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List of Known Quests



Other Useful Info:



First Town/Onsen Town

(List of choices as the appear in the book on the counter)

First page

  1. Goblin Extermination (Repeatable) (500G)
  2. Medicine Delivery (300G)
  3. Waitressing in Bar (Repeatable) (500G)

Second page

  1. Minotaur Extermination (5000G)
  2. Bodyguard (1000G)
  3. Babysitter (1000G)

New City (Capital)

  1. Killing the Slime King (1200G)
  2. Procure Medical Plants (500G)
  3. Bar Dancer (Repeatable) (800G)
  4. Finding the Murderer (6000G)
  5. ---
  6. ---
  7. Escorting a girl (2500G)
  8. Garuda Egg acquisition (3000G)
  9. Rescue at the Valley of the Wyvern (9500G)


  1. Visiting a son's grave (Item)
  2. Milking of cow (600g)
  3. Unusual ghost mystery (1200g)

Underground city

  1. "new weapon"

Beach town, west of Capitol City

  1. <Someone>'s thing search

Quest Guides - First Town/Onsen Town

Goblin Extermination (Repeatable)

  • Leave the town through the northern exit .
  • Kill the roaming goblins to finish the quest.
    • You only need to kill the red ones to receive the reward
    • Lose the fight against the goblins to trigger a gangrape scene ending with a game over.
  • After completing this quest you gain access to the area north of the town.

Medicine Delivery

  • Stop by the center stall in the shopping plaza and talk to the girl for the medicine.
  • Leave the town through the western exit.
  • Move to the western edge of the area. Take the path leading north.
  • Continue going north until you reach a hut. Talk to the witch.
  • Return back to the center stall to receive several potions(5 Potions and 2 antidotes)for free and complete the quest.

Waitressing in Bar (Repeatable)

  • Get to the Pub west of the northern gate.
  • Talk to the owner behind the counter.
  • You will be given a number of a table (as shown on the map) that you need to get the order to.
  • The barkeep will ask Nanako to take off her jacket as his bar is known for sexy waitresses.
  • The man sitting at the 17th table will grope Nanako if you go past him. You can choose to
  1. get angry at him.
  2. If you ignore him for a few times you will get the option to shake him off. If you do so he will claim medical expenses from injuries you caused. You will be informed by the guild that you owe them money. You must pay the money back at the Demon lender or be sold as a slave after 30 days.
  1. ignore him.
    • If you choose not to resist for a few times you will earn 2000G, 500G twice and 1000G for the final groping.
  • If you let the man grope you one final time you can visit the restroom where you can have Nanako masturbate if you have a Desire level of 60 or higher. A man will try to enter, giving you the option to
  1. lock the door.
  1. leave it unlocked.
  • Choosing the first option will have Nanako lock the door and you can continue the quest as you normally would.
  • The second option will have the man enter the room and have sex with Nanako. NOTE: This will fail the quest.
  • As he is about to cum you are given the choice to either
  1. cum inside Nanako.
  1. cum in her mouth.
  • If you get drunk while finishing the quest (some guest will offer you to join them drinking) or if you use the cactus by the entrance(It is for debugging the drunk Nanako event), you will leave the pub at night after finishing the quest and be given a choice 
  1. Take a nap behind the bar, where you will then be surrounded by three men. There you will be given a choice to either
    1. ignore the men. You will ge knocked out and gangraped.
    2. fight back. Losing will result in a gangrape.
  2. Try to get back to your room. You will faint and then gangraped.

