Jack-o-nine: Alchemy

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Jack-o-nine [edit]




Jack-o-nine Original



  • Needs the player to rent a lab under "Extended Rental"
  • Needs Alchemy skill from a slave or assistant. The player's own magic skill determines how high he can train a slave in alchemy, but for some utterly inexplicable reason, in the base game the Slaver cannot mix potions for himself. Even if a lab is rented, when the player has no slaves or assistants, the lab option will simply disappear.
  • Most ingredients available from Rarity of Mystra in Outsider Quarter
  • All potions need a "basis". This can be
    • Spring Water - free and always available
    • Alcohol - bought at the Gastronomicon can also be brewed accidentally in the lab, being named as moonshine. Raises mood by 1 for each use, up to +2 and lowers it the next morning. Third dose for slaver and second for slave causes sleep.
    • Fog Fiend Mucus - harvested when your fiend grows

Raw Ingredients

  • Elysian Datura - Relaxes. Adds 1 mood, very slowly drains intelligence if used by slave.
  • Kamrian Resin - Refreshes. Adds 1 energy
  • Faeries' Pollen - Stimulant. Sets energy to 5, slowly drains strength with each use. Second dose in a day causes instant death if slaver and unconsciousness if slave.
  • Essence Of Oblivion - Dulls pain and fear. Boosts mood, slowly drains strength with each use. Second dose in a day causes instant death if slaver and unconsciousness if slave.

All can be consumed directly, but may have side effects. Potions are apparently safer.

Bacchus' Nectar

Skill level - D/Pink


  • Spring Water
  • Kamrian Resin
  • Faeries' Pollen
  • Essence Of Oblivion


  • Drunkeness - mood bonus, not stacking with drugs, no observable addiction chance
  • Raises Arousal
  • in combat - adds morale, removes the "severe pain", "weakness" and "stiffness" states. Gives the "fury", "adrenaline" and "distraction" states.


From the description when the potion is created:

The imbiber will feel a surge of courage and joy. Very useful to raise a person's morale

Tonic Elixir

Skill level - C/purple


  • Strong Alcohol
  • Kamrian Resin
  • Faeries' Pollen
  • Essence Of Oblivion


  • Recovers energy - +1 energy point, stacking with massage
  • in combat - recovers stamina and adds morale. Removes the "weakness" state. Gives the "acceleration" and "attention".


  • Recipe is the same as for Bacchus' Nectar, except for the Basis
  • "Abuse can lead to tragic consequences" -- Mystra
  • Each use out of combat on the same day increasingly drains strength.
  • Using it in combat does not seem to drain strength.

Miracle Balm

Skill Level - B/Blue


  • Fog Fiend Mucus
  • Kamrian Resin
  • Faeries' Pollen
  • Essence Of Oblivion


  • Can be used outside of combat too but is less effective.
  • Heals all wounds in combat, adds energy and morale, removes the "severe pain" state.


  • Recipe is the same as for Bacchus' Nectar, except for the Basis


Skill level - C/Purple for normal, B/Blue for powerful


  • Strong alcohol for normal/Fiend's mucus for powerful
  • Elysian Datura
  • Kamrian Resin
  • Faeries' Pollen


  • Stimulates Feelings
  • Raises Arousal


  • Strength varies with Basis
  • Can't brew it with water

Water of Lethe

Skill level - S+/Green for water based. Using stronger bases lowers required skill level: A for Alcohol, B for fiend's mucus.


  • Any Base
  • Elysian Datura
  • Kamrian Resin
  • Essence of Oblivion
  • Clears aural stats - Arousal, Fear, Despair, Awareness, Taming, Habit, Spoiling, Devotion
    • Obedience is a derived stat, and is not affected directly. However, Fear, Awareness, Taming, Habit, and Devotion are the mayor contributors to obedience, so a trained slave stands to lose most if not all of her Obedience.
  • Removes all temporary moodlets, resetting mood to calm if there are no persistent moodlets such as from clothing.
  • Greatly lowers a slave's Intelligence (-40, usually enough to drop a level).
  • Has no effect on skills or other stats.
  • If the slaver drinks it, it removes the slaver's moodlets, but has no other effects.

