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Other Useful Info:



Hot Spring Town

Weapon Merchant

Lottery Salesman

  • Sells lottery tickets for 100G.
    • They have a very small chance of paying out.
    • Top prize is 1,000,000G.
  • Buys and Sells

Panties - 10G

Tool Shop Owner

  • Sells Medicine

Salve Soul Sake Life Sake Antidote Painkiller Panacea Female Viagra Contraceptive Diuretic

  • Sells Restorative


    • Only able to sell one at a time.
  • Sells Items

Tissue Empty Bottle Marjoram Holy Symbol Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Capital Ticket

Adult Shop Owner

  • Sells

Viagra Aromatherapy Amazing Aphrodisiac Slime Pack Near-Death Poison


Shy Brown Girl

Traveling Artisan

  • Found near the fountain in the middle of town.
  • This Artisan will create new items by mixing together other items.
Item Recipe Synthesize Type
Salve Medical Herb x3 Mix Medicine
Antidote Detox Grass x3 Mix Medicine
Painkiller Detox Grass x3 Mix Medicine
Life Sake Medical Herb x3, Nut x5, Herb Leaf Mix Medicine
Colorful Drug Flower Nectar, Mushroom Spore, Herb Leaf Mix Medicine
Demon's Drug Colorful Drug, Goblin Potion, Bad Potion, Bad Ether Mix Medicine
Claw Gloves Gloves, Sharp Claws x2 Synthesize Weapons
Heel Gloves Leather Gloves, Minotaur Heel Synthesize Weapons
Luxury Gloves Leather Gloves, Kobold Bristle x3, Fur x5 Synthesize Weapons
Bone Claws Claw Gloves, Hard Bone, Strong Bone Synthesize Weapons
Bronze Knuckles Cassiterite, Copper Ore, Wood x5 Synthesize Weapons
Brass Knuckles Zinc, Copper Ore, Wood x5 Synthesize Weapons
Long Rod Wood x2, Forest Bark x3 Synthesize Weapons
Composite Rod Long Rod, Very Hard Bone x2, Stone x4 Synthesize Weapons
Power Gloves Durable Gloves, Bronze Knuckles, Brass Knuckles, Clay x5, Waste Materials x10, Bone Fragment x10 Synthesize Weapons
Stamina Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts
Energy Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts
Power Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts
Defense Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts
Spirit Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts
Agility Manna VH Heart x4 Synthesize VH Hearts



  • Can also perform medical procedures such as an abortion.
  • Buys and Sells

Salve Recovery Medicine Female Viagra Contraceptive

Weapon Shop

  • First stall on the right of the main road after getting off the horse-train.
  • Buys and Sells

City Gloves Iron Armor Iron Claw Iron Tonfa Scalpel

Armor Shop

  • Left side of the main road, around the middle. He's a fat guy behind a counter.
  • Buys and Sells

Action Dress Tube Top Spats

Magic Shop

  • Just to the east of the main trade district, take the most northeastern path and she's right there.
  • Sells Restorative


    • Only able to sell one at a time.
  • Buys and Sells

Female Viagra Viagra Contraceptive Fertility Agent Panacea Antidote Painkiller Aromatherapy Soul Sake Life Sake Fairy Sake

Heavy Armor Shop

  • This NPC is just a few steps north of the Magic Shop (see above).
  • He will only sell equipment to you if Hanten Rin is in your party.
  • Buys and Sells

Magic Silver Sword Magic Silver Armor Magic Silver Shield Magic Silver Helmet Magic Silver Gloves


  • Use map exit to the north from Magic Shop/Heavy Armor Shop (see above). Walk up until you line up with town guide then go left to the end. Double-sized doorless entrance with paper note attached nearby is what you need.
  • (Serena only) For 3 VH Hearts girl in white clothing can modify Serena's C Clef into either physically-oriented F Clef or magically-oriented G Clef. Change is permanent.
  • Guy in cyan clothing offers to buy various materials from you, but most of deals are still unimplemented.
  • Buys
    • Soft Claw - 5G/piece
    • Small Horn - 7G/piece
    • Thin Fang - 9G/piece


  • Located just to the southwest of the trade district, it's a building with a red roof and a chimney.
  • Note: Buying anything from this shop will unlock the Semen Collection quest.
  • Sells Bread

Croissant Bagel Pretzels Focaccia Naan Danish Tortilla Brioche Pineapple Bun Bean Jam Bread

