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Violated Heroine edit




Other stuff:

Playable Characters

To start a new game with characters other than Nanako and Serena, hold down the left Shift key while selecting "New game". Keep holding down the Shift key while you keep advancing through the screens until you reach the character selection screen.

Note: Most of these characters will appear as NPC companions who will join your party at some point when you are playing as Nanako or Serena. The various "Starting Stats" tables given below show the character's stats when they join your party as a companion for the first time. When you start a new game and you choose to play as the character, if you select the option to create the character using the defaults, then these will also be your starting stats. However, if you decide to go through the character creation questions manually, then your starting stats will very likely be different than what is listed.



The player's main character by default. Nanako is a red-haired young lass seeking adventure, trained in martial arts. While not very smart, she can still pack a mean punch. She's a bright and energetic girl, but her naivety may get the better of her.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
15 157 cm 43 kg 85 (cm) 57 (cm) 83 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 30 100 24 17 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 30 44 30



A proud noble girl with extraordinary talents, Serena is the second daughter of the house of Grazia who left home in secret to search for her family's stolen heirloom. She is very ignorant of the world and is insecure about her height. Her full name is Serena Fuoco Le Brillante de La Grazia.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
11 127 cm 26 kg 60 (cm) 47 (cm) 61 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 20 100 55 52 83 6 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 100



Ashley was once a promising young ice witch who was training to be a knight for one of the lords at the Capital, until she was kidnapped by bandits and kept as a sex slave. While imprisoned her body was covered in piercings and magical tattoos. Though she is blind, her other senses have become much sharper.

After Rescue Ashley has been completed Nanako may receive a messenger while staying in the Capital Inn who tells her about Ashley's recovery. Then shortly after Nanako may enter the Hot Springs Adventurer's Guild and find Ashley up and about. This triggers a cutscene where Nanako excitedly greets Ashley and she suggests they go to the Inn to rest. This leads to two scenes, which vary depending on the Purity/Dirty level. NOTE: As of version 180601, the Dirty version of the Inn scenes might freeze. If your game stalls on the innkeeper part way through, activate the debug mode from Nanako's House and temporarily set your purity to a high number to trigger the other version of the sequence(It's under "hidden parameters" in the debug tool).

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
21 161 cm 52 kg 112 (cm) 67 (cm) 98 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
10 79 200 27 39 60 51 1586 985 601 1 0 100 40 20

Note: When you start a new game and decide to play as Ashley, if you choose to manually answer the character creation questions, then you start at Level 1 instead of Level 10. This seems like it's a bug, because this doesn't happen, for example, when you start a new game and play as Erika.

When you choose to play Ashley as your character, you begin the game waking up after Nanako has rescued you at the end of the Rescue Ashley quest.



Erika Riunroot is a strong, one-armed female adventurer who has experienced many hardships. She instantly takes a liking to Nanako's refreshing and upbeat attitude.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
18 171 cm 65 kg 100 (cm) 76 (cm) 89 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
15 160 60 75 69 67 85 35 21 14 2 0 50 25 70

When you choose to play Erika as your character, you begin the game just after the events of the Rescue Ashley and Merchant Escort quests. If you go behind the front counter of the guild hall and downstairs to the guild's infirmary, you will find Ashley still unconscious and recuperating in bed.



A merchant's daughter. She's a decent fighter and can use some magic.

  • Briefly joins your party during Merchant Escort.
  • Can be recruited at Hot Spring Town and the Capital when playing as Nanako, after done with Merchant Escort.
  • Can be recruited at the Capital when playing as Serena.
  • Barely playable as a character. Most quests, events, and cutscenes are incomplete, which causes very buggy behavior in the game. Expect the game to freeze or crash frequently when playing as Lhat.
Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
?? 142 cm 35 kg 72 (cm) 52 (cm) 73 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi
5 47 100 22 27 33 49

Note: The above stats are when you are playing as another character and Lhat joins your party for the first time as an NPC companion. The stats below are when you start a new game and play as Lhat, and choose to create the character using the defaults.

Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
4 39 100 27 60 40 35 0 0 0 0 0 70 60 60

When you choose to play Lhat as your character, you begin the game in the manor house owned by your (step)brother, the lord of Grihastha.



Rin is the youthful captain of the Capital's guards and is quite familiar with comments about her age and experience. A recent rash of gruesome murders have her rather perplexed, but that's not all that's worrying her... Rin is someone who's very knowledgeable and can be counted on. She learns to rely on Nanako's strength. Can be recruited after completing Rescue Rin.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
27 163 cm 50 kg 83 (cm) 59 (cm) 84 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
10 103 60 67 71 49 47 0 0 0 0 0 45 10 50

When you choose to play Rin as your character, you begin the game in the forest just northeast of the Capital.



A girl born from Nanako and a dog. The ever-strong girl looks like Nanako. Red hair, tail; black drooping ears.

Unlocked during normal play as other characters by having Bellepher's child and making it grow up.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
7 127 cm 26 kg 60 (cm) 47 (cm) 61 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 30 100 14 13 4 19 0 0 0 0 0 25 55 20

When you choose to play Nana as your character, you begin the game in Nanako's House.



A poor little witch girl who was sold into slavery by her once rich but now indebted parents.

Not a huge amount of her story has been revealed. She latches onto Nanako when you rescue her and seems to think she's her mother. She's briefly playable during a quest initiated by talking to the Dragon's daughter after she's been saved from the Orcs, when Elmire is your companion.

  • Can be recruited after completing Buying Elmire.
  • Somewhat playable as a character as of latest versions.
Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
10 127 cm 26 kg 60 (cm) 47 (cm) 61 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 40 300 13 22 43 14 15 5 10 0 0 40 0 20

When you choose to play Elmire as your character, you begin the game in Nanako's House.



