Love Death Final!: Modding
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This page explains modifications not supported by Teatime; the Tam Tam Guide explains the use of the editor provided by Teatime.
Though MQO imports are supported by the editor, their creation and editing requires a third party application, which may be explained here.
Models (ODF/MQO/Other)
Maps and props
MDL Ver.2.00
- Name:%s
- Diffuse:%f %f %f %f
- Ambient:%f %f %f %f
- Specular:%f %f %f %f
- Power:%f
- TextureFlag:%d
- TextureFile:%s
- Transparent:%d
- LightingType:%d
- UVAnimeType:%d
- UVAnimeScroll:%f,%f
- UVAnimeFrame:%d,%d,%d,%d
- BumpFlag:%d
- BumpTexture:%s
- BumpUVScrollFlag:%d
- BumpUVScrollVec:%f,%f
- SpecularMapFlag:%d
- SpecularTexture:%s
- ToonFlag:%d
- ToonTexture:%s
- LineSize:%f
- CubeEnvFlag:%d
- CubeEnvRate:%f
- BlendTexFlag:%d
- BlendTexture:%s
- BlendTexRate:%f
- Z_Offset:%f
- LayerNum:%d
- PartsNum:%d
- %d (0 to PartsNum-1)
- VertexNum:%d
- Pos:%f %f %f
- Normal:%f %f %f
- Tangent:%f %f %f
- Binormal:%f %f %f
- UV0:%f %f
- UV1:%f %f
- SkinBone:%d %d %d %d
- SkinWeight:%f %f %f %f
- Color:%f %f %f %f
- MaterialNo:%d
- FaceNum:%d
- %d %d %d
- BoneIDs:%d
- %d
- %s
- %s%s
- %s%s
- %s%s
- %s%s ?
BON Ver.2.00
[Bone] Num:%d
- Name:%s
- InitMatPS:%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f
- InitMatMS:%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f
- OffsetMat:%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f
- ParentNo:%d
- ChildNum:%d
- %d
[Root] No:%d
Load data (DAT)
Maps and Spawns
Rothschild - peaceful version (data/Map/map_town/) battle version (data/Map/map_town2/)
- %d (number of entries)
- %f,%f,%f, (Pos vector) %f,%f,%f, (Rot vector) %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d (unknown) %d (unknown)
- %d (number of entries)
- %f,%f,%f (Pos) %f,%f,%f (Rot) %f (unknown) %d (unknown) %d (unknown)
- %d (number of entries)
- %f,%f,%f (Pos) %f,%f,%f (Rot) %d (event type) %d (spawn flags)
- Spawn ID is 0 for the player's spawn point and a 5-digit number of others. 1st digit is always 1, the 2nd two digits are the spawn order, the last two digits are the spawn ID. A boss spawn ID will always add 50, a human spawn ID will always add 60.
- %f,%f,%f (Pos) %f,%f,%f (Rot) %d (event type) %d (spawn flags)
Humans and Mobs
Magic and Effects
Misc others
Shop, EventArea
Scripting (TXT)
Summary of game scripts
- Chapter1 - runs from Main Menu "Start" option, exits to character selection
- Chapter2 - unknown/unused
- ToExtra - runs when exiting Free H with the lower left button, exits to Free H char/map selection.
- ToFree - unknown/unused
- Quest_00.txt - runs from a Rothschild Event Area, exits to quest menu
- Shop_00.txt - runs from a Rothschild Event Area, exits to shop mode
- ToQuest - runs after confirming a quest choice, exits to load map specified in that quest's data
- ChapterClear - runs after clearing all Chapters, after exiting results display. Exits to Rothschild.
- ReturnCity - run after exiting results display, or exiting or refusing torture H following a defeat. Exits to Rothschild
- ReturnH - runs after accepting torture H, exits to torture H
Script/Quest/<character>/ - character can be any defined in Status/Human/Heroine/<character>.dat, and only runs when playing <character>.alp
- Start - runs when beginning a new game with either character, exits to Rothschild
- Quest_Point_ 00* - Runs when beginning QuestID ending with 00*. Exits to the loaded map
- Quest_Point_(A/B/C/D) - never runs, probably deprecated by above
- Boss - uncertain, possibly runs when a boss is activated during a quest with Ending=1, exits to boss battle
- QuestClear - runs after clearing a quest with Ending=1, script jumps to H.txt
- H - run from QuestClear, exits to H-Mode and designates Ending to run after
- Ending - run from exiting H mode begun in H, exits to roll credits and title screen
Script/Quest/<character>/Rival/ scripts run when a character matching Rival ID for a quest becomes active.
Event Keys
These are the blocks of instruction the game will read and interpret. [EventKeyStart] and [EventKeyEnd] enclose each function, along with the required and optional parameters.
- CharaLookType
- Sprite
- Quest
- Light
- Effect
- CharacterControl
- WearDraw
- BG_Sprite
- GlobalFlag
- ChangeScene
- Scenes - Logo, Title, GameMain, Exit
- H_Stroke
- CharaDraw
- AutoSave
- GameMessage
- EventTrigger
- NullData
- Equip
- SetupPlayer
- SetupChara
- Map
- ScriptJump
- Choices
- EventChara
- Valiable
- ChangeMode
- Modes - Action, City, Shop, H, Q_Receive, Q_Result, Ending, Free, CharaSelect
- SpriteAnime
- Sound
- Camera
- ColorFilter
- ChangeExpression
- ChangeAnimeNo
- ChangeAnimeData
- MovePos
- SetPos
- String