Koikatu: Chara Studio

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Chara Studio


Koi cs logo.png

Chara Studio

Introduction to Chara Studio

Chara Studio is a powerful editor that lets you create a scene using the characters, animations, models, sounds available from the game.

Editor Cursor

There are 3 types of Editor Cursor:

  • Koi cs cursor1.pngTranslation Editor Cursor, this moves the object in x/y/z axis.
  • Koi cs cursor2.pngRotation Editor Cursor, this rotates the object in pitch/yaw/roll axis.
  • Koi cs cursor3.pngSizing Editor Cursor, this resizes the object in x/y/z axis.

Beginner's Guide for Dummies

Below is a detailed 33-steps picture-to-picture that cover the basics with explanation to get you started into the editor.

[Expand]33-Steps Beginner's GUIDE for Dummies
1. Koi g01 initial.png When you open the editor, you will be presented with a default black screen as seen in the picture. Basic explanation on each button are explained in the picture.
2. Koi g02 selectchar.png Let's add the first character!

add -> female/male character -> [YOUR CHARACTER HERE]
3. Koi g03 char.png The Character is added! as seen in the workspace tab just on the right
4. Koi g04 anim.png Now select the character, and then open up the Animations tab
5. Koi g05 state.png Using the State Tab, you can change the character's clothes (school, swimming, date etc.) and accessories, the condition of the clothes (Closed, Half-Opened, Naked)
6. Koi g05 state2.png You can also change tears level, cheek blushes, monochrome color (for men), penis show/hide, and penis size
7. Koi g06 anim.png Now, I went fast to adjust the animation (anim->from animations) to make the character look cool a bit while we changing the Kinema Tab
8. Koi g07 look.png Onto Kinema, Line of Sight is to set up the Eyesight on where to look.

*Note that we intentionally skipped the FK (Forward Kinematics) and IK (Inverse Kinematics) for advanced guide later.
9. Koi g08 neck.png On Neck Operations Tab, we can change on how the neck behaves. Either Forward, At Camera, Animation-based, Fixed.
10. Koi g08 neck2.png By using At Camera, then set it to Fixed, we can get a result like shown on the left.
11. Koi g09 face.png On Face Operations Tab, we can change eyebrows, eyes, and mouth type.
12. Koi g10 animchange.png Since I got bored with the previous animation, why don't we get a more "offensive" animation. Notice that I changed the right-hand by using the Hands Tab, located just below the Face Operations Tab before
13. Koi g11 costume.png On Costumes Tab, you can change the character's costume
14. Koi g12 config.png *skipped the Sounds Tab intentionally because it seemed simple to understand*

Onto System>Configuration, here we adjust the editor default settings. The first three (Editor Main Settings) are saved on the next session you opened the editor again. The rest are saved on each Scene file on PNG.
15. Koi g12 config2.png Changed the BG Color to Light Blue.
16. Koi g13 options.png On the Options Tab, the settings are related to how the editor operates (like adjusting the size of the cursor)
17. Koi g13 options2.png Here is my default editor cursor, set at 0.3 size
18. Koi g14 logo.png Logo tab is for changing the Logo (Located lower-right from the screen) when you take screenshot of your scene in the Editor
19. Koi g15 map.png Back to the Add Tab, here we can change the map, back to the classy protagonist room
20. Koi g15 move.png Since the character magically clipped into the table, so we adjust the positions using the editor cursor (you can also change it from the coordinates!)
21. Koi g16 time.png Now we open up the Map Options Tab, to adjust the map position, rotation, and time of day
22. Koi g17 night.png Changing the map's time of day have an effect. For example, At Night, your room's windows are closed
23. Koi g18 add.png Let's add new character to fill up my loneliness in this guide, her name is Kou, My 18th waifu (out of 30), she's playful and cute, will help us explaining this guide.
24. Koi g19 add2.png Using the same settings, Kou is made to pose beside me.
25. Koi g20 color.png After the Logo Tab, we move on to the Character Light Tab, we can change the light color, self shadow on/off, the strength of the light, Vertical and horizontal light placement. Different from the Editor Main Settings, this settings and below are saved on Each Scene File. (see step no.14)
26. Koi g21 cadjust.png On the Screen Effects Tab, I change the color filter to Vivid with 0.375 opacity, highest value at 1 will removes the color filter completely.
27. Koi g22 ambient.png Ambient Occlusions set to 0, dark areas (or edges) seems lighter
28. Koi g22 ambient2.png Ambient Occlusions set to 1, edges (including character's) are darker
29. Koi g23 dof.png Depth of Field's Focal Width set to 0.29 (This is the Range) Aperture is the intensity of the blur.
30. Koi g24 bloom.png Turned On Bloom settings with lighting's blur to 4.215, Fog cannot be seen in this map.

You can use the default blank map to see the effects of Fog and Sunshafts
31. Koi g25 sunshaft.png Sunshafts aren't available too.

You can use the default blank map to see the effects of Fog and Sunshafts
32. Koi g26 shadow.png Final touch on the Graphics settings is.. Shadow. I used Slight, Smooth Shadows on this one.

Remember: All the other settings beside Editor Main Settings are saved in the Scene File. (see step no.14)
33. Koi g27 end.png Thanks for reading this lengthy basic introduction guide, we hope you can create your own fantastic scene later.
EX. Koi scene example.png Other Simple Example of a Scene using all the explanation made by this Guide

this example scene utilizes a slight blue-colored fog on the bottom and sunshafts

Advanced Editor Guide

Notice: Screenshot helper and detailed explanation coming soon


To Group/Parent objects, first you must select the parent object, for example RightHand on a Character. When RightHand is selected, ctrl+click on the object you wish to be the child object. In this case, a smartphone. After both are selected, select the Group/Parent button to finish grouping.

The advantage of Grouping, is when you moves/rotates the parent object around, the child objects will follow. As seen in Sample_01.png located in ... \Koikatu\UserData\Studio\scene\

Forward Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics

Forward Kinematics or in short FK, is where you can adjust every joint on a character's body (hairs, head, skirt etc.) to make a custom pose using Rotation Editor Cursor.

Inverse Kinematics or in short IK, is where you can adjust every joint on a character's body (hairs, head, skirt etc.) to make a custom pose using Translation Editor Cursor.