Minotaur Extermination

  • Leave the town through the western gate.
  • Go west one screen. On the next screen, move north across a small bridge to eventually find a cave.
  • Enter the cave and move as far north as possible, then east to find a room with a slime and a chest. Opening the chest from the front will trigger a traphole where you fall into a room filled with slimes.
    • Defeat the slimes to get out.
    • If the slimes manage to tear off all your clothes(or you strip) you will be raped by one of the slimes.
  • Go back to the entrance and move east, where you can open a door with the key you just found in the chest.
    • There you will find three women who have been kidnapped by the minotaurs.
    • Talk to the purple haired in the middle, and she will ask for help. You can reply
    1. yes.
    2. no.
    • If you choose to help her she will ask you to kill the minotaurs.
  • Finally go back to the entrance, then north, then pick the second path to the right which leads you to the minotaurs.
    • Defeat the two enemies to finish the quest.
    • If you lose to them, you will get raped, but you don't get a game over as the swordman Handen will appear and take you back to the inn. You can take him as your partner after this by talking to him at the guild. You fail your quest, though.
  • Go back to the room with the purple haired witch and talk to her to tell her you have killed the minotaurs. Then leave the cave and go back to the Adventurer's guild to let them know you have completed the quest and receive your reward.


  • After accepting the quest, either use the clock next to the public toilets or rest at the inn.
  • At night, search the second floor of the inn for a man, who will then accompany you.
  • With the man, exit through the dirt path above the eastern gate and move east until you reach a house.
  • If Charm more than 70, depending on your stats, you may have an H-scene here.
  • After the scene in the house, go east again until the man leaves.


  • Use the dirt path above the eastern exit (bring the 30G arousal medicine for an extra scene).
  • Enter the house.
  • If you've used the medicine before entering the house, you will wake up in the middle of the night, giving you the choice to:
  1. Have fun with the kids (note: if your purity is too high, the only choices will be to masturbate or go back to sleep).
  2. Masturbate
  • If you picked choice 1, you will be able to visit the house again and seduce the kids once more. If you have the rope (get it from the basement of the witch's hut) you'll be caught by the mother, who then starts a fight with you.
  1. Win the fight to get another sex scene and a repeatable sex scene each time you visit the house.
  2. Lose and get thrown out.
  • If you picked choice 2 (or if your purity is too high to molest the kids) when you go back to the house you'll get a scene with Nanako studying with the kids again.
  • You will sleep on the second floor instead of the first floor.
    • Repeat this event about five times
  • Eventually the kids will catch their mother in the basement, after which you can get a repeatable sex scene with the mother.

Thieves hide out

  • After completing a bunch of quest you will be offered a mission to explore the hide out of thieves. You need to sneak in the back way while another group creates a distraction.
  • Head east untill you run into a NPC near a house that talks to you. After that in the next area take the path north.
  • Make your way to through a forest area till you find a cave entrance.
  • Inside you need to Go to all the sparkling points to map the area as well as checking in each of the rooms.
  • Head east through a tunnel to continue
  • You will hide in a side room after hearing people coming from ahead and behind.
  • A very long (skipable) scene will follow.
  • Afterwards you fight a few bandits and then must sneak out.
  • Heading east there will be patrolling bandits to avoid. (Not implemented last time I tried it. atm they do not react to you) (in 1101612 it works and if they see you, you get a H-scene and a game over)
  • After a few rooms of this you will reach the end of the quest.

(Bug note : If you map the thieves bed the last, you will go to the tunnel as usual, but instead of hiding at the side room, you will go straight. Later, it will be pitch black. You cant do anything but you can open and close the menu to see a bunch of thieves surrounding you and moving at great speed)

Quest Guides - New City (Capital)

Killing the Slime King

  • Go west and enter the second entrance you get to (guard's office).
  • In the office, get the sewer key from the right clerk.
  • Exit and move south until you get to the sewers.
  • In the sewers there are some hidden chests.
  • From the point you enter the sewers, move to the right and eventually reach the Slime King.
    • The Sime King will inject her with an aphrodisiac when raping her, causing her to go into the Horny status once he's finished.
  • Losing will trigger an H scene.
    • The doctor might rescue you the first time you lose, where you wake up in her office on a bed nude.
    • If you lose for a second time, Nanako succumbs to the aphrodisiac of the Slime King, resulting in a game over.

