Jack-o-nine: Alchemy
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all characters are at least 18
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All skills and attributes required by a specialization must be at least B+ and at least the slave's rank. For example, a slave with rank B+ or less needs B+ in Maid and Cook skills to satisfy the Servant specialization, but if you level her up to A+, she now needs A+ in Maid and Cook.
Your assistant will tell you what specializations your slave qualifies for. It is very valuable to have an assistant for this reason. An assistant will also save you time by doing the cooking, cleaning, milking, the fiend, helping with training, etc.
All specializations now require several skills or attributes to meet the specialization requirements.
1. Assistant - Secretary and Escort
2. Pet Ponygirl - Pet and Dressage
3. Servant - Maid and Cook
4. Witch Doctor - Nurse and Enchanter
5. Gladiatrix - Gladiatrix, Nature, and Temperament. Also requires max Endurance.
6. Artist - Dancer, Music, and Singing
7. Concubine - sex_sum has to be 15 or higher or equivalent in level with the slave's rating (uses a different formula since the max rating is 10 - S+). The following slave sex skills must be at least B+ in level: Petting, Penetration, Oral Pleasure, Group Sex, and Demonstration. You are welcome to reach the sex_sum in any way you'd like after those sex skills are all B+ or higher. Most customers requesting a concubine slave want her to be thin (Model or Voluptuous – fat level). They also want her Beauty to be B+ or equal in level to her rating (whichever is greater).
The four hardest specializations to reach are now:
- Gladiatrix since two difficult stats must be leveled
- Pet Ponygirl since these two skills have a high repulse stat (the slave resists them more than any other skill) and usually requires some devotion in order to begin training them
- Concubine - many skills have to be leveled in order to qualify, at level B+ minimum
- Artist - three different skills have to be leveled to B+ or higher - no other specialization requires three skills