Jack-o-nine: Assistant
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You can make your slave your assistant if her devotion stat is at least 3. The devotion stat is the last stat in the Aura window.
If the Assistant Supervises the Slave her "Nature" can rise.
An assistant's job is to help the slaver by taking care of most of the day-to-day chores around the house and helping train skills the slaver doesn't have on his own. They have their own energy bar separate from yours and your slave's, allowing them to do mundane things like cooking, cleaning, and milking the fiend if they're not already done yet. Additionally a well-trained assistant can sleep with the slaver to help him control his sexual urges and improve his mood.
Checking options on the left side tells the assistant automatically buy groceries when stocks run out to ensure that high quality meals are available.
Checking these options will have the assistant automatically perform actions at the end of the day if she has enough energy left
- Maid - will automatically clean the house if it is dirty
- Cook - will cook a meal if none is already prepared
- Bath Slave - will clean the slaver if his status is 'Unclean' or worse
- Accountant - slave will do the weekly accounting, providing some modest savings based on her secretary skill
- Alchemist - will have her brew potions instead of the slave
- Milkmaid - will milk the Fog Fiend providing food for the slave at no cost
Allows you to select from various appearances your slave will use