Pet Shop

  • Building just right from the bakery with small dark green sign near entrance.
  • Sells domesticated versions of certain monsters. Pets can be left in the basement of Nanako's House where they can be fucked.
  • Note: Octopus pet may be obtained via H-Event.
  • Sells
    • Red Goblin - 5000G
    • Green Goblin - 7000G
    • Orc - 8000G
    • Green Slime - 5000G
    • Red Slime - 6000G
    • Black Slime - 7000G
    • Kobold - 8000G
    • Minotaur - 10000G
    • Black Minotaur - 12000G
    • Merman - 8000G
    • Lizard Man - 10000G
    • Wyvern - 15000G
    • Chupa-Vine - 8000G
    • Octopus - 10000G
    • Kraken - 15000G

Soldier-like Man

  • Located in Residental Area 2 in small house with 2 doors (right door).
  • Trades 2 Clay pieces and 2 Slime Pieces for Herb Leaf. (You must talk to him second time to receive it)
    • His trade is repeatable: just exit his house and re-enter to be able to trade again.

The Little Tissue Girl

  • Wanders in front of capital's brothel, just right from the stage with three displayed girls.
  • Sells



  • Rimun is the "Suspicious Shopkeeper" located in the southwest building in the slums.
  • Note: Rimun gives Nanako a Dangerous Swimsuit after raping her.
  • Buys and Sells

Milk Bottle Fertility Agent Ovulation Drug Female Viagra Viagra Aromatherapy Goblin Potion Slime Pack

Porn Shop

  • Located in the Slums, has signs out front of a dildo and panties.
  • Buys and Sells

Female Viagra Viagra Amazing Aphrodisiac Dangerous Swimsuit Bondage Vibrator Belt Bunny Suit Erotic Book

Rotor Vibe Contraceptive Fertility Agent Ovulation Drug Tissue Empty Bottle

  • Buys Used Panties
    • The shopkeeper on the right will buy the panties Nanako is wearing for 1000G.

Arms Dealers

  • The Arms Guild is located in the Industrial Area in the northern part of town.
  • Buys and Sells

5 Finger Bullet Night Gauntlet Ruyi Kanabo Nyoki Large Nunchaku Light Flail Kunai Epee Rapier Claymore Trident

Crossbow Composite Bow Sledge Hammer War Pick Francisca Battle Axe Great Axe Labrys Iron Rod

  • Note: The following are either no longer sold here

aren't always available Iron Tonfa Flamberge Halberd Great Crossbow Iron Mace Cruel Iron Hammer

  • Buys and Sells

Brigandine Iron Armor Lorica Segmentata Fluted Armor Dueling Shield Iron Shield Scutum

Iron Helm Circlet Alchemist's Robe Chain Mail Plate Steel Shroud Power Bangle Guard Bangle

Item Dealers

  • The Item Guild is located in the Industrial Area in the northern part of town.
  • Buys and Sells

Salve Recovery Medicine High Recovery Medicine Soul Sake Fairy Sake Antidote Painkiller Life Sake

Panacea Aromatherapy Contraceptive Holy Symbol Slime Pack Beechwood Extract Sleepy Break

  • Buys and Sells

Stamina Manna Energy Manna Power Manna Defense Manna Spirit Manna Agility Manna Book 1 Book 2

Book 3 Book 4 Secret Book 1 Secret Book 2 Secret Book 3 Near-Death Poison Bomb Stone Empty Bottle


Weapon Dealer

Armor Dealer

Eisen Alchemy Shop

  • They make Weapons, Armor, and Other ingredients for other Alchemists to create more Weapons, Armor and Collectibles. There are 4 Alchemists in the shop, each having their own specialty.
  • They have small chance of failing to create a weapon, wasting your materials. Saving before hand makes this not an issue.

