Jack-o-nine: Slaver
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all characters are at least 18
- Player Housing
- Minor Residences
- White Town
- Necropolis
- Quarter of the Bull
- Serpentine Quarter
- Quarter of the Outcasts
- Border of the Fogs
- This section is work in progress
Increased by:
- Sparring in the Colosseum (+1)
- Combat in the fog (+1~4)
- Teaching martial arts (+1)
- Sex, only when B+ or lower (+1)
- Applying Miracle Balm, only when C+ or lower (+2)
- Highly rated cooked food, 2 levels above the current strength level (+1, S+ food / restaurant can increase to A+)
Decreased by:
- Energy below 0 (red stars) -1 per star per action, instantly
- Illness
- Consuming alcohol/some drugs -1
- Drug/alcohol addiction
- Wounds rapidly drains strength
- A dinner of rating below your current strength
Raising strength from A+ to S+ requires 506 sparring wins against ironclad or amazon
Increased by:
- A Standard of living strictly greater than your Brand ranking (wealth level must be greater than personality, estate quality must be greater than sum of personality and brand ranking): +1 per day
- Wearing the snake amulet: +1 per day (if personality is below B+)
- Successful "Explain Her Position" or successful Encourage: +2 per success, if quality of success is greater than or equal to current charisma (eg critical success can increase up to A+, minimal success can increase up to C+)
Decreased by:
- A Standard of living strictly less than your Brand ranking: -1 per day
- Datura addiction (smoking datura when addiction level is greater than 30): -1 per toke
Example in version 2.23:
If you live in Serpentine, with B+ brand reputation, and you upgrade your standard of living to B+ (by default standard of living is Basic, C-, for Serpentine residence), and you upgraded your hall, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, your personality attribute will stabilize at C-. If you stay with the C- basic standard of living, then personality will stabilize at D-. If you don't upgrade your home decor, then it will trend down towards F-. Wearing the snake amulet will effectively cancel out the decrease from poor standard of living, meaning that successful encourages and rational explanations can increase personality up to B+ over time.
Increased by:
- Fashionable Attire (+1)
- Noble Regalia (+2)
- Fashionable haircut (+1, 3 sparks at salon, lasts 30 days)
- Cosmetic procedures (+1, 5 sparks at salon, lasts 10 days)
- High strength (+1 if your strength is A+ or better)
- Good mood (+1 if your mood is positive)
- Pristine hygiene (+1)
- Excess energy (+1 if you have at least half a green spark of energy remaining)
Decreased by:
- Worn Clothes (-1)
- Housecoat (-1)
- No haircut (-1)
- No cosmetic procedures (-1)
- Low strength (+1 if your strength is C- or worse)
- Poor hygiene
- Low mood (-1 if your mood is negative)
- Low energy (-1 if you have at least half a red spark of energy)
Note that the haircut and cosmetic procedures each effectively increase allure by 2, as they each add a +1 buff and remove a -1 debuff.
Increased by:
- Active sex life
- Healthy lifestyle
Decreased by:
- Injury
- Illness
- Poor health
- Low mood
- Ending day at maximum arousal (unless you have Chimaera Gem)
Brand Status
- Selling price of slave at slave auction
Increased by:
- Selling slaves under your brand (at Slave guild auction)
- Slave wins Colosseum battle
- Slave wins Colosseum race
- Spreading rumors at the forum (if brand status is below Recognized)
Guild Reputation
- Level of available contracts
Increased by:
- Completing several contracts
Standard of Living
- Mood
- Respectable or higher required to enter the Gentleman's Club in the Quarter of the Bull
- Personality
Change your standard of living in the Accounting section of the Domestic issues menu, and then wait until the end of decade for it to update (and for you to pay for your new standard of living).
Level | Additional Cost Per Decade |
Impoverished | $0 |
Poor | $20 ~ $30 |
Basic | $40 ~ $60 |
Comfortable | $80 ~ $120 |
Respectable | $200 ~ $300 |
Luxurious | $400 ~ $600 |
Extravagant | $800 ~ $1200 |
If you have a slave that has high accounting skill and high intelligent, assigning slave to do accounting may receive a discount (up to 65% off if lucky) to cost from living standard.
Similarly, you may receive a fine if you assign a dumb slave with no accounting skill, which may cause up to +75% more expensive bills if unlucky.
- This section is work in progress
- Note: For a skill to increase the relevant activity must be done by the player character and not delegated to NPCs.
- Note: Training a slave's skills will only increase the master's skills if the diligence result is 4 or 5 ('praiseworthy' or 'perfect score') and the difference between the slave's skill and the master's unboosted skill is at most 1 (ie B+ medic skill would only increase by training a slave with C+ or B+ nurse skill)
- There are 5 sets of clothing sold at the Boutique of Servilla Quint that will increase your skill by 1 when worn, for as long as they are worn.
