Jack-o-nine: Tips

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original


Slave Induction

Everyone will have their own style of play, but there are a few things you can do when you get a new slave that makes life a lot easier.

  1. Explain Her Position: Actually, it's quite hard to gauge the effect of this. But if you're going to do it, sooner is better than later. There are three topics for "explain" and you can do them one after the other.
  2. Medical Examination: Take her to the Technosphere in the Serpentine Quarter and have the medics look her over. This way you catch diseases and xeno-parasites. You might want to sterilise her while you're there. That saves having the Vatican steal your pregnant slaves and keeps them from being re-infected with Fiend larvae.
  3. Branding: You need to put your mark on your slave if you want to sell her anywhere other than slave auction. Go to the Outcast Quarter and get Uncle Bo to tattoo her with your brand.
  4. Rules: Check the rules page and make sure that your slave is getting enough food. I personally like to always use fresh food (expensive but worth it for the effect on her mood). Tick "Deny Orgasm" and "Force Rules". Leave her sleeping on a bedroll to begin with.
  5. Obedience You may need to apply some punishments before your slave will obey. Get these out of the way now.
  6. Clothing Once your slave starts to obey use the "Gift" reward to give her a sun dress.
  7. Encouragement: After that, Talk->Affect->Encourage should lift her mood into the green.
  8. Ask her questions: Asking what she wants to do might reveal a hidden talent, asking about requests can hint at a possible fetish, asking about fears could let you know about what punishments she responds greatly to.

At this point you should have a good basic start.

Keep Your Slaves Happy!

A happy slave learns faster than a miserable one, while unhappy ones can spiral into depression, which in turn can harm your slave's psychological stats and may eventually leave her broken and worthless. Consequently it is in the trainer's best interest if his slave is happy.

  • Talk to her: Ask your slave how she is feeling. She'll tell you all the things that are making her happy, and the ones that are making miserable. Where possible address her concerns. Complaints about bedding can be solved by letting her share your bed, for instance. If she complains that her secretions look strange, take her to the doctor. If there are things that make her happy that aren't present (good sex, free time, etc) consider using one as her next reward.
  • Active Sex: A dozen orgasms in quick succession will cheer up just about any slave.
  • Letting your slave sleep in a boudoir is a cheap way to boost her mood.

See also: Mood

Train D-Class Slaves

It's possible to train a slave to D-Class fairly quickly and cheaply. The returns are better on higher quality slaves, but unless you have a sizable bankroll, so are the risks. Churning through D-Class slaves can be a good way to accumulate the funds needed for a more ambitious project.

A D-Class slave with one blue skill sells for 300 sparks to the guild sub-purchaser, no questions asked. But check at the forum first - there are some buyers who will pay 500 for the same slave. Additionally there are buyers who will pay 500 for D-Class assistants (Realtor) Nurse (Medical Centre) Enchantress (Mystra, Base Camp) and possibly others. These are repeat customers, so you can sell them any number of slaves. However you'll need to spend a little time making your slaves presentable. Generally a full work-over at the Salon (I usually get one for the PC as well) plus a gown, lace gloves and heels seems to suffice. You'll probably need to equip the new clothes and then sleep before the bonuses take full effect for some reason.

Summary: Churn D-Class slaves to build up funds. Sell to buyers in preference to the sub-purchaser. Raise style to blue if you want to sell to businesses.

The Buyer Of Last Resort

Sometimes you get saddled with a lemon; too stupid and too stubborn to train in time. The slave market will generally give you 3 sparks for such slaves. But you can get 10 or more from the butcher. Just saying.

Save Your Sparks!

Increasing your standard of living will only get you one point of positive mood, and can drain your funds very quickly. Consider whether that the cost is worth it (its usually not). Having too low of a standard of living will decrease your mood, but doesn't seem to decrease it further if taken even lower. If you can't afford a happy standard of living, might as well set it to impoverished and be done with it.