Red Pot

  • Specializes in Gems and Stone Ingredients

Blue Pot

  • Specializes in Weapons
Item Recipe Equipped by Class Tier
Hoof Filled Gloves Gloves x1, Minotaur’s Hoof x1 Heroine Low Class
Luxury Gloves Leather Gloves x1, Animal Fat x1, Orc Fat x1 Heroine Low Class
Power Gloves Durable Gloves x1, Male Grease x1, Cassiterite x3 Heroine Low Class
Composite Rod Long Rod x1, Stone x1, Cassiterite x1 Nanako Low Class
Crab Tonfa Long Rod x1, Tortoise Shell x1, Scorpion’s Shell x1 Nanako Low Class
Rubber Whip Leather Whip x1, Rubber Tree Branch x2, Natural Wax x1 Serena Low Class
Nail Bat Tough Mace x1, Tailings x5, Iron Ore x3 Erika Low Class
Fragrant Staff Wood Chip x3, Vegetable Oil x2, Forest Bark x3 Ashley, Elmire Low Class
Bone Spurs Soft Claw x2, Bone Fragments x2, Small Horn x2 Heroine Low Class
Five Stone Gauntlet Brass Knuckles x1, Lava Stone x2, Stalactite x3 Heroine Mid Class
Wyvern Spear Magic Silver Spear x1, Dragon's Scale x1, Keel x1 Rin Mid Class
Rapid Bow Hunter's Bow x1, Rabbit's Foot x2, Strength Element x2 Serena Mid Class
Orando Wand Magician's Wand x1, Clean Seawater x3, Amethyst x1 Ashley, Elmire Mid Class
Staff of Asclepius Magician's Wand x1, Dragon Blood x1, Snakeskin x5 Ashley, Elmire Mid Class
Flying Dragon Claw Bone Spurs x1, Wyvern Claw x2, Swift Dragon Wing x2 Heroine Mid Class
Turtle Gauntlet Five Stone Gauntlet x1, Tortoise Shell x3, Platinum Ore x2 Heroine High Class
Blue Dragon Scimitar Fencing Sword x1, Jadeite x3, Dragon's Scale x1 Nanako High Class
Minotaur Axe Bardiche x1, Minotaur's Hoof x3, Minotaur's Horn x3 Erika High Class
Gambantein Magic Silver Wand x1, Manastone Core x2, Mutton Fat Jade x2 Ashley, Elmire High Class
Decalogue Staff Fragrant Staff x1, Mana Crystal x1, Coral x5 Ashley, Elmire High Class
Hephaestus' Hammer Sledge Hammer x1, Manastone Core x2, Burning Stone x5 Erika High Class

Purple Pot

  • Specializes in Accessories and Armors
Item Recipe Equipped by Class Tier
Riot Shield Slime Mucus x5, Clay x3, Animal Fat x2 Rin Low Class
Vestment Robe x1, Forest Bark x2, Coral x2 Ashley, Elmire Low Class
Celestial Raiment Dress of Shaman x1, Wyvern Wing x1, Bird's Wings 3 Ashley, Elmire Low Class
Gothic Lolita Linen Shirt x1, Fluffy Cotton x3, Magic Stone Piece x3 Serena, Elmire Low Class
Slime Bra Slime Pack x3, Tube Top x1 Nanako Low Class
Silicon Bra Sports Bra x1, Slippery Scale x2, Slime Mucus x5 Nanako Low Class
Untranslated Armor 飛脚の足袋(Untranslated Item) x1, Rabbit's Foot x2, Rubber Tree Branch x2 Ashley Low Class
Dilatant Armor Brigandine x1, Slime Core x2, Natural Wax x2 Erika, Rin Mid Class
Combat Ao Zai Ao Zai Dress x1, Snakeskin x5, Strength Element x2 Nanako Mid Class
Hiraishi Armor Magic Silver Armor x1, Mana Crystal x2, Dragon's Scale x2 Rin High Class
Swan Robe Plumage x1, Giant Silkworm Cocoon x1, Fat Sheep Jade x2 Ashley High Class
Tai-Chi Dress Martial Arts Dress x1, Giant Silkworm Cocoon x2, Papyrus x2 Nanako High Class
Wu-Tang Dress Action Dress x1, Hydrogen Bond x2, Silk x3 Nanako High Class

Green Pot

  • Specializes in Recovery Items

Note: The Assembla SVN Translation Patch V150801, Revision1535 and VHv150905 has errors in mislabeling certain items above. This is purely cosmetic, and bringing the Actual Item Name listed below will give you the Item. Whether they can be equipped however, is a concern you might think over. Please read the Details/Translation Column to see if the Item in Question is usable or not. They are listed below, citing the correct name appearing in-game in English(if available) with details. Please do not change the above list unless it is reflected in-game.

