Jack-o-nine: Items
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- Quarter of the Bull
- Serpentine Quarter
- Quarter of the Outcasts
- Border of the Fogs
Used for cooking food. Cooking quality depends on food variety and skill and good food causes a good mood. Assistant can take care of grocery shopping so you don't have to.
- Fresh Eggs x5 (10$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Fresh Milk x5 (10$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Double Cream x5 (20$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Mature Cheese x5 (5$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Fresh vegetables x5 (5$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Cereals and flour x5 (5$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Herbs and Spices x5 (5$) - Sold at butcher shop
- Strong Alcohol x5 (10$) - Sold at butcher shop, Also used as Alchemical base
- Greasy mince x5 (7$) - Sold at butcher shop or by butchering slaves
- Tender fillet x5 (20$) - Sold at butcher shop or by butchering slaves
- Virgin Meat - Gained by butchering slaves
Men's clothing
All except the Worn Clothes are sold at the Boutique of Servilia Quint. Most of these have some positive effect, but some of them are uncomfortable and will make the PC unhappy.
If you have some money to spare, it's worth buying a variety of these to wear to increase your skills, which allows you to train slaves to one rank passed your natural abilities, and further training yourself in them. If you don't need the skill boost, Noble Regalia is a good choice for both the allure and wearing "comfortable clothing".
- Worn Clothes ($0) - You start with these. Penalty to Allure. They are "worn" in the sense of threadbare and scruffy rather then "being worn".
- Formal Suit (10$) - Raises Artistry. Allows vulgar players to train in etiquette, dance, music and singing.
- Medical gown (10$) - Raises Medic skill. Lets the player train nurses to a higher level and improves the use of stimulants and the like.
- Wizard Robes (10$) - Raises Magic skill. Player can better train enchantresses, cast spells and brew potions.
- Housecoat (10$) - "Soft and comfortable housecoat. Just what you need to relax". Increases Slaver mood, but decreases Allure.
- Fashion Attire (10$) - Raises Allure which helps with obedience and selling slaves
- Aketon (10$) - Raises Fighter skill. Useful when patrolling the fogs, training gladiatrixes or dealing with rebellious slaves
- Livery (10$) - Raises Stewardship. Useful when teaching Maid and Cook skills. Improves Slave Management as well, apparently.
- Noble regalia (20$) - Raises Allure which helps with obedience and selling slaves.
Women's Clothing & Apparel
Used to dress your slaves so they wont complain about being naked and cold. Also improves Style
Name | Style | Learning bonus (+1) |
Frilly Apron | +1 | Cook |
Maid outfit | +1 | Maid |
Nurse outfit | +1 | Nurse |
Sorceress robes | 0 | Enchantress (+2) |
Athletic leotard | 0 | Endurance, Dancer |
Chainmail bikini | +1 | Gladiatrix |
Kimono-yukata | +2 | Escort |
School uniform | +1 | Secretary, Academy |
Light sundress | +1 | |
Lace underwear | +1 | Sex |
Gown | +2 | |
Latex dress | +2 | Sex |
Exotic outfit | +2 | Dancer |
Leather corset | +2 | Sex (+2) |
Gorgeous dress | +3 | |
Wedding dress | +3 | |
Anal tail | 0 | Pet, Horse |
- Crown of thrones
- Ornamented diadem
- Precious tiara
- Plumed bridle
- Shiny earing
- Gemstone earings
- Chain with pendant
- Gemstone necklace
- Leather collar
- Steel collar
- Spiked collar - Improves temperment
- Rubber gloves
- Lace gloves
- Carbon fiber gloves - Improves combat?
- Fluffy paws
- Leather Gloves - Improves combat?
- Leather shackles
- Pony Harness
- Nipple chain
- Earrings
- Earrings
- Tabi socks
- Soft slippers
- Pointes
- Sneakers
- Heels
- Boots - Improves temperament.
- Leather shackles
- Hooved boots
- Elegant ring
- Gemstone ring
Need to be categorized
- Collar and leash
- Petsuit
See: Combat for more details
- Dagger (10$)
- Stiletto (10$)
- Brass knuckles (10$)
- Lash (10$)
- Stunner (10$)
- Butcher's cleaver (20$)
- Whip (50$)
- Épée (50$)
- Rapier (50$)
- Koncerz (50$)
- Gladius (50$)
- Bastard Sword (100$)
- Machete (50$)
- Katana (100$)
- Baton (25$)
- Flamberge (200$)
- Naginata (200$)
- Morningstar (150$)
- Greataxe (100$)
- Baseball bat (100$)
- Cattle prod (150$)
- Aramid suit (100$)
- Leather armor (400$)
- Elven chainmail (250$)
- Yatserin mail (300$)
- Combined armor (800$)
- Gothic plate (1000$)
- Elysian datura x5 (10$) -
- Kamrian resin x5 (10$) - Energy boost
- Faeries pollen x5 (10$) -
- Essence of oblivion x5 (10$) - Improved mood
Also, see Alchemy.
Fetish Equipment
These are bought from the "Steel Rose" in the Necropolis under "Fetish-paraphernalia". They're used as tools to enforce rules that a disobedient slave would otherwise disobey, or unlocks some bondage punishments and the vaginal vibes rule.
- Vaginal beads - allows Vaginal vibe
- Anal pear - Deny toileting, slave won't clean themselves at the end of day without you explicitly telling them to
- Reliable gag - Force silence
- Bondage suit - unlocks punishment options
- Urinal rack - Behave: urinal
- Toilet seat - Behave: toilet
Also of note is the Pet Suit to enforce Behave: pet