(Note:It seems that consuming any pregnancy boosting pill will get the game over scene automatically when losing, meaning you wont get rescued)

Finding the Murderer

  • You must finish Slime King quest first or you won't be able to talk to Rin (100710)
  • Get details of the murder from Rin, Captain of the City Guard. (won't talk to you if you have the child witch with you)
  • Now go to the crime scene. Go east on the path below the way to the adventurer's guild.
  • After examining the dismembered body, go to the doctor.
  • Escort the doctor to ask for her opinion, then bring the newest intel to the captain.
  • Your next target is the chef of the inn (below the adventurer's guild).
  • After the chef is beaten, you see a masked figure leaving the inn.
  • Follow him to a building south of the path to the crime scene to confront him.
  • You can now chose to:
  1. Fight him, getting a guro H scene followed by game over if you lose.
  2. Surrender, getting you an H scene and a game over.
  • When fighting, try to stay away from Rin and focus on Mr. Mask.
  • Having won, the criminal will try to unleash a final spell that you can:
  1. Block the spell for Rin and get hit, making you aroused.
  2. Finish the guy off, with Rin getting aroused by the spell.
  • Depending on how high is Nanako's Pureness or Pervertedness, the next scenes will change.
  • If Pureness level is high enough, 1st choice will make Nanako suffer from his spell and Rin decided to take her to the doctor. 2nd choice Rin will stab herself (at feet?) to prevent her assaulting Nanako.
    The next scenes are a bit buggy, but its said that Rin is cured from her futa status. When Nanako took the reward from the guild, it is said that Rin turned herself for being the murderer and to be death sentenced. Nanako went angry and decided to stop it from happening. [Current version 110202 scenario stops here when Nanako left the guild map]
    Rin is still recruitable in the guard place but you can't have sex with her.
  • If Perverted level is high enough, 1st choice will make Nanako begging to Rin to surpress the heat and they have sex with Nanako on top. 2nd choice will make Rin have sex with Nanako on normal/missionary position.
    After the scenes, Nanako will ask about Rin's body and Rin is a bit depressed, you will be given choices:
  1. Cure her
  2. Help her yourself
  • If you cure her, the next events will be the same as high Pureness level. If you choose to help her yourself. Rin will be in futanari status and you can have sex with her.
  • To invite Rin to your party, talk to her and selecting the first option (check your menu screen) or dismiss her by talking again, picking the second option.

After the Murder (must have completed "Finding the Murderer")

A lot of bugs in the version I played. The Guard Captain name in the translator is Lynn at times Lin, but not Rin. You could skip some of this and get Lynn back earily when you can enter in the night in debug mode, add Lynn to your team since she is In her bed at night and having sex with her, well reset her back to her office. This quest was done in 110604.

