VH/Character creation

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Other Useful Info:



Zodiac selection

No. Sign Date Type of build HP MP Attack Defence Spirit Agility Purity Desire Charm
1 Aries 3.21 - 4.19 Balanced 30 100 5 5 5 5 55 15 30
2 Taurus 4.20 - 5.20 Tough 60 100 3 3 3 3 15 60 25
3 Gemini 5.21 - 6.20 Technic 30 100 4 3 8 5 15 35 50
4 Cancer 6.21 - 7.22 Defence 30 100 3 8 4 4 35 50 15
5 Leo 7.23 - 8.22 Speed 20 100 8 3 3 8 15 25 60
6 Virgo 8.23 - 9.22 Weak 15 150 3 3 3 3 90 90 90
7 Libra 9.23 - 10.22 Balanced 30 100 5 5 5 5 50 15 35
8 Scoripio 10.23 - 11.21 Offence 20 100 8 3 8 3 20 25 55
9 Sagittaurus 11.22 - 12.21 Offence 25 100 11 3 3 5 35 20 45
10 Capricorn 12.22 - 1.19 Tough/Speed 45 100 3 3 3 8 33 33 33
11 Aquarius 1.20 - 2.18 Technic 30 125 3 3 10 4 55 10 35
12 Pisces 2.19 - 3.20 Speed 30 100 3 4 3 10 33 33



1. Serena gains additional Purity(30) and Charm(30) after selecting sign.

Battle Stats Configuration

Q1.Blood type

Type Atk. Def. Spr. Agi.
A +2(15) +4(22) +0(3) +5(13)
B +7(20) +0(18) +2(5) +2(10)
O +0(13) +7(25) +4(7) +0(8)
AB +0(13) +2(20) +7(10) +2(10)


  • The displayed stats at character creation is incorrect, this is calculated stats from the summarize of the same answers at Q2A1&Q3A1(Tested with Virgo stats).

Q2.Favorite Haiku "If the cuckoo doesn't sing..."

Phrase HP MP Atk. Def. Spr. Agi.
Coax it +5(20) +0(150) +0(15) +0(22) +0(3) +5(13)
Kill it +0(15) +10(160) +5(20) +0(22) +0(3) +0(8)
Wait +0(15) +0(150) +3(18) +5(27) +0(3) +0(8)
Leave it +0(15) +0(150) +0(15) +0(22) +5(8) +3(11)


  • Instead of 3, 5 Stat increase in 3rd and 4th choices, Serena gets 1, 3 respectively. She still gets 5 Agi/Atk for 1st and 2nd choices though.
  • Confirmed, this is calculated stats from summarize of the same answers at Q1A1&Q3A1(Tested with Virgo stats).

Q3.Super power "what ability would you want?"

ESP Atk. Def. Spr. Agi.
Teleportation +3(15) +0(22) +0(3) +5(13)
Psychokinesis +5(17) +0(22) +3(6) +0(8)
Duplication +0(12) +5(27) +0(3) +3(11)
Invisibility +0(12) +3(25) +5(8) +0(8)


  • Instead of 3, 5 Stat increase, Serena gets 1, 3 respectively.
  • Confirmed, this is calculated stats from summarize of the same answers at Q1A1&Q2A1(Tested with Virgo stats).

Sexual Stats Configuration

Q1.Your sexual preference

Preference Purity Charm Desire Bonus
Lovely +10 +10 -5 None
Preggo -5 +15 +5 Ovulation
Gangbang -10 +5 +10 None
Monster Fuck -15 0 +10 None


For Nanako, choosing preggo nets an increased chance of pregnancy, while choosing gangrape nets the masturbation skill.

Q2.Girl type "What kind of girl do you think she is?"

Type Purity Charm Desire Bonus
Pure +10 +5 -10 Atk/Def/Agi +3
Fetish -5 +10 +10 Breast+500
Slutty -15 +5 +5 All SexLv+1
Pervert -10 0 +15 None


1.Choosing the 3rd choice for Sexual Preference nets you the masturbation skill.

2.Serena gets "Masturbation" skill for choosing 1st option for both Sexual Preference and Girl type.

