whether Nanako
  1. sex with him.
  2. decline to sex.
  • Choosing not have sex with him will have him rape Nanako. You can either
  1. resist.
  2. give up.
  • After telling them to stop screwing around and attempting to leave, the door will get blocked by one of the men, triggering the fight/gang rape scene.
    • When knocked down to doggy style, you can either
    1. resist.
    2. give up if, if your Sexual stat is high enough.
  • When loosing all HP, Nanako faints and later wakes up in her room in the inn. Intercourse counter only increase by the amount you got raped while being consciousness.
  • After having sex with them, be it by choice or force, reentering the mens bath will have the men asking Nanako whether she wants to have a good time again or not.
    • Nanako can either
    1. accept.
    2. decline.
    • Choosing the first option will show a similar scene to the gangrape.
    • The second option will let you walk around trigger the first scene when you entered the bath.
  • If Nanako had forced sex in the Onsen you can report the gang rape to the Guard Office located in town at the uppermost right door in town.
    • Speak to the guard and choose the first of two options. You will become the slave of the guards for a week and then be released out of town.
      • This will heavily affect the status of her vagina (will change to Full Bloom and adds ~350 intercourses).
  • When released, you have the choice of either killing or sparing the guard. The consequences are unknown.

Mixed Bath

  • Talking to the kid at the top of the bath will trigger a scene where Nanako gets groped.
  • Have sex with the blue-haired man. You need a high Desire Level for this (~80).
  • You can choose to have him
  1. cum inside.
  2. cum in her mouth.
  • Afterwards, you can talk to the bald headed man above him and decide to
  1. have sex with him.
  2. get angry with him.
  • You can choose which hole for him to cum in
  1. vagina.
  2. anal.
  3. mouth.
  • You can keep the towel or the micro bikini from the bathhouse.

South Gate

  • Blue-haired man – Asks you if you want be teleported.
  1. Teleports you to the dungeon.
  1. Decline.
  • Here you can view animated scenes of Nanako on the main floor.
    • Talk to the pink haired girl at the bottom to go to the main floor
    • Press the use key (z) on any animation to get a more detailed one.
  • Bald NPC - Will teleport you to the slave market. Here you can:
    • Buy the slave girl in the most right room if you have enough gold.
    • Talk to the red man in the bathroom. This will give you two options:
    1. You can choose to attack him which will have you end up as a sex slave on auction, resulting in a Game Over.
    2. Do nothing.
  • Take the dirt path to the east of the south gate and continue down. Here you can take the train to the capitol, if you have a ticket (buy from the item shop, it's the 7000G item). You only need to buy the ticket once.

Adventurer's Guild

  • Top right two NPCs in room - Meeting the requirements gets different dialogue
    • Had relationship with blue haired NPC at night and accepted money
    • Had over 300 intercourse.

Old buildings north of Adventurer’s Guild

Open room (most north)
  • You can borrow money from the demon here. Once you talk to him you are given the options to
  1. borrow money.
  2. pay back debt.
  3. end conversation.
  • If you don’t pay him back in five days he will send men in black to capture you and sell you on the slave market, resulting in a Game Over.
Hidden room (entrance on the side)
  • Here you can find a ghostly Nanako. She sells special items such as Viagra (バイアグラ), a Rope top (縄) a Orc Penis which greatly raises attack (オークのイチモツ) and a chastity belt (バイブ付き貞操帯)


  • If Nanako has less than 100G and her Sexual is high and Purity is low, she can choose to pay for a room by selling her body.
    • From that point on you can stay for the night by selling your body to him.
  • Third floor - If purity is below 15 and money is low, the rich man will pay you 5000G to have sex with his dog.
    • This is now repeatable at a certain stat level.
  • If you use the arousal medicine before sleeping at the inn Nanako will wake in the middle of the night.
    • You can choose to
    1. masturbate.
    2. fall asleep.
    3. go look for someone to have sex with.
  • If you choose the last option you can go to the blonde haired NPC next door.
    • With a high Charm/Sexuality you can seduce him.
    • With low Purity you can choose to rape him.
  • After you raped or seduced him, you can go back and have sex with him again. However, you are stuck with the scene corresponding to your first choice (i.e. Nanako will always rape him if you raped him the first time, never giving you the choice to seduce him.)

Outside (daytime)

  • If you are wearing full clothing and rest on the bench at the pond, you get molested by a bunch of kids while you are sleeping.
  • If low on money and wearing little/no clothing, the man standing north of the fountain will give Nanako 500G in sympathy.
    • Otherwise he'll give you 50G until you have over 500G.