Recipe Name Actual Item Name Details/Translation
Celestial Raiment Plumage Recipe Description, as of the v150801 Translation Patch, is still in Japanese. Despite saying it's Celestial Raiment, the Translation Patch labels it Plumage in-game. It's Usable in-Game.
Linen Shirt Cotton Camisole Mislabeled even without applying the Translation Patch. Actual Item in Japanese is a Cotton Camisole in English. It's Usable in-Game.
Martial Arts Dress 武術着ドレス Currently not translated in the Patch but usable in-Game.
Riot Shield SynLow Shield+4 Despite the recipe working as intended, the item CANNOT be equipped by Rin.
Ao Zai Dress アオザイドレス Currently not translated in the Patch but usable in-Game.


Weapon Dealer

  • Buys and Sells

Leather Gloves Durable Gloves Claw Gloves Quick Claw Cow Horns Quarterstaff Marine Sword

Chakram Longbow Composite Bow Tough Mace Iron Mace Long Spear

Armor Dealer

  • Buys and Sells

Durable Kung-fu Dress Martial Arts Dress Tube Top Spats Panties Leather Armor Bronze Armor Chain Coif Bronze Helm

Robe Sorcerer's Robe Tabira Hoop Chain Mail Adventurer's Shoes Dress of Shaman

Item Dealer

  • Buys and Sells

Salve Recovery Medicine Soul Sake Contraceptive Holy Symbol Book 3 Book 4 Panties

2 Old Naked Shamans

  • Found on the basement of the Armor, Item and Weapons Dealer in Grihastha
  • They make Legendary Items. Note that some the ingredients needed cannot be found normally without accessing Debugging Mode, or are unimplemented as drop items.
  • They have small chance of failing to create a weapon, wasting your materials. Saving before hand makes this not an issue.

Left Shaman

Legendary Weapon Recipe Equipped by Special Traits
Acinaces Kunai x1, Red Earth x1, Hydrogen Bond x1 Nanako None
7-Branched Sword Acinaces x1, Burning Stone x5, Blood Jasper x2 Nanako All Around Attack, Hits all enemies in around the User.
Sudashana Chakram Chakram x1, Wyvern Wing x3, Peridot x2 Nanako All Around Attack, Hits all enemies in around the User.
Celestial Arrow Catalpa Bow x1, Fluorite x4, Granite x3 Nanako Ranged Attack, Fires up to 7 Squares away. Does not Travel throughout the map. Slow to fire
Gandiva Composite Bow x1, Magic Stone Piece x5, Horse Brain Jade x1 Nanako, Serena Ranged Attack, Fires up to 7 Squares away. Does not Travel throughout the map. Slow to fire
Raikou Whip Dragon Whip x1, Glossy Hogai Shell x3, Electric Stone x3 Serena Diagonal Slash Attack. Slow to fire
Vajra Fragrant Staff x1, Volcanic Stone(Adamant) x5, Coal x2 Ashley None
Crabapple Circle Axe Masakari x1, Male Grease x5, Sword Horn x5 Erika None
Mjollnir War Pick x1, Electric Stone x3, Magnetic Stone x3 Erika Slightly faster attack rate
Ogre's Rod Spike Rod x1, Demon's Drug x3, Stiff Demon Horn x2 Erika None
Longinus Magic Silver Spear x1, Dragon's Blood x1, Virgin Blood x1 Rin Ranged Attack, Fires up to 5 Squares away. Does not Travel throughout the map. Slow to fire
Caduceus Dragon Blood(Wand) x1, Wyvern Wings x2, Dragon Whiskers x1 Ashley, Elmire, Rin None

Right Shaman

Legendary Armors Recipe Equipped by Special Traits
Jeet-Kune Dress Martial Arts Dress x1, Dragon's Blood x1, Mana Crystal x1 Nanako None
Chakkraphat Punjabi Dress x1, Giant Silkworm Cocoon x2, Amethyst x3 Nanako None
Lakshmi Lehenga Lehenga Dress x1, Papyrus x5, Jade Tama x2 Nanako None
Genji Eight Area Volcanic Stone(Shiny) x3, Volcanic Stone(Dark) x3, Volcanic Stone(Adamant) x3 Rin None
Geisho-Ui Plumage x1, Mystic Cloth x1, Gothic Lolitha x1 Ashley Removed Ashley's Sleeves in her character Portrait
Spare Frame 3 Reserved Space for Legendary Item Unknown Currently not Implemented

Note: The Assembla SVN Translation Patch V150801, Revision1535 and VHv150905 has errors in mislabeling certain items above. This is purely cosmetic, and bringing the Actual Item Name listed below will give you the Item. Whether they can be equipped however, is a concern you might think over. Please read the Details/Translation Column to see if the Item in Question is usable or not. They are listed below, citing the correct name appearing in-game in English(if available) with details. Please do not change the above list unless it is reflected in-game.

