Jack-o-nine: Rewards

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original


When the slave has non-negative merit, you can grant a reward. Giving a reward greater than the slave's merit results in spoiling. Ending the day with positive merit can reduce mood. Giving too many rewards in one day (three on normal difficulty, two on hard, no limit on easy) results in spoiling.

Moral Encouragement

Reward Reward Level
Sparingly approve 1
Praise 2
Weighty compliment 3
Promise a reward 4
Promise a gift 5

Promise a reward/gift doesn't work if you've already promised a reward/gift but haven't yet delivered on your promise. But what counts as a reward/gift?


  • Any date (spend time together) that is at least somewhat successful
  • Give Free Time: Rest till evening
  • Give Free Time: Fun till evening
  • Give Free Time: Garden of Gethsemene
  • Give Free Time: Hot Springs
  • Give Free Time: Golden Cage
  • Erotic Reward: Vibes
  • Erotic Reward: Cunnilingus


  • Any gift (surprise, surprise)
  • Euphorijelly
  • Vesturian Ambrosia

Spend Time Together

Take your slave out on a date. If the date is at least somewhat successful, it increases the slave's devotion.

Reward Reward Level Cost
Stroll on the roof 1 $0
Walk around the city 2 $0
Go to the beach 3 $2
Go to the theater 4 $4
Go to a restaurant 5 $8

Give Free Time

Giving free time costs energy for the slave. Some rewards also cost sparks.

Reward Reward Level Cost Effect
An hour of rest 1 1 energy
An hour of fun 2 1 energy Reduces despair (-2)
Rest till evening 3 All remaining energy (at least 2)
Fun till evening 4 All remaining energy (at least 2) Reduces despair by Habit + Taming + Awareness + Devotion
Garden of Gethsemane 5 2 energy Significantly reduces Fear, Despair, Spoiling, and Arousal. Reduces Pride. Increases Empathy, Nature, and Devotion.
Hot Springs 2 $2 and 1 energy Cleans slave. Reduces Despair and Fear. Increases Sensitivity, Nature and Devotion.
Golden Cage 5 $5 and 2 energy Significantly reduces Despair. Increases Nature, Temperament, Empathy, and Devotion.

Erotic Reward

Each reward in this category costs the master one energy and increases slave's arousal.

Reward Reward Level Effect
Gentle hug 1 Reduces Despair according to Empathy
Sensual massage 2 Increases Energy (for first massage of day), Empathy, Taming, Devotion, Nature, and Spoiling
Petting 3 Reduces Despair according to Empathy
Vibes 4 Increases Devotion, Reduces Despair according to Empathy
Cunnilingus 5 Increases Devotion, Reduces Despair according to Empathy*2

Make a Gift

Reward Reward Level Cost
Bouquet of flowers 1 $2
Perfume 2 $5
Warm plaid 3 $9
Plush toy 4 $15
Mini pony 5 $50 + $1/day food cost


Reward Reward Level Cost
Headband 1 $3
Sparkly Earrings 2 $3
A Ring with a Gem 3 $5
Sparkling Necklace 4 $10
Precious Tiara 5 $20


Reward Reward Level Cost
Soft Slippers 1 $5
Sundress 2 $5
Gown 3 $10
Gorgeous Dress 4 $50
Wedding Dress 5 $100

Sweet Treat

Sweet treats add calories to your slave's diet.

Reward Reward Level Cost Calories
Chocolate 1 $1 2
Cream Cake 2 $2 3
Banana Sundae 3 $4 4
Euphorijelly 4 $8 5
Vesturian Ambrosia 5 $25 6

Vesturian Ambrosia gives a small increase in Empathy, Awareness, Taming, Habit, Devotion, Nature, Temper, and Endurance.


In addition to the options in the rewards menu, you can use the Delikacia spell for $5. It increases Mood and Devotion according to slaver's magic level. Delikacia also increases Taming and Temperament once per day.