Outside (Night)

To change from day to night, you can either use the clock near the restrooms, or sleep at the inn. Please note that some events require Nanako to be in Horny status in order to happen.

  • Blue haired NPC next to fountain - Nanako can sleep with him for 200G or for free. Will not cause a time change.
    1. Go out with him.
    2. Ask for compensation. Requires dirtiness of 60.
    3. Decline.
  • Right item shop in the small plaza will sell sex-related items (not yet implemented).

Outside Onsen Town

  • Located in the first screen outside the East Gate is the house of a mother(Sefiria) with her two boys. This is part of the babysitter quest. Before doing the babysitter quest be sure to have a low purity and buy an arousal medicine. You also need the rope which you can get from the basement of the witch's hut inside a box. Have Nanako drink the arousal medicine before entering the house.
    • You will get a cutscene where she studies with the kids and eventually they all fall asleep.
    • Nanako will wake up in the middle of the night and can either
    1. have sex with the kids.
    2. masturbate.
    • Choosing the first option will lead to Nanako having sex with the kids.
      • If you come back after you have finished the quest you can talk to the kids and have sex with them again.
      • While having sex with the kids Sefiria will walk in and catch them in the act.
        • This will lead her to attack Nanako. If you defeat her and have the rope with you, you will get a scene where the boys have sex with Sefiria and Nanako and eventually ending up in the basement where their mother becomes their sex slave.
    • Choosing the second option will lead to Nanako masturbating in the night.
      • If you come back after you have finished the quest, you can talk to Sefiria and help her again.
      • Nanako will study with the kids and she will fall asleep on the second floor.
        • Repeat this event about five times.
      • You will eventually get a cutscene where Sefiria goes to the basement and the kids follow her down, where they see her masturbating.
        • You will once again wake up in the middle of the night and be able to choose whether to
        1. have sex with the kids.
        2. masturbate.
      • If you chose to have sex with the kids you can return to the house and talk to the kids to have sex with them again.
      • Their mother will catch you in the act and attack Nanako. If you defeat her you will get a sex scene
      • Afterwards you can reenter the house and go up to the second floor for an event where Sefiria is having sex with both the kids and you can choose to
      1. join them
      2. leave.
      • Choosing the first option will get you a scene where Sefiria and Nanako have sex with the kids and race to see who can cum first.
      • Choosing the second option will make Nanako walk out of the room.


  • Go into the middle stall of the female restrooms and Nanako will relieve her bladder. However, a pervert will be peeking from the stall to the right of it.
    • Confront him, and you will get raped by him.
    • Leave, and the elf outside on the bench will rape the pervert.
  • Go inside the male restroom when you hear voices at the door to peek on a couple (exiting when the couple are inside will cause game crash via an endless text loop).

Residential Area (Southwest part of Town)

Vine House
  • Go in a read the sparkly book on the shelf. Talk to the NPC and if your HP is above 80 she will offer Nanako a quest to help het collect monster semen.
    • After saying yes go down into the dungeon and have sex with a monster. Go upstairs an talk to the NPC so she can take out the semen. Repeat this until you have done all the monsters. The NPC will give Nanako 20,000 gold for her efforts.
    • After the quest is over, talk to the NPC if you want to have more sex with the monsters.
  • There are three books inside the house that can change your desire and purity. The top closed book will raise desire by 10. The middle closed book will lower desire by 10 and the right bookshelf in the bottom room wil raise desire by 10 and lower purity by 10.
Small house NW of Vine House
  • Nanako will find a group of boys "playing doctor" with a little girl. You can choose to
  1. take her place
  2. observe from where you are standing.
  • Choosing to take her place will lead to the children playing doctor with Nanako instead.
    • If your desire is high and purity is low the children will fuck Nanako instead of just examining her
Bottom Left House
  • On the second floor you can see 2 NPC’s have sex (might have to re-enter a few times).
    • If you choose to stay an watch Nanako will watch and masturbate as long as her sexual desire is high and her purity is low.