  • Once Lynn is not in your team, go turn in the “Finding Murder” quest. After turning in murder quest the guild master well tell you that Lynn is in jail, go talk to maid in Lynn office.
  • After this go east 2 scenes then north twice and talk to the guard at the door to the jail. He will tell you to go the pub were the sewer entrance is.
  • Talk to the man with the “!” over his head this is the guard. After talking to him he will tell you to go to the toilet and remove your pants and panties (This is bugged to every time you enter this toilet to repeat that scene) then go back and talk to the man again. He will take your pants and wallet and remove 2000g.
  • Leave the pub and go to the sewer were the guard will open it for you (This is bugged to every time you go to the sewer it repeats the scene of the guard opening it). Take the top right path tell you see a gate which the guard well open then enter it. Follow path till you reach rope were you well enter jail. Keep going tell a scene starts, after this scene go to the inn.
  • In the in you well be give a option with 4 choices to get information, with each removing parts of your cloths, choose the a new one each time. When you have no cloths and try for the last option you well get 2 new options were he asks you go lie down on the bed.
  1. Don’t bear.
  2. Bear it and go on bed.
  • Choosing 1 well end in Nanako beating the guard and getting the information,pants and wallet back.
  • Choosing 2 well starts a H-scene and you well lose your wallet, all your money and pants.
  • After one of these scenes, go to maid in Lynn offices. The maid tells her name is Hinano and that you can get information in a building behind the office. Leave and head north and enter the big building to the far north.
  • Talk to the girl at the desk who is Sarah Mama and you well get an option yes or no choose yes. After this go to the other room to talk to her husband.
  • Sara Papa well ask if you’re a adventure say yes, then he well ask to find his little girl Sarah and gives you a picture and 2000g and says you well get 3000g more if you get her back.
  • Head to the pub near the sewer entrance and talk to the bartender. He will tell you that he knows where Sarah is and that she in a Manor to the back of the pub and its members only. Go to the room to the west and talk to one of the guards there to start a scene and you well be given 2 choices.
  1. Work as a prostitute
  2. No
  • Choice 1 to start scene and you get into the back room. Enter the building and go left as you enter and talk to the manager. He well ask you to strip and give him a blowjob were your give 2 options.
  1. Suck it
  2. Don’t do it.
  • If you choose 1 you well start a h-scene were you give him a blowjob after this you get another 2 options.
  1. Get fucked (believe the preg part to him is bugged since even if you have a 100% chance you don’t)
  2. Don’t do it
  • If you choose 2 it well end the same way as the first second choose you had.
  • If you choose 1 it well start an h-scene with him playing with your tits, then he well fuck you on the bed after which you well be enter into red lily Museum and given the collar of the whore. You well wake up in a room after to go look for Sarah. Try to leave this room and you find it is being block by a guard, you talk to him and he will take you to the basement.
  • If you choose 2 at either first or second option set, she well knock him out then ask the manager were the girl is he will tell you in the training basement and you well get the collar of the whore then knock him out again. Go out to the main hall and talk to the first guard to the top right who will let you pass. Enter and go to the down the stairs.
  • The last cell Sarah is where she is and she is being fucked. You enter and beat the man (sprite a bit off here since if you came in as a whore the animation bugs, but come by beating manager you well have it working). After you get Sarah here you well get in a fight to leave the basement. After leaving the basement with Sarah you well get in a fight with Bloody Lily.
  • If you lose you’ll get a H-scene with you and Sarah (game over).
  • If you win you take Sarah home.
  • Go and talk to Sarah dad he well give you 3000g and after give you 4 options
  1. You understand
  2. Hobby
  3. Because of love
  4. Still unsure
  • Each one well gives you something different to say. After this go back to Hinano in Lynn offices. after talking to Hinano leave the office it well be night.
  • Go and take to Sarah. After leaving, go back to Lynn office, were you will see a yellow hair NPC walks by (The spot were she starts walking from gets bugged as a invisble wall). After that go to Hinano while still night were you well get a H-scene with her masturbating on Lynn’s desk. Go to the inn and sleep and come back and talk to Hinano (Hinano gets bug to this spot and after this quest there well be 2 of her one in Lynn office and one in the hall outside). After talk with her walk outside well start a scene were you go back to the red lily manor. You well auto start a fight with Walter head of security.
  • Win and you get told of about a secret passage underground and a golem. Go down the basement and go to the last cell opposite the one you found Sarah press ‘z’ by the fire stand. Continue on this path tell your outside. Enter the build and keep going and you well find Lynn in a cell with a man being torture. A scene well start were the man calls a golem (bugs if you walk back in front of the table here and back to cage it well restart the scene of the man calling the golem but it well crash the game).
  • This fight you must lose to continue
  • You can kill the golem if you have the “shift” attack since normal attacks only do 1 damage and he has a lot of HP. If you kill it, it causes you to be unable to continue.
  • After you lose a bit of a scene well happen and the yellow hair NPC you saw before comes and kills the golem.
  • After this scene it seems you were to fight the yellow haired NPC since she wants to kill Lynn but it just skips out and all NPC’s are gone (may not be fully implemented).
  • Leave and go out of the manor though the front door. When you exit you will see Lynn being confronted by Bloody Lily and a lot of NPC’s ready for a fight.
  • If you lose you get a game over.
  • Win and you get a scene were lynn and the others are in Sarah house eating food and lynn is back in her office after this scene (You can also see that Ashley is in Sarah house even if you haven’t done the quest to get her yet…)

Gathering medicinal herbs

  • It's the first quest on the New City listing.
  • After you get the quest talk to the doctor.(She will ask to bring her 3 medicinal herbs)
  • Go south then east until you get to a section with monsters.
  • Gather all the flower things in the section.
  • When you gather all 3 return to the doctor.
    • If you pick up four Nanaco will get aroused.
    • Return to the doctor, Nanako will tell the doctor she feels funny. The doctor will strip naked and bring out a vibrator.
  • Return to the adventurer's guild for your reward.

