Jack-o-nine: Magic

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all characters are at least 18

Jack-o-nine [edit]






Magic costs sparks and requires the slaver to have enough skill levels in Magic in order for them to be able to cast it. Some effects last for a day and can't be recast during the day; this applies to all the spells but Delikacia, Cruciato and Adverto Servili. Additionally, Delikacia and Cruciato have some effects that only apply to the first cast of the day, such as improving your magic level.

It takes 320 successful casts to max out your Magic skill, though you can also raise it by teaching slaves both Alchemy and Magic.


Aside from this restriction, casting any spell increases your magic level but only on a successful cast. Exception: Successful Auspex can only take you to up to Apprentice/Esoterist.

This means any Mundane character must buy wizard robes in order to train magic skill. (And you should, because not having magic skill in the Eternal Rome is almost like not knowing how to use a debit card: Embarrassing.)


Cost: 2$

Description: Allows you to read a slave's aura.

Available even if Mundane but casting without wizard robes will cause the spell to fail. Casting it while wearing wizard robes can boost your Magic skill level to Esoterist, at which point you'd become a Warlock with robes on after leveling up.

It takes 10 casts to level the skill from Mundane to Esoterist.

Made obsolete by acquiring the Raven Crown from Master Valios.


Cost: 5$

Description: Inflicts pain on the slave according to their guilt.

Unless the slave resists, it will always increase your Magic level.

Available at Mage or Sorcerer with wizard robes on.


Cost: 5$

Description: Causes pleasure to the slave according to their merit, but reduces sexual arousal greatly.

Increases Mood and Devotion according to slaver's magic level. Also increases Awareness once per day. Slightly lowers Intellect.

Available at Mage or Sorcerer with wizard robes on.

Sententia Veritas

Cost: 5$

Description: If target has no merit or guilt, increases degree of merit or guilt at the next receiving.

Available at Warlock or Esoteriss with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage.

Only available when target has no merit or guilt. Drains awareness proportional to Intellect, but increases Taming.

Magna Magnifika

Cost: 5$

Description: Strengthens the caster's aura depending on the magical powers of the caster.

Available at Esoterist or Mundane with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill up to Archmage.

You cannot fail at casting this spell, so it's easy way to train your Magic skill.


Cost: 5$

Description: Causes the slave to be deeply afraid of the slaver.

Available at Sorcerer or Warlock with wizard robes on. Contributes progress towards leveling up the Magic skill, if successfully cast, up to Mage.

Failing to cast this spell is a great way to increase your slave's Pride.

Domini Dictum

Cost: 5$

Description: Causes the slave to follow all orders of the slaver if slaver's magic force is as strong as or stronger than the slave's nature.

Available at Mage or Sorcerer with wizard robes on.

May cause Despair in your slave, unless they like helplessness.

Adverto Servili

Cost: 25$

Description: Magically puts your brand on the slave, making it difficult for them to run away. This method of putting your brand, just like any other method, permits you to sell the slave to persons other than Farid.

Also removes illness and parasites, and gives a one-time boost to energy.

Available at Archmage and can only be cast on a slave once.

Jack Original

Spells improve your magic skill whether they succeed or fail, but certain spells can only take you up to certain magic skill-levels.


Cost: 2$

Description: Allows you to read a slave's aura.

It takes 19 casts to level the skill from Mundane to Apprentice.

Made obsolete by acquiring the Raven Crown from Master Valios.


Cost: 5$

Description: Inflicts pain on the slave according to their guilt.

Available at Apprentice. Casting Cruciato can improve your Magic level up to Mage.


Cost: 5$

Description: Causes pleasure to the slave according to their merit, but reduces sexual arousal greatly.

Available at Apprentice. Casting Delikacia can raise your magic level up to Mage. It only raises magic level the first time it's cast per day, although it can be cast multiple times per day. It's approximately 9 first-time-per-day casts from Apprentice to Journeyman, and about 45 first-time-per-day casts from Journeyman to Mage.

Sententia Veritas

Cost: 5$

Description: If target has no merit or guilt, increases degree of merit or guilt at the next receiving.

Available at Apprentice. Casting Sententia Veritas can increase your magic level up to Mage. It's approximately 5 casts from Apprentice to Journeyman, and approximately 46 casts from Journeyman to Mage.

Magna Magnifika

Cost: 5$

Description: Strengthens the caster's aura depending on the magical powers of the caster.

Available at Apprentice. Casting it apparently cannot increase your magic level. (?)


Cost: 5$

Description: Causes the slave to be deeply afraid of the slaver.

Available at Apprentice. Casting Tremendio can increase your magic level up to Archmage. It takes approximately 7 unsuccessful casts to level the skill from Apprentice to Journeyman, about 49 successful ones to go from Journeyman to Mage, about 100 casts to go from Mage to Magister, and about 163 casts to go from Magister to Archmage.

Domini Dictum

Cost: 5$

Description: Causes the slave to follow all orders of the slaver if slaver's magic force is as strong as or stronger than the slave's nature.

Available at Apprentice. Casting Domini Fictum can increase your magic level up to Archmage. It's approximately 10 unsuccessful casts from Apprentice to Journeyman, 25 from Journeyman to Mage, 51 from Mage to Magister, and 82 from Magister to Archmage.

Adverto Servili

Cost: 25$

Description: Magically puts your brand on the slave, making it difficult for them to run away. This method of putting your brand, just like any other method, permits you to sell the slave to persons other than Farid.

Available at Archmage and can only be cast on a slave once.