Increased by:
- Training any slave skill, with a diligence result of 4 or 5 ('praiseworthy' or 'perfect score')
Clothing: Livery
Increased by:
- Training slave skill: Cooking
- Training slave skill: Maid
- Training slave skill: Secretary
- Cooking yourself ('Domestic issues' > 'Prepare a meal')
- Cleaning Yourself ('Domestic issues' > 'Tidy up the house')
- Doing accounting yourself ('Domestic issues' > 'accounting' > toggle 'Do accounting personally')
Clothing: Formal Attire
Increased by:
- Training slave skill: Etiquette
- Training slave skill: Dance
- Training slave skill: Singing
- Training slave skill: Music
- Training slave skill: Pet
- Train sex skill: Threesome
- Train sex skill: Seduction
- Train sex skill: Masturbation
- Train sex skill: Dildo
- Train sex skill: Exhibitionism
- Train sex skill: Humiliation
Clothing: Medical Gown
Increased by:
- Training slave skill: Nurse
- Training sex skill: Enema (if medic skill is below D-)
- Active sex: Enema (if medic skill is below C-)
Clothing: Aketon
Increased by:
- Training slave skill: Gladiatrix
- Losing a sparring match (increases skill up to D-)
- Defeating an Unarmed Slave (increases skill up to D-)
- Defeating a Wardress (increases skill up to C+)
- Defeating a Shinobi (increases skill up to B+)
- Defeating an Ironclad (increases skill up to A+)
- Defeating an Amazon (increases skill up to A+, grants more experience than Ironclad)
- Fighting in the Fogs (increases skill up to A+)
- Getting unique trophies from the fogs (increases skill from A+ to S+)
Getting a new trophy will grant 1/14th of the necessary skill experience to go from A+ to S+, such that getting all 14 trophies awards S+ combat skill. Trophies do not grant experience until combat skill reaches A+, but if the master acquires trophies before reaching A+ combat skill, experience will be granted retroactively.
Clothing: Wizard Robes
Increased by:
- Training slave skill: Enchantress
- Training slave skill: Alchemy
- Casting Auspex with skill level F-
- Casting Tremendio with skill level B+ or lower
- Casting any other spell with any skill level
- Having a slave with a magical brand make an escape attempt while uncollared (the slaver uses the magical brand to track them down)
Increased by:
- Punishment: Psychological pressure
- Training slave skill: Pony training
- Training slave skill: Humiliation
- Training slave skill: Masochism
- Training slave skill: Self-torture
- Training slave skill: Dog/Pig/Horse/Fiend mating
- Training slave skill: Fitness
- Put in Place (if successful)
- Threaten (if successful)
- Punishment: Torture
- Active Sex: Bite/Hit (and Dirty Talk? maybe - the code looks weird for Talk...)
Dominance will only increase if a slave's nature is greater than or equal to the master's dominance.
Increased by:
- Punishment: Flogging
- Training slave skill: Pony
- Sparring with a lash or whip equipped
Increased by:
- Punishment: Torture instruments/units
- Active Sex: Tickle with dagger
Increased by:
- Punishment: Bondage and Deprivation
You can check the things affecting the Slaver's mood in his diary. Good moods improve his efficiency and increase the odds of successful actions. (need to verify: affects slaver allure?)
Things that improve his mood:
- Decent housing relative to Reputation
- Good standard of living relative to Reputation
- Recent Sex
- Slave making good progress
- Having lots of energy
- Comfortable clothing
- Clean house
- Being clean
- Buying a new slave
- Selling a slave
- Date (reward: spend time together) that goes well
- Training a beautiful slave.
- Eating well (Restaurant date with slave, eating at Gentlemen's Club)
- Slave obeying (green in "achievements" area)
- Rule: Behave alarm w/slave with Blowjob skill
- Rule: Behave urinal w/slave with Golden Shower skill
- Rule: Behave toilet w/slave with Scatology skill
- Assistant Rule: Bath slave w/assistant with Oral and/or Petting skills
- Salon: Invigorating massage, Erotic Massage, Aroma spa
- Watching a battle in the Colosseum
- Drinking at the Virgin's Hip
- Drugs - Camra, Datura, Essence of Oblivion, Bacchus' Nectar
Things that decrease mood:
- Housing that doesn't reflect his reputation
- Too low of a standard of living
- Pent up sexual desire (Stallion/Wild Stallion)[1]
- Being oversexed
- Slave not behaving
- Worn/uncomfortable clothing
- Dirty house
- Injuries
- Cleaning the house yourself
- Preparing your own meals
- Drug/alcohol withdrawal
[1] Wearing Chimaera's Gem guarantees this.
Sexual Desire
Levels from highest to lowest:
- Wild Stallion*
- Stallion*
- Rock Hardon
- Mighty Hardon
- Hardon
- Contented
- Cold
- Sated*
- Overfucked*
- Flacid*
- Hanging*
* Decreases mood when in these states
Access to Buyers
Within "I need to continually work on my reputation", found in the "objectives" tab accessible after clicking on the slaver's portrait while at home, one can see not only the status of the slaver's brand, but also the slaver's standing with the various Great Houses of Eternal Rome.
When this standing is increased to at least D or pink level with a faction, the slaver can rent living accomodations in that faction's quarter, and when standing is increased to at least B or blue level with a faction, the slaver can gain entrance to the palace of that faction, to access the A rank and S+ rank buyers therein (and become a Patrician by selling to the S+ rank buyer.)
Selling slaves to businesses does not appear to increase the rank of the slaver's standing.
The various standing-ranks also seem to have very particular requirements for their increases.
These particular requirements for standing-rank advances mean that selling to buyers out of order will actually do no good whatsoever for improvement of the slaver's standing.
- To go from F to D rank standing, the slaver can sell a slave to anyone in the residential area in the district. (Or even Mystra, for Quarter of Outcasts)
- To go from D to C rank standing, the slaver must sell a slave to someone in the residential area who requires a C rank slave or above.
- To go from C to B rank standing, the slaver must sell a slave to someone in the residential area who requires a B rank slave or above.
- To go from B to A rank standing, the slaver must sell a slave to someone in the palace who requires an A rank slave or above.
- And to go from A to S+ rank standing, (Patrician), the slaver must sell a slave to the faction-leader, who requires an S+ rank slave.
This is why all of the quarters' residential areas have 3 residents who require B-rank slaves; if a person sells only B rank slaves and sells them only to those 3 residents, he will still thereby fulfill all the requirements to gain entrance to that faction's palace.
(Though access to the faction's palace in White Town works differently.)