Rank C Concubine

Several residents request a rank C concubine. To satisfy their requirements they need 10 sexual skills, which is just 2 shy of a rank B slave (not sure about rank B concubine sex requirements). Might be worth taking your slave a bit further for a better payout.

Gift Rewards

  • If you're selling your slave to a business that has a style requirements, reward your slave with some items that you'd have to end up buying for her to complete the sale to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
  • A good use of a one point reward is to buy flowers for your slave. It's cheap and it allows you to use the five point "promise her a gift" option later without penalty.
  • A good use for a two point reward is the sensual massage which gets an extra action.
  • Sweet rewards are, paradoxically, good for dieting slaves. Set the slave to weight loss regimen, make them exercise them until they have negative calories and then use a sweet reward to bring the cal count up to zero or one. That way the slave will lose weight rapidly but without starvation.

Jonny: Some notes on playing at maximum difficulty


The trouble with playing as Jonny (one of many) is that his initial dominance is F-. That means his slaves will rebel with clockwork regularity, up to and including trying to kill him if he tries to discipline them. So Job One is to get the bare minimum of combat training.

To do this travel white town. Visit the armourer shop and get an Aketon and a whip. "Borrow" Isabella's leather armor - it's not much but a bit better than nothing for now. Then go to the Colosseum and spar with the weakest slave. You won't be able to raise your combat skill (beyond the one level granted by the Aketon fencing jacket) but it will train your strength. Try and get it to B/Blue and buy a special training - roundhouse kick is recommended.

With that done you stand a decent chance of surviving your first couple of slave rebellions

Guild Work

Now go to the Guild and see what slave training work is available. You can train most specialties, but there are a few pitfalls.

  • Feeble Slaves get too few actions to be trainable in a hurry (and you are in a hurry). Especially if they have multiple thorns of rebellion in their aura. Best avoided.
  • Enchantress Slaves. Neither you nor Isabella have any initial magic skill, so you'll need to send her to school. That's an expense you can do without when starting out as Jonny.
  • Courtesan. Sex slaves take longer to train than the others. You're in a hurry.
  • Pet training inspires a lot more resistance than the other types. Once you gave a few successes under your belt you can probably cope, but avoid these missions to begin with.

Housing & Assistant

With your new slave (and the up front payment for training her) go to the real estate office and rent the bare minimum apartment in Serpentine, and then nip down to the Fogs and pick up Isabella - you're going to need her skills to do most of the training.


The first few slaves are going to be difficult. You need to train them before you run out of money, which means inside decade, two if you're lucky. You don't have time to gently lead difficult girls to right behaviour. And they are all going to be difficult to start with.

So your strategy is basically to train the key skill every turn until it meets the requirements, punishing as needed. Don't bother with psychological stuff - go for shaming, bondage and flagellation in that order. In particular you want to avoid bruises and traces of beatings as these can keep a slave at F- level until they heal.

Once the skill is established, add other common skills until the slave reaches D rank. Then turn them in and get another one as soon as you can. Keep doing this until you have around 1500 sparks.

Remember that there is one thing in which Johnny is good at - starting as the Worst of Perverts he can use Golden Shower during active sex and only slaves with Purist trait will be turned off by it. You can also very early start Golden Shower training to drain Pride and when it gets to S+ (B is enough but his other sex skills begin at dismall level so might as well max this out) set the slave to behave:urinal without negative mood penalties and with an excuse to daily train slave's Maid skill.

Other Considerations

Your Skills You'll need the appropriate garb to start training in most areas. You can't afford to get it all at once but it's worth buying the relevant item for each contract until you have the set (or can afford to fill the gaps)

Isabella You're going to be relying on Izzy's skills a lot to begin with. Not only is she better than you at most things, but she's a better teacher and she's cheaper than sending slaves to school. Make use of her.

