- Setup guide
- Game Archives
- Button Layout
- Characters
- Character creation
- Character stats
- Combat
- Quests
- H Events
- Locations
- Shopkeepers
- Items
- Items & Equipment
- Pregnancy
- Abilities
- Titles
- VH Heart Locations
Other Useful Info:
- A computer with settings for non-unicode applications set to Japanese: Start Button -> System Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced Tab on Windows XP/ Administrative Tab on Vista and Windows 7. Reboot.
- The Japanese RPG Maker 2000 RTP, which can be downloaded here
- The game itself. You can find the most recent version on this site
English version
- There is a partially translated english version that is continously updated, which can be found here
- You can contact the developers on irc.rizon.net #violatedheroine
First install the RPG Maker RTP (make sure to set your unicode table). Keep hitting the the Next Button (the left one) unless you want to install it in different folder othe than the default on C. After the RTP is installed you can unzip the game itself to a folder of your choice (e.g. using 7-zip which is a free open-source file archiver). Now open the folder and double-click on "RPG_RT.exe" to start the game.
If you wish to use the translated diaries, unzip it into the folder where the game is and overwrite the old files.
Portable Version for USB Sticks and Laptops
You can also deinstall the RTP and still be able to play the game. This is usefull if you want to save the game on a USB stick or the like and want to play it on different Computers. For this to work, copy the contents of the RTP installation directory into the VH Game directory (where all the files of the game are located). Alternatively you can download the RTP files in packed in RAR format here: Mirror 1 , Mirror 2 . Unzip with WinRAR or 7Zip. If asked to overwrite folders, choose YES, if asked to overwrite (image) files, chosse NO!
Then add the following to your RPG_RT.ini above GameTitle :
Open regedit and search for ASCII in \Software\ and save the registry entry of the RTP package. On a different PC, add the saved reigstry entry to its regsitry by doublecliking on the .reg file.
You now have a version of VH with the RTP integrated.
- Use the arrow keys to walk, tab the arrow keys twice to run.
- Use Z to select, X to cancel/open the menu.
- Use Z to attack when in the overworld (Space key works later in the game too).
You can also a gamepad instead of the keyboard. The controls for gamepads vary with each pad so you will have to figure it out for yourself.
You can use AGTH and Translation Aggregator to translate the on-screen text into english. First you will need to download AGTH from its website(or here). Install AGTH and download Translation Aggreator from Hongfire. Install both of them and now it's time to do some magic.
Create a new shortcut to AGTH. Right-click and open preferences. Now you can modify the link to AGTH. Change the link into this:
Full path to agth.exe "full path to RPG_RT.exe"
Which should look something like this depending on where you have installed it:
C:\Program Files\agth\agth.exe "C:\porn\VH\ or in my case: D:\Programs\Porn\games\agth\agth.exe "D:\programs\porn\Games\VHゲーム01_100203_LIGHT\RPG_RT.exe"
Now run the game from the shortcut you just created. Go to the AGTH windows which was opened along with Violated Heroine and press 'Options'. Activate 'Auto copy to clipboard' and hit OK. Now open up Translation Aggregator and make sure to enable the auto translate from clipboard.
Congratulations, you can now actually understand what the text on the screen says.
- You can press F4 to get in or out of full-screen.
- You can find help and tips in the thread on Hongfire