This potion can be a useful tool for clearing Spoiling and Despair in an emergency, potentially saving a slave from mind-breaking if her Despair has reached dangerous levels. But it comes at the cost of the slave's Obedience training and Intelligence.
It can make a newly aquired slave easier to work with by clearing her negative moodlets and Spoiling with most of the negative consequences not mattering. Note however, that this still lowers her Intelligence and thus overall quality.

The potion has no beneficial effect on an already mind-broken slave, as that condition depends entirely on Nature, Temperament, and Pride - none of which the potion affects.


  • Any basis will do
  • "Imbiber will forget everything - be it good or bad" - Mystra
  • "Dangerous" - Mystra


Skill level - S+/Green


  • Fog Fiend Mucus
  • Elysian Datura
  • Faeries' Pollen
  • Essence of Oblivion
  • Imbiber feels attraction to first person they see. Not strong, but persistent.
  • adds 50 points to devotion, or a level of devotion (whichever is smaller.)
  • only usable once per slave


Mixing a potion without having the required level will always produce alcohol/ moonshine.

Basis 1° Ingredient 2° Ingredient 3° Ingredient Result Minimum level Out of Combact Effect In Combact Effect
Water Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Alcohol F/Red
  • +1 mood each use, up to +2, lowers it the next morning
  • Third dose for slaver and second for slave causes sleep
Water Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Essence of Oblivion Water of Lethe S/Green
  • Clears aural stats
    • Obedience is not directly affected , but since aural stat contribute to it a trained slave will lose it
  • Removes all temporary moodlets, resetting mood to calm, persistent moodlets such are unaffected
  • [Jack HF Mod ver 2.2.3] Lowers a slave's Intelligence
  • No effect on skills or other stats
  • If the slaver drinks it, it removes his moodlets, but has no other effects
Water Elysian Datura Faeries' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Alcohol F/Red
  • +1 mood each use, up to +2, lowers it the next morning
  • Third dose for slaver and second for slave causes sleep
Water Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Bacchic Nectar D/Pink
  • Drunkeness, mood bonus, not stacking with drugs
  • No observable addiction chance
  • adds morale
  • removes states "severe pain", "weakness" "stiffness"
  • add "fury", "adrenaline" and "distraction" states
Alcohol Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Aphrodisiac B/Blue Stimulates Feelings, Raises Arousal None
Alcohol Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Essence of Oblivion Water of Lethe A/Teal
  • Clears aural stats
    • Obedience is not directly affected , but since aural stat contribute to it a trained slave will lose it
  • Removes all temporary moodlets, resetting mood to calm, persistent moodlets such are unaffected
  • [Jack HF Mod ver 2.2.3] Lowers a slave's Intelligence
  • No effect on skills or other stats
  • If the slaver drinks it, it removes his moodlets, but has no other effects
Alcohol Elysian Datura Faeris' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Alcohol F/Red
  • +1 mood each use, up to +2, lowers it the next morning
  • Third dose for slaver and second for slave causes sleep
Alcohol Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Tonic Elixir C/Purple Recovers energy - +1 energy point, stacking with massage
  • recovers stamina and adds morale
  • Removes the "weakness" state
  • Gives the "acceleration" and "attention".
Fiend's Mucus Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Powerful Aphrodisiac B/Blue Stimulates Feelings, Raises Arousal None
Fiend's Mucus Elysian Datura Kamrian Resin Essence of Oblivion Water of Lethe B/Blue
  • Clears aural stats
    • Obedience is not directly affected , but since aural stat contribute to it a trained slave will lose it
  • Removes all temporary moodlets, resetting mood to calm, persistent moodlets such are unaffected
  • [Jack HF Mod ver 2.2.3] Lowers a slave's Intelligence
  • No effect on skills or other stats
  • If the slaver drinks it, it removes his moodlets, but has no other effects
Fiend's Mucus Elysian Datura Faeries' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Love Potion S/Green
  • Imbiber feels attraction to first person they see. Not strong, but persistent.
  • [Jack HF Mod 2.2.3] adds 50 points to devotion, or a level of devotion (whichever is smaller.)
  • [Jack Original] Adds a level of devotion.
  • only usable once per slave
Fiend's Mucus Kamrian Resin Faeries' Pollen Essence of Oblivion Healing Balm B/Blue Heals wound Heals all wounds in combat, adds energy and morale, removes the "severe pain" state