Bar Dancer (Repeatable)

  • At the adventure's guild, accept the "Dancer at a Bar" quest (800 gold)
  • Go west and south, there should be a pub there to the left of the sewer entrance area.
  • Talk to the lady bartender, and she'll explain how dancing works. Basically you need to move to the corner where there's a person with a ! over their head.
  • You'll strip down and put on a dangerous swimsuit, and go onto the stage, where you'll dance.
  • After you're done dancing talk to the lady bartender. She'll tell you to go to the guild.
  • Return to the adventurer's guild for your reward which may sometimes be 1000g.

Escorting a girl

  • Go to the big house immidiately to the left in the residential area (north of area with clinic and guard station).
  • Talk to the guy there, he'll introduce you to his daughter who you need to take to the slave market for "apprentice work"
  • Go to the train station and take the train
  • You'll now have to defend the girl while she walks along the trail (if she dies you get game over)
  • When you arrive at the slavemarket, the boss gives you a special ticket to go back there later
  • Interact with the sparkly spot on the wall to see what kind of "apprentice work" her father was talking about.

Garuda Egg acquisition

  • Get this quest from the book and he out of the city and head east tell you me enemys.
  • Go north and follow these paths tell you make it to an area with scorpion.
  • There should be a large egg in this area. Press ‘z’ by it and you well be attacked by a giant bird who you can’t hit if it kills you it’s a game over.
  • Run back to town to end quest.
  • At the adventurer's guild your reward is 3000g and 450 EXP.

Rescue at the Valley of the Wyvern

  • Get this quest and head First Town/Onsen Town. Once here head though the north exit and continue tell you hit a cave. Enter and try to leave the other side and you will get 3 options
  1. Mining Town
  2. Village of the dead
  3. Quit
  • Choose 2 and enter. you can walk north tell you get to a build with a black orb near it press 'z' by it but can't do nothing now.
  • Go south east tell you see the inn enter. Talk to everyone and try to leave, you well find the door isn’t working. Walk through the hole next to the door. A scene with a little witch girl who tells you her name is Michiru. After this scene go west then north and enter the building with the hole in the middle. Talk to the man on the floor who is dying. He will tell you to talk to the bearded man in the inn but before he dies he well ask you to show your boobs. Your given 2 options.
  1. Show him
  2. Farewell in silence
  • After that head back to the inn and talk to all the injured people after which the bearded man well be back in his spot. Talk to him after which leave the inn and go north to the black orb by the building and press ‘z’. you well be give 2 options.
  1. Touch it
  2. Pass
  • If you choose 1 you well get a H-scene with a Wyvern. If you choose 2 nothing will happen.
  • Go back to the inn and talk to the bearded man and he will leave to handle the orb. Leave and go to were the orb was to find that it’s gone. Enter the building you will see another hole exit.
  • There are many places to go that are denoted by grass or a dirt patch were you can enter and get items, but to continue go north and left and enter the building by walking into the roof. When in, go down and take the first left you see which should end you up in an area with cross(Makeshift gravy yard). Enter the hole to the north and in this area go south. You should see a door the second on this path leads outside and unlock it. Continue tell you see an area with a lot of holes and walking to the end well make you say something if you have someone in your team.
  • After kick whoever you have in team and go back to that spot, you well jump across. Follow these paths tell you get to a opening with a large green area in the middle. Entering starting a scene with Michiru after leave and reenter to start boss fight with her.
  • If you win you get a story about another witch, go loot the items that drop from Michiru and the mobs she created and leave. You well have the key to the doors after looting the items go to the well outside and go down(There is more that one way to get to were i am showing you, but that well take some back tracking). Go through the first gate and take the first left you see across the water then up the stairs. In this room go north and enter the next area.
  • You well find a little girl covered in sperm and you well take her to the inn. After that walk out and head north and you well find the bearded man from before on the ground. He says something and dies. Enter the house he dies in front of and you well end up in a scene. Leave and go back in the inn for another scene. Go and sleep in the inn.
  • You well wake up in the night alone try to leave and you well find a broken sword at the door. Leave the inn you will be trap in the village now, head to where you found the little girl covered in sperm. To the top of this room there is a magic circle walk on it to enter the next room.
  • You well find the other adventurers and villagers from the inn in cages. After examining all the cages then try to leave the way you came and Michiru well appear again after a scene she well remove the black orbs from the area so you can continue.
  • Heading forward an area well end you with the little blond girl in a H-scene with one of the village survivors. After the H-scene the villager will turn into a zombie. She tells you her name is Merizando and summon some zombies and disappear. After killing them go to the purple orb in the room and press ‘z’.
  • Once in the next room you end up and I fight with a lot of ghost. After killing them, continue forward and you will get a H-scene with Michiru getting raped by tentacles. As this scene finish you end up in a fight with Merizando.
  • This fight may bug as the second phase starts. It can be fixed by opening your diary. also in second phase make sure you have your ranged skill on since she is over a gap you can't walk over. If you win, go help Michiru after that go back out to the cells and free everyone.
  • Return to the adventurer's guild for your reward. 9500g and 1000 exp.