Recipe Name Actual Item Name Details/Translation
Spike Rod Nail Bat Simple naming differences, though essentially the same thing. It's Usable in-Game.
Mystic Cloth Misty Cross Simple translation Error from Japanese to English. It's Usable in-Game.
Geisho-Ui Colorful Plumage Recipe says it yields Geisho-Ui but is labelled by the Translation Patch as Colorful Plumage. It's Usable in-Game.
Martial Arts Dress 武術着ドレス Currently not translated in the Patch, but usable in-Game.


  • Standing next to a dead tree in the northeastern part of the main town (not the Foreigner's Sector)
  • Buys and Sells

Female Viagra Viagra X Rotor Vibe


Seamstress Kotune

  • Grazia's family tailor resides on the second floor of Serena's Villa in south-eastern room.
    • Her services is for Serena only.
  • She provides four more Serena-specific armors besides starting Affabile, although Serena can have only one of them on hand.
  • She can upgrade all five armors up to two times. To upgrade armor put it back on the stand (if you wearing it), then interact with it and select "Request tailoring" option.

First Stand

Grade Armor Name Cost
1 Affabile None
2 Chiarezza Granite x3, Opal x3, Genie Tears x1
3 Grandezza Granite x5, Opal x5, Genie Tears x2

Second Stand

Grade Armor Name Cost
1 Forte None
2 Infuriante Garnet x3, Ruby x3, Genie Tears x1
3 Emozione Garnet x5, Ruby x5, Genie Tears x2

Third Stand

Grade Armor Name Cost
1 Accelerando None
2 Vivace Angelite x3, Sapphire x3, Genie Tears x1
3 Presto Angelite x5, Sapphire x5, Genie Tears x2

Fourth Stand

Grade Armor Name Cost
1 Devoto None
2 Misteriosamente Labradorite x3, Black Diamond x3, Genie Tears x1
3 Infernale Labradorite x5, Black Diamond x5, Genie Tears x2

Fifth Stand

Grade Armor Name Cost
1 Dignitoso None
2 Pesante Peridot x3, Opal x3, Genie Tears x1
3 Grave Peridot x5, Opal x5, Genie Tears x2

Surglane Village

Surglane Bazaar

  • Located in the middle of village.
  • Left stall deals with armors, middle with weapons and right - with medicines.
  • Bazaar randomly picks one of several predetermined item-dealer configurations rather than assigning items to traders individually.
  • To refresh offered items just enter and exit any building.
Armor dealer Weapon dealer Medicine dealer
Rubber Leggings - 700G Morningstar - 2500G Slime Pack - 400G
Corset - 1000G Claymore - 3500G Fertility Agent - 500G
Martial Arts Dress - 1500G Magic Silver Gloves - 4000G Recovery Medicine - 500G
Luxury Gambeson - 2000G Magic Silver Spear - 4000G Ovulation Drug - 1500G
Magic Silver Greave - 2500G Iron Claw - 2500G Hi-Recovery Medicine - 1200G
Magic Silver Bodice - 3000G Bardiche - 2000G Panacea - 750G
Magical Clothes - 3500G Chakram - 3000G Fairy Sake - 500G
Bunny Suit - 4000G Dragon Blood wand - 3500G Complex Potion - 750G
Fluted Armor - 4500G Epee Rapier - 3000G Sacred Sake - 1200G
Combat Ao Dai - 8500G Dragon's Gate Chaku - 15000G Nostrum - 3500G


  • Located in rightmost building. (girl in white outfit meddling with shelves near the yellow crystal)
  • Sells Medicine

Salve Antidote Painkiller Beechwood Extract Sleepy Break Aromatherapy Life Sake Female Viagra Contraceptive

Merchant Escort


  • Sells

Salve Soul Sake Life Sake


Yoshiko (Doctor)

  • Can also perform medical procedures such as an abortion.
  • Buys and Sells

Recovery Medicine Female Viagra Contraceptive Sleepy Break Antidote Ovulation Drug Milk Bottle