Jack-o-nine: Magic

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original



Magic costs sparks and requires the slaver to have enough skill levels in Magic in order for them to be able to cast it. The success of a spell depends on spell effectiveness, directly proportional to magic skill and inversely proportional to slave nature. The exact formula is spell effectiveness = (2 * magic skill - pseudorandomdecimal(1,2) * slave nature), such that spells only succeed when spell effectiveness is positive. This means that a slaver's magic skill must strictly exceed a slave's nature in order for spells to succeed every time, and slavers with a magic skill less than or equal to half of a slave's nature will fail every time. Only a slaver with S++ magic skill (achievable only with S+ magic skill while wearing the wizard robe) will always succeed at casting spells on slaves with S+ nature.

It takes 600 skill experience to reach S+ Magic skill, acquired through casting spells and training slaves in alchemy and magic. In story mode, slavers other than Johny, Fenris, and Saruman will lose 2 points of magic skill experience per day if their skill exceeds D-.


Aside from this restriction, casting any spell increases your magic level but only on a successful cast. Exception: Successful Auspex can only take you to up to Apprentice/Esoterist.

This means any Mundane character must buy wizard robes in order to train magic skill. (And you should, because not having magic skill in the Eternal Rome is almost like not knowing how to use a debit card: Embarrassing.)


Cost: 2$

Description: Allows you to read a slave's aura.

Available even if Mundane but casting without wizard robes will cause the spell to fail. Casting it while wearing wizard robes can boost your Magic skill level to Esoterist (D-), at which point you'd become a Warlock (C+) with robes on after leveling up.

It takes 15 casts to level the skill from Mundane to Esoterist.

Made obsolete by acquiring the Raven Crown from Master Valios.

Magna Magnifika

Cost: 5$

Description: Strengthens the caster's aura depending on the magical powers of the caster. The power of the spell depends on magic skill, but wearing robes does NOT increase the power of the spell.

Available at Esoterist or Mundane with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage (S+).

Can be cast once per day. You cannot fail at casting this spell, so it's easy way to train your Magic skill.

Sententia Veritas

Cost: 5$

Description: If target has no merit or guilt, increases the degree of merit or guilt they next feel.

Available at Warlock (C-) or Esoterist (D-) with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage (S+).

Can be cast once per slave per day. Only available when target has no merit or guilt. Drains awareness proportional to Intellect, but increases Taming proportional to magic skill. The increase to merit or guilt is proportional to magic skill. If the spell fails, the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temperament, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases.


Cost: 5$

Description: Significantly increases slave fear.

Available at Sorcerer or Warlock with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill, if successfully cast, up to Mage (A+).

Can be cast once per slave per day. Success increases fear proportional to magic skill without robes, and increases despair proportional to fear, temperament, nature, and intellect. If the spell fails, the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temper, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases.


Cost: 5$

Description: Inflicts pain on the slave according to their guilt.

Available at Mage (A+) or Sorcerer (B+) with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage (S+).

Can be cast freely on slaves with level 5 guilt. Success performs a punishment with severity equal to slave guilt, with a punishment effectiveness than increases with repetition (unlike most other punishments which decrease with repetition). If the spell fails or the torture does not succeed (ie if the slave has the moronic trait), the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temperament, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases. Multiple failures in the same day will increase mood, but not provide additional stat changes.


Cost: 5$

Description: Causes pleasure to the slave according to their merit, but reduces sexual arousal greatly.

Available at Mage (A+) or Sorcerer (B+) with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage (S+).

Can be cast freely on slaves with level 5 merit. Success increases slave mood proportional to unboosted magic skill, causes an amount of orgasms proportional to unboosted magic skill, increases devotion proportional to unboosted magic skill, decreases intelligence proportional to intelligence, and increases awareness proportional to intelligence. If used more than once per day, subsequent uses will not boost devotion and will have a reduced awareness increase. If the spell fails, the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temper, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases. Multiple failures in the same day will increase mood, but not provide additional stat changes.

Domini Dictum

Cost: 5$

Description: Causes the slave to follow all orders of the slaver if slaver's magic force is stronger than the slave's nature.

Available at Mage (A+) or Sorcerer (B+) with wizard robes on.

Can be cast once per slave per day. Unlike other spells, the spell will succeed if and only if the slaver's magic skill is strictly greater than the slave's nature. If the spell succeeds, the slave will follow all orders for the rest of the day regardless of resistance, and despair increases proportional to empathy or temperament (whichever is lower), but inversely proportional to devotion and helplessness attitude (ie, slaves with the inured to helplessness trait or loves helplessness trait will have their despair decrease). Additionally, if a slave loves helplessness, their mood will increase proportional to their temperament. Slaves under the effect of domini dictum will complete tasks with diligence level 1 as if they were mindbroken and will gain no devotion from dates. If a slave performs a task they would otherwise resist, their despair increases proportional to their internal resistance. If the spell fails, the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temper, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases.

Adverto Servili

Cost: 25$

Description: Magically puts your brand on the slave, making it difficult for them to run away. This method of putting your brand, just like any other method, permits you to sell the slave to persons other than Farid.

Available at Archmage (S+) or Mage (A+) with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage (S+).

May be cast freely on slaves without a magical brand or contract brand. If the spell succeeds, the slave will be branded with a magical brand, and cured of any illness and parasites they have. In addition, devotion will increase proportional to magic skill; mood will increase proportional to empathy, temperament, and nature; endurance will increase proportional to magic skill; arousal will increase proportional to magic skill; and the slave will gain one full spark of energy. Slaves with magical brands gain an extra increase to habit each day (effectively doubling the typical daily habit increase from being branded), and they cannot successfully escape even if they make an escape attempt while uncollared. If the spell fails, the slave's fear and despair decrease proportional to temper, pride increases proportional to nature, and mood increases. Multiple failures in the same day will increase mood, but not provide additional stat changes.