To get to this town leave First Town/Onsen Town western gate and follow the path south-west tell all you can go is west, then go north when you see the road.

Visiting a son's grave

  • After getting this quest go the slum area.
  • Once there go tell you see a house with tombstone infront of it pass this house and go into the one behind it with the open door.
  • Talk to the old man and he well tell you about he wants his son's grave cleaned up.
  • Leave then enter the house with the tombstone infront and talk to the nun at the front disk.
  • After that leave the slums and go south tell you see the farm in his field and talk to him.
  • Go north pass the manor to the graveyard at the back and to the top north-east grave stone and talk to it.
  • Return to the old man and talk to him and he thanks you.
  • Return to the adventurer's guild for your reward.
  • your reward is Bracelet and 50 EXP.

Milking of cow

  • Go into the house you see the cow outside of south of the adventurer's guild and talk to the man inside.
  • First task go to the hay with the Pitchfork press 'z' and go to the cow directly behind you and and put hay in the buck near that cow and do the same for the other cow.
  • Second task go to the water spot in room press 'z' then go outside to the well and press 'z' again. Go to the well in the slums and press 'z'.
  • After go to wells go to the back of the manor and though the back gate. There well be a women masturbating talk to her then go to light green spot at the right side and enter the manor.
  • Press 'z' by the water hole and go out. talk to the women that was masturbating and get key and leave though the back gate and back to the ranch.
  • Press 'z' by the water hole in the ranch.
  • Third task is to wash the cows start from the cow closest to the hay and then the other.
  • Last task is to milk the cows start in the same order as before then talk to the farmer.
  • After a short scene return to the adventurer's guild for your reward.
  • your reward is 600g and 80 EXP.

Unusual ghost mystery

  • Get this quest and go to the pub north of the adventurers guild.
  • Talk to the man at the top left of the pub for a scene.
  • After this scene go talk to the NPC in all black south of the adventurers guild. He well ask for a donation of 500g pay it and he well give you a item.
  • Go to the gravy yard north of the manor and talk to the ghost.
  • Return to the pub and talk to the man.
  • Go to the second pub near the entrance of town and go to the broken window and press 'z' to enter the house.
  • Go and talk to the ghost there and after some talking he well give you 3 options.
  1. Get laid. (Not implemented)
  2. Consider other ways. (Not implemented)
  3. refuse.
  • The first 2 options well only give you a text that something happen but no H-scene. They all lead to the same outcome.
  • Leave the house and go south-west and talk to the bones near the dog, then talk to the ghost at the gravy yard.
  • Head back to the pub and talk to the man at the top corner to end quest.
  • Return to the adventurer's guild for your reward.
  • your reward is 1200g and 250 EXP.