Bathhouse/Onsen Inn (all the way to the east from first town)

  • After completing the bodyguard quest, go back to where you separated from your client and then go south to get to the bath house/Onsen Inn.
  • When inside with less than 250 gold, ask the purple haired owner Chitose to stay at the Inn. She will offer you a job to capture a pervert.
  • After accepting it go up towards the bath and undress yourself by pressing the use key (z) att one of the lockers. Walk towards the bath and Chitose will come towards you asking you if she should clean it before you go in.
    • Accept and you will see Chotose get raped by the pervert. She will later get raped in one of the rooms while an assistant works at the front desk.
    • Refuse and Nanako (that's you) will be in the bath. When you try to leave the pervert will appear. Defeat him by rapidly hitting him with any attack or let him was his way with you (get raped).
      • After he has raped you use the clock next you the front desk to turn the day into night. Now the pervert will be in the bottom-left room. Talk to him and Nanako can offer herself to him. After the sex (with an internal shot) read the note he left on the desk. It will tell you to go to the men's rest room to have Nanako prostitute herself. Go to the men’s bathroom and after Nanako ask whether or not she will prostitute say yes. Nanako will be nude with her legs spread accepting anyone who enters the rest room. The inn will then become a brothel with Nanako and Chitosa as cum buckets. (game over)

New City

In order to get to New City you need to buy a trainticket (都への切符) at the middle shop in the First Town/Onsen City. After buying one, go towards the south gate and follow the sandpad into the city walls. Talk to the NPC at the counter and select (1) yes to go to New City.


  • If you talk to the blond haired man/woman near the entrance, you can kiss him/her with the respective animation:
    • 1. Tongue kiss
    • 2. Deep kiss
    • 3. Not yet implemented
    • 4. Not yet implemented

North New City

  • Read the sign on the leftside of the door to learn about a waitress job (requires waitress/bar quest completion in Onsen Town). Go talk to the owner, and she'll ask if you can work day or night (only night is available). Sleep at the inn, and Nanako will automatically wake up in the middle of the night. Enter the bar from behind, change into waitress uniform (if Sexual is high and Purity is low, can choose not to put on panties).
    • Similiar concept as the first bar mission in Onsen Town, except EVERYONE can feel Nanako up. After a certain amount of gropes without resisting, you'll lose all your clothing, until only the half-apron is left. Then you can get groped at the chest or hips. Finish the quest as normal by delivering food (if you've been to the Bathhouse Inn where Chitose works, you may lose the waitress outfit if you picked it up there already once the quest if finished because it uses the same outfit).
Center-East House
  • Here you will find a strange man who will request Nanako to insert a egg into her womb (not sure what it does, scenario seems to be unfinished).
East House
  • There is a blonde man man who will request Nanako to have anal sex with him if she talks to him naked, if she says yes you follow him inside and do so until night, you recieve 10g for this.

West New City

Doctor’s Office
  • You can buy various items here.
  • You can check if Nanako is pregnant or not. Is she is pregnant then the doctor can:
    • Help Nanako deliver the baby when it’s time.
    • Abort the baby
    • Do nothing (Nanako isn’t sure yet)
Guard’s Office (on the left from the Doctor)
  • Guard Captain Rin (a futanari) can be found here (left office).
    • After completing the Murder quest you can recruit Rin into your party. You can have sex with Rin as long as you have chosen the second option of the last cutscene from the Murder quest (if you use Viagra while having chosen the first option the game will crash).
      • In order to have sex Rin and Nanako must take their arousal drug (マカビ○ビ○Z for Nanako, バイアグラ for Rin). Then during daytime, talk to Rin in her office. During nighttime go upstairs and wake her in the left room.
      • You can also have sex in the alleyway where the murder occurred if you check the box when both Rin and Nanako are excited.
    • In order to get the Rin Good End you need to:
      • Get all four scenes with the maid by having sex with Rin and visiting the office at night.
        • Maid masturbating on Rin's desk.
        • Maid masturbating in the second floor bathroom.
        • Maid masturbating on Rin's bed.
        • Maid spying on Rin and Nanako while they're having sex in the bedroom.
      • Raise relationship with Rin high by activating her helmet on the desk multiple times.
      • When you've fulfilled the requirements you will trigger a cutscene when you talk to Rin.
Southwest New City
  • The sewer entrance for the Slime King quest can be found here.
  • Left blue-haired NPC will ask for sex. Say yes and you will strip.
    • Let him touch
      • Put it in
        • Wait
          • Put it in(Sex until pass out, choice to release in or out)
          • Wait(Runs away from H Event)
          • Say Nothing(Sex until pass out)
        • Say nothing(Sex until pass out)
    • Refuse
    • If you choose to away after you have stripped the game will crash.