Jack-o-nine: Magic
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Magic costs sparks to cast and require the Slaver to have skill levels in Magic to cast. Some effects last for a day and can't be recast during the day; this applies to all the spells but Delikacia, Cruciato and Adverto Servili. (Adverto Servili is permanent and can never be recast on the same slave, while Delikacia and Cruciato can be cast without a set limit per day.)
Description: Allows you to read a slave's aura
Available even to Mundanes; casting it can raise your level to Apprentice mage but not above.
It takes about 19 casts to level the skill from Mundane to Apprentice.
Made obsolete by acquiring the Raven Crown from Master Valios.
Description: Inflicts pain on the slave according to their guilt.
Available to Apprentice mages and up; casting it can improve your magic level to "Mage" but not above.
Description: Causes pleasure to the slave according to their merit, but reduces sexual arousal greatly.
Available to Apprentice Mages and up; casting it can raise your level to "Mage", but seemingly not above.
It's approximately 21 casts from apprentice to Journeyman, and about 140 casts from journeyman to Mage.
Sententia veritas
Description: If target has no merit or guilt, increases degree of merit or guilt at the next receiving.
Available to Apprentice mages and above; casting it can increase your level to "Mage" but not above.
Magna Magnifika
Description: Strengthens the caster's aura depending on the magical powers of the caster.
Available to Apprentice mages and above; casting it apparently cannot increase your magic level. (?)
Description: Causes the slave to be deeply afraid of the slaver.
Available to Apprentice mages and above; casting it can increase your magic level to Archmage, and it does so whether the fear succeeds or not.
It takes approximately 7 unsuccessful casts to level the skill from apprentice to Journeyman, about 49 successful ones to go from Journeyman to Mage, about 100 casts to go from Mage to Magister, and about 163 casts to go from Magister to Archmage.
Domini Dictum
Description: Causes the slave to follow all orders of the slaver if slaver's magic force is as strong as or stronger than the slave's nature.
Available to Apprentice mages and above; casting it can increase your magic level to Archmage, and it does so whether the domination succeeds or not.
It's approximately 10 unsuccessful casts from Apprentice to Journeyman, 25 from Journeyman to mage, 51 from mage to Magister, and 82 from Magister to Archmage.
Adverto Servili
Description: Magically puts your brand on the slave, making it difficult for them to run away. This method of putting your brand, just like any other method, permits you to sell the slave to persons other than Farid.
Available to Magisters and above; casting it can increase your magic level all the way to Archmage - but it can only ever be cast on a particular slave once.