Underground city

To get here go to the witch hut from the quest Medicine Delivery go to the basement, there is a magic circle. If you step into the magic circle and press 'z' you will find yourself in a magma cave. At the bottom left part of the cave is a second magic circle that takes you to underground city.

"new weapon"

  • read an advert on the wall of weapon shop; the dragon will give you a quest to kill metal slime
  • go to the woods northwest from starting town, a black fast slime is your target
  • kill it, take what it drops, go back to the dragon to receive your reward (very nice weapon)
  • In the later version of VH after the metal slime quest talk to the shop keeper again and he well tell you about his daughter bell in the attic.
  • use "z" at the second bed to reach the attic. Talk to bell and you well get a scene, after this walk outside the town which targer well another scene were bell leaves the room.
  • Reneter the city to see a item on the floor pick it up and go back to the dragon. Entering the shop targers another scene after which go to the attic which well targer another seen.
  • Talk to the dragon after this go to the guild house and talk to the ninja who well teleport you to the oak castle.
  • Once in go straight to the next room, straight once more and enter the next room. There are 2 paths the left takes you to the dungeon. The right path take you to another path with 2 choices, taking the left path takes you straight oak king fight and to rescue bell. But if you take the right path first before go to the oak king you well end up at a dead end, were you well be trap by oak and you well get see a H-scene were Bell gets raped by the oak king. If you choose the right path with the H-scene and then go defeat the oak king you well find bell nude on the bed were she was raped.

Beach town, west of Capitol City

To get here, exit Capitol city (through the south gate), you'll be at a crossroads. Go west, and then keep going only west. You'll run accross a wooden bridge eventually. After the bridge, there's a small platform with a stone tablet that teleports you to Capitol city (don't use it). Go south, and then go west again. You'll know if you've gotten there, because when you enter the screen a sort of a 'cutscene' plays.

<Someone>'s thing search (2000g) (obtained by 1 guy, through hours of painful wondering, and reading bad translation via automatic trnslator)

  • The Adventurer's guild/inn are combined in this city. Get the quest for 2000g.
  • Exit guild, go west into the side of the 'port'
  • Exit port through west exit, find man in green (with green hair) standing on edge
  • He'll ask something about finding a fairy forest and some glasses or something (you fall asleep during his loong explanation
  • You can find the fairy forest if you exit the city, and go South on the screen below the screen with the stone tablet, but the forest only has monsters. There's a quiet non-combat area with odd music playing before you enter the forest. Go south again.
  • There are three parts - the part you first enter, has monsters, and some shack whos door leads back to the area Then, right by the first part's entrance, go west, you'll end up in a looping area (if you go up, you show up from the bottom). There's nothing here except monsters. The third part is reached via a hidden entrance at the top of the first area. You have to go up in the trees (you'll lose sight of Nanako). Then you have to move a little to the right, and then down. You end up in a secret area of sorts.There's a cave enrance here
  • Turns out, you can't find anything there. Go back to the beach town, talk with the guild master there. He says something about going back to capitol city. Go back to capitol city (using the stone tablet on the way shortens the journey)
  • Go to the guild here, as you enter, on your right you should find the purple haired loli witch.
  • Talk to her (her name is Benetta, I think). She seems to have a fairy with her, and knows something about the glasses you're looking for. She says something about a mine, if you talk to them again, she punches you (Ior something) and the fairy dissapears from the little witch.
  • Go back to where you talked to the green guy. He should be gone. Talk to the purple haired guy, you ask him if he can take you to the mine. He says yes. Talk to him again to say you're ready to go. and you'll be taken to another palce, looks like a mountain side.
  • Climb up, to a black door, you won't be able to get in. Go back down, on the right side of the stairs, is a pile of rocks, Use it, you get something (no clue what), it seems like it's not the glasses, but it is what the green guy was looking for.
  • Go back to the captain, ask to be taken back. Green guy should now be back as well. Talk to him, he seems surprised (god knows what the hell you gave him was)
  • Go back to the guild, to get your 2000g and 200xp