Raising Basic Attributes. This can be a tar-pit and is often a sign that a slave is useless to you. Raising basic stats to D rank can take a long time depending on where the deficiencies may lie. Sometimes its faster to sell them to Farid (or to the butcher) and buy a new slave for 5 sparks and start over. Remember - you don't need to deliver the same slave - any one that fits the spec will do. Alternatively, if you're fond of the slave, check her into a cryo-tube and finish her training when you have the sparks and time to spare.

Bruising, Beatings and Scars As I mentioned earlier, bruises and beatings can lower the looks of a slave to the point where she no longer qualifies for D rank. Scarring can at least be fixed at the medical center, but you probably don't have the budget for that. Again, it may be best to freeze or sell the slave and start over.

Saving This approach should be viable without resort to "save scumming" or excessive saving and reloading. All the same, I'd recommend you keep a save gave every decade or so. Things can always go wrong unexpectedly.

Fame Avoid working on your brand! The better known your brand, the higher rank the guild will expect from your training missions. The trouble is that it takes a lot longer to train C rank slaves and you need a rapid turnaround at the start. So keep your brand low until you no longer depend on guild work.


Jonny is entirely playable if appropriate care is taken. He's a lot slower to get up to speed and needs to spend a lot more time breaking in his slaves. On the other hand (as has been pointed out elsewhere) after Jonny, anyone else is going to be a breeze.

Tips for Training

Linked sex skill training

Many skills are Linked to another skill that will be learned with it here a list.

Trained skill first sub skill second sub skill third sub skill forth sub skill
Fitness Training Dance (around 5~10%)
Domestication Pet Training (100%)
Pet Training Domestication (100%)
Pony Training Harness Training (100%)
Harness Training PonyTraining (100%)
Footjob Handjob (24%)
Rubbing Handjob (24%)
Titjob Handjob (24%)
Kissing Licking (45%)
Blowjob Deep Throat (100%) Bukkake (50%)
Rimming Licking (45%)
Seduction Exhibitionism (30%)
Dildo Mastrubation (100%) Exhibitionism (33%)
Humilation Exhibitionism (30%)
Anal Sex Anal fisting (33.3%)
Triple penetration Double Penetration (100%) Sex (50%) Anal sex (50%)
Gangbang Trible Penetration (100% Double Penetration (100%) Sex (50%) Anal sex (50%)
Self-torture Masochism (50%)
Scatology Golden Shower (100%)

Raising stamina

Notes on raising Stamina: On a slave with Stamina:feeble, most of the stamina raising actions are greyed out. There are 2 still available that are not:

  • Enema training
  • Entertain me: Acrobatics (be careful, uses 2 calories)
  • Wearing Athletic Leotard and Sneakers gives bonus to learning stamina which applies even to Feeble slaves

Lowering Pride

Notes on dealing with high Pride: Most of the Rules have Pride in the obedience test, so the slave will usually disobey until Obedience is quite high. There are 2 that test other stats and also lower pride:

  • Silence rule - obey check is Obedience vs Temperament.
  • Deny Toileting rule - obey check is Obedience vs (Ego + 1)

Two of the Shame punishments decrease pride, oddly the others don't appear to:

  • Naked walk
  • Shameful Podium

Some of the Trainings that reduce pride have relatively low Obedience requirements for the slave not to refuse to perform them:

  • Humiliation training: 3
  • Anal sex: 5
  • Enema training: Pride + 1


  • The leather collar will decrease pride without any mood malus.
  • The steel collar will decrease pride, but affects mood quite harshly (-3)
  • Some of the pet gear (pony plume, anal tail, pony harness) will decrease pride, but affects mood, some quite harshly (harness is -2, plume is -3, matches the Pride effects)
    • If you're in a hurry and worried about mood, you can possibly balance this with some mood raising clothing (sundress,slippers,headband,wedding dress), Rules(boudoir, leftovers) or actions(Encourage, spa treatment)
    • Beware that Rule:in my bed will *decrease* mood with high slave Pride and low Obedience.