Jack-o-nine: Rules

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original


Rules can affect auras, skills, mood, hygiene, and health. You need to apply at least two rules (three on hard mode, zero on easy) to avoid spoiling your slave. Note that "Force Rules" counts toward this.

If a slave breaks a rule, she doesn't gain the benefits of the rule. Also, her Taming, Awareness, and Habit decrease, making it more difficult to get her to obey. Pride can also increase, depending on which rule was broken. For a disobedient slave, it may be a good idea to choose rules that are automatically followed, such as Bath Slave, Act as Maid, Act as Cook, Milkmaid, and Force Rules. Alternatively, use Force Rules and buy the items required to enforce compliance. Force Humility and Behave: Alarm require no items. The relevant items can be bought at the Steel Rose in the Necropolis.

Force Silence

Requires Obedience ≥ Temperament for willing compliance OR Reliable Gag ($20) and Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Habit
  • Increase Empathy
  • Lower Pride
  • Increases Escort up to slaver's Artist skill level

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Temperament

Force Humility

Requires Obedience > Pride for willing compliance OR Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Awareness
  • Increase Taming

(The degree of the increase depends on Slaver's Aura)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Pride

No Masturbating

Slave will want to masturbate if Arousal > 2 and Arousal > Pride. Slave will refrain if Taming > Arousal or Obedience/3 > Arousal > 5 or Devotion > Arousal or with Force Rules and Chastity Belt ($30).

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Taming each time slave would masturbate but doesn't

Negative Effect:

  • Slave doesn't gain experience for the masturbation sex skill

Deny Orgasm

Unlike other rules that apply daily, these effects apply each time the slave successfully holds back an orgasm.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Arousal
  • Increase Empathy
  • Increase Taming

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Mood

Deny Toileting

Requires Obedience + Perversion + Master Aura ≥ Nature + Pride for willing compliance OR Anal Pear ($20) and Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Habit
  • Lower Pride (at least 1, but depends on Slaver's Aura)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Endurance

Behave: Pet

Requires Obedience + Pet Trait + Pet skill ≥ Nature + Pride for willing compliance OR Pet Suit ($25) and Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Habit
  • Bonus to Dance
  • Bonus to Pet
  • Bonus to Horse
  • Lower Pride (at least 1, but depends on Slaver's Aura)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Nature
  • Lower Hygiene

Behave: Alarm

Requires Obedience + Blowjob skill + Nymphomaniac Trait + Arousal ≥ Pride + 4 for willing compliance OR Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Slaver's Mood (depending on Blowjob skill)
  • Bonus to Oral Sex
  • Increase Habit
  • Increase Taming
  • Increase Awareness
  • Lower Pride

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Hygiene

Behave: Urinal

Requires Obedience + Golden Shower skill + Perverted Trait ≥ Pride + Nature + 3 for willing compliance OR Urinal Rack ($100) and Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Slavers Mood (slave need Golden Shower on B; higher skill gives more mood increase)
  • Bonus to Golden Shower
  • Increase Habit
  • Make the Slave Perverted
  • Lower Pride (depending on Slaver's Aura and slave's Pride)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Mood (if Slave is not Perverted, if Golden Shower skill + Devotion is low)
  • Lower Hygiene
  • Lower Endurance
  • Increase Despair (by Nature + Pride + Temperament - (Perverted Trait + Golden Shower skill + Devotion + Taming))

Behave: Toilet

Requires Obedience + Scatology skill + Perverted Trait ≥ Pride + Nature + 6 for willing compliance OR Toilet Seat ($250) and Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Slavers Mood (slave need Scatology on B; higher skill gives more mood increase)
  • Bonus to Scatology
  • Increase Habit
  • Make the Slave Perverted
  • Lower Pride (depending on Slaver's Aura and slave's Pride)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Mood (if Slave is not Perverted, if Scatology skill + Devotion is low)
  • Lower Hygiene lots
  • Lower Endurance lots
  • Increase Despair (by Nature + Pride + Temperament - (Perverted Trait + Scatology skill + Devotion + Taming))

Act as Maid

Positive Effect:

  • House gets cleaned up
  • Increase Maid skill

Negative Effect:

  • Costs one energy

Act as Cook

Positive Effect:

  • A meal is prepared
  • Increase Cook skill

Negative Effect:

  • Costs one energy

Bath Slave

Positive Effect:

  • Cleans master and slave
  • Improves master's mood based on slave's petting/oral skills (whichever is lower)

Negative Effect:

  • Reduces slave's arousal slightly

Note: If this rule is not selected, slave will automatically clean herself if her energy is not negative. Either way, she expends zero energy.


Positive Effect:

  • Takes care of your fiend
  • Collects cum and mucus for you if fiend mating skill is high enough

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Hygiene
  • Costs one energy
  • Slave can get pregnant with a fiend

Vaginal Vibe

Requires Vaginal Beads ($5) to use this rule at all.

Requires Obedience + Vaginal Sex skill + Perverted Trait ≥ Pride + Nature + 2 for willing compliance OR Force Rules to force compliance.

Positive Effect:

  • Increase Empathy
  • Increase Arousal
  • Bonus to Vaginal Sex
  • Lower Pride

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Hygiene

Force Rules

This counts as a rule too.

Positive Effect:

  • Enforces compliance to rules (requires special items for certain rules)
  • Unwilling compliance increases Habit and Awareness, while lowering Pride (flat amount regardless of number of rules forced)

Negative Effect:

  • Lower Mood for forcing a breakable rule (less mood loss as Devotion goes up; also can depend on Nature, Pride, Temperament, and any relevant skill), which can persist even when the slave would follow the rule willingly
  • Unwilling compliance increases Despair significantly, while also lowering Devotion (flat amount regardless of number of rules forced)