Q3.Sexual experience

Experience Intercourse Inside Outside Pregnancy Birth
Virgin 0 0 0 0 0
Had once 1 1 0 0 0
Quite a lot 50 25 25 0 0
Mother already 25 15 10 1 1

Q4.Heroine type "What do you expect this Heroine?"

Your Expectation Influence
Conquest None
Heroic None
Slutty None
Violated None


Seems like this part doesn't influence anything.

Train (Additional Stats)

After you talk with "south" guard you can:

  • Go sleep in bed.
  • Talk to the Adventurouse Passenger (Blue Haired Girl) below your bed to get 1 Majoram, 1 Empty Bottle to make it into Holy Water (which is to collect your pee) and Tissue.
  • Get Milk Bottle from Female Passenger (Pink Hair Purple Badanna girl) at the left of the last car (Before the Guard). Only if you got the empty bottle from the Adventurous Passenger
  • Go north till you get to train car with window, look twice through the window and select to kill them (then kill them) look treasure go to sleep. If you choose not to kill - Make sure you sneak in and not fight the guards, as the loot is different if you fight. Then loot the chests (but don’t interact with the bed) and head back out, talk to the jeweler (one of the green guys) and he will offer a trade. Trade the VH Heart for the “fortune telling gem”, then go to sleep and Nanako will think back on her childhood.
  • Now you must answer 4 questions and interact with the objects to define Nanakos starting stats.
  • Her default stats are: HP 30, MP 100 (cannot be influenced), Attack 7, Defense 3, Spirit/Willpower 4, Agility 38 (cannot be influenced), Charm 27, Desire 39 and Purity 16.
  • Note that in childhood she starts with Attack 6, Defense 2, Spirit/Willpower 3. First off the answers from top to bottom.
  • First: Nanako's Father was...
Choice Atk. Def. Spr. Agi.
Adventurer +1 +0 -1 +0
Priest -1 +1 +0 +0
Scholar +0 -1 +1 +0
Farmer +0 +0 +0 +0
  • Second: Nanako's Mother was...
Choice Purity Charm Desire
Adventure -5 -5 +10
Maid +5 +5 -10
Popular Escort -10 +5 +5
Sister +10 -5 -5
  • Third: Nanako's hobby was...
Choice Atk. Def. Spr. Agi.
Martial Arts +1 -1 +0 +0
Adventures +0 +1 -1 +0
Books -1 +0 +1 +0
House Help +0 +0 +0 +0
  • And last: Why she left her village...
Choice Purity Charm Desire
Work +10 -5 -5
Train Yourself +5 +5 -10
Search For a Man -10 +5 +5
Kicked Out -5 -5 +10
  • Checked the Database so this is correct (11/09/2013).

The rest is described in the game while Attack, Defense, Spirit/Willpower increase by 1, HP increases by 3 and you can increase these stats by 4 times. The Secret stats, Charm, Desire and Purity, can increase/decrease by 5 points and you can increase these secret stats 3 times.

Get the an Random item from the cabinet in your room (Can get a skillbook by just saving and reloading)

Inside the Cave

  • Big Teddy Bear: Increase Offence and Defence
  • Magic Square: Increase Willpower
  • Treadmill: Increase Max Hp

Inside Your House

  • Mirror: Increase Charm
  • Porn: Increase Desire (Learn Masturbation), Decrease Purity 
  • Bible: Increase Purity, Decrease Desire

After you have Increase your stats go back to bed to start the Game

  • Go up the ladders to the roof and if you go south, you end up in train car with some stuff and a guard. Hide in a box; you end up in prison and its game over then :P
  • Go up the ladders to roof and go north, at some point the train will shake and you will fall off into woods and later on will get to town at night naked. – dunno what happens here; will explore this one later on. Bear in mind that Nanako will lose all money, equipment, and will also start with low HP and no Purity, also high sluttyness (in order to get started without the debug tool, use the clock next to the restrooms to change to daytime, then talk to the fat man in front of the fountain, who will give you 500G in charity or you can sleep with the inn keeper or the blue man near the fountain).

Note: As of 131213, the game will allow you to exit the train car with the chests at all.