Jack-o-nine: Selling

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original


There are several ways to sell slaves.

  • The shops in the different districts buy unlimited amounts of D rank slaves for 500 sparks. This often a good place to start when just starting out, to get a bit of spending cash. The main skill in question usually needs to be blue. There are also shops like the gentleman's club in quarter of the bull, which pay 2500 for B rank slaves.

  • Each district has a residence area where you can find people buying slaves ranging from D rank at 500 sparks, C rank at 1000 sparks and B rank at 2500 sparks. These buyers have no special requirements and only require you to get a slave to the proper rank, and that the slave has training in the main skill they seek. Selling to these people also grant you reputation in that quarter, which means that once you've sold to a few of them, you'll get access to the nobles of that quarter.

  • There are 3 nobles and a leader in each quarter except white town, where there is only 1 noble and a leader. After you've sold a slave to one of the nobles (see specifics on the wiki pages for each quarter), you unlock the leader which pays you 10000 sparks. The nobles only pay 5000. In white town they don't pay anything. After selling a slave to one of the leaders, you're made a patrician.

  • Every ten days, the slavers guild holds an auction, where you can sell your slave. The prices here are random and depend on how many of the buyers you get interested in your slave. I believe this is done by having a well rounded slave that meets the qualification for many jobs. you can usually get around 9-10000 for a well made S+ slave. After you've gotten to the endgame, and you're no longer trying to please a quarter leader, this is pretty much the only way to get a good price for A and S+ slaves. To keep track of when the auction happens, you can click the "day x" in the upper left. This will show you the time until an auction happens, as well as races and tournaments at the Colosseum. If something is happening on the same day, there will be a "!" at "day".

  • There are 4 "special mission" in the central forum of the white quarter. You don't get any sparks for selling to these, but you get a unique item that boosts various stats on your slaver. See Central Forum

  • If you've got one with stats you don't like, you can sell them to Farid in the slave market, but he'll only give you a pittance. If you do this before watching that days auction, the slave you sold will appear as the first one in the auction. You can also sell you slave for meat at the "Gastronomicon" in the trade market of white town. The butcher pays even less than Farid, but you can get some editable meat for it, saving you a bit on food bills.

In the central forum of the white quarter you can do something called "find potential customers". This looks for people that are buying a slave which has the qualifications of your slave. It only finds for the slaves current rank, which means that an A or S+ slave will most likely not find any buyers, since only quarter leaders buy S+, and i don't know of any people that buy A. Just to be clear, these "found" people, are not new people, it's just a tool which spares you going to each quarter and checking whether someone is buying whatever you trained your slave to. After you've looked around for customers, you need to go back to the house, look at your slaver, and check the "objectives" tab. You will see "I am thinking on how to sell slave more profitably". If you click this, it'll show you a list of people in each quarter that will buy your slave.