An Alraune who was raised by an old man that lives near Foothills Town. Bright and Cheerful.

Marginally playable as a character. An introductory cutscene has been created, and Eia can go to school in town (presumably this might be Foothills Town?), which is located to the east of her house; but very little other content exists. During her introductory cutscene, you can see flashes of other characters' story lines; for example, a scene where Lime's family is attacked by human adventurers while she escapes in a crate, is not seen in Lime's own introductory cutscene, presumably because she is hidden inside the crate and cannot see the attack.

Based on the racism (speciesism?) and discrimination experienced by both characters at the hands of humans, it is perhaps safe to assume that the developer plans to have Eia and Lime's storylines intersect at some point.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
13 142 cm 35 kg 72 (cm) 52 (cm) 73 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 24 150 20 22 20 11 0 0 0 0 0 60 20 75

When you choose to play Eia as your character, you begin the game in her house, which is located just to the east of the Elf Forest and Eisen, south of Norland, and north of Delvanka.



A recolor of Hinano. Based on her introductory cutscene, Lime is not a half–slime; rather, she seems to be a red slime that has gained sapience and taken human form. (Get it? Slime? s-Lime? ;-P ) Her slime family is murdered by callous human adventurers, which leads to her extreme hatred towards humans.

Somewhat playable as a character.

Based on the racism (speciesism?) and discrimination experienced by both characters at the hands of humans, it is perhaps safe to assume that the developer plans to have Lime and Eia's storylines intersect at some point.

Age Height Weight Bust Waist Hip
5 145 cm 37 kg 72 (cm) 54 (cm) 77 (cm)
Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi Intercourses Creampies Bukkake Pregnancies Births Charm Desire Purity
1 40 40 21 22 23 9 0 0 0 0 0 30 44 30

When you choose to play Lime as your character, you begin the game beneath the Capital.

Similarly to when you play as Serena, even though you start the game at the Capital, it's recommended that you go to Hot Spring Town first. (This is especially important for Lime, because unlike Serena, Lime must complete the Delivery Work quest in Hot Spring Town in order to receive the Portable Portal.) To get there, you can have Lime register at the Adventurer's Guild in the Capital, and complete the first quest, Medicinal Herb Collection. During the quest, if you collect some gemstones from the environment, you can sell them at vendor shops for money. Or, you can simply repeat the Medicinal Herb Collection quest three times. Once you have accumulated 1500G, you can go to the horse train station and buy a ticket to Hot Spring Town. Be aware that this is a one–way ticket, and because you don't own it yet, the Capital will not be added as a location to your Portable Portal. So you should accomplish anything you want in the Capital first (such as perhaps completing a couple of the other guild quests, if you'd like) before you head to Hot Spring Town.


These companions may be recruited at certain points in the game. They will follow you in combat areas and attack monsters.


  • Unfortunately, this game does not have a particularly robust companions system. Their AI is rudimentary, and they don't gain very much EXP even when they are in your party. Don't expect anything anywhere close to Secret of Mana–like levels of co-op gameplay.
  • When a companion is down, there are a few ways you can get them back up.
    1. By using a Medicinal Liquor. Since you choose who to use the Medicinal Liquor on through a menu selection, this works from any distance away from the party member. It revives them with approximately 50% of their HP.
    2. By using a Restorative. Oddly, even though Restoratives cost 10 times more than Medicinal Liquors at the item shop, it only revives party members with 25% of their HP.
    3. By walking up to them and repeatedly hitting the attack button (the 'Z' key). Each time you hit the attack button next to them, they should flash green. Eventually, they will be revived with approximately 50% HP.
    4. By simply exiting your current map and going to another map (although this seems like it might be a bug, where the developer hasn't really thought out how to deal with leaving a map when there is a party member that is down). Your party member will suddenly be revived with approximately 50% HP without you needing to do anything. Even if it is a bug, you can exploit it to your benefit, by hanging out between two wilderness maps, and reviving your companion when they are down by going to the other map. This can save you a lot of money on having to buy potions when you are farming EXP or drops.
  • Another area where the companion system seems to be incomplete in this game is that regardless of how many companions you have in your party, only the companion that is listed first underneath your character will appear on the map in the wilderness to fight alongside you. This can be seen during the Rescue Ashley quest, where you have both Erika and Benetta in your party, but only Erika fights alongside you. Also, when you aren't in the middle of a quest, it seems that you can only recruit one companion at a time. For example, if you try to recruit Benetta but you already have Hanten in your party, Benetta will simply replace Hanten as your party member, and Hanten will suddenly no longer be in your party.



An adventurer who wishes to become a hero. A spiky haired boy in white bandana whom you can find sitting inside Hot Spring Town's guild building. He's the first recruitable party member for Nanako.

Can be recruited in the Hot Spring Town Adventurer's Guild Hall after registering as an adventurer and paying the membership fee. He appears to be the only companion that can be recruited at (almost) any time, throughout the entirety of the game.

Note: If you want to level him up, you should recruit him as soon as you possibly can, basically at the very start of the game. He starts off extremely weak, so you need to get him up to a fairly high level and upgrade him with much better equipment before he becomes moderately useful as a companion. However, having said all of this, Hanten is able to equip some of the most powerful equipment in the game, such as a Monohoshizao, Labrys, or Plate Armor.

Temporarily unable to be recruited after Rescue Ashley. At some point after Rescue Ashley, he can again be recruited at the Grihastha Adventurers' Guild.

Hanten has a limited range where he is willing to follow you when you are walking around in the wilderness. If you attempt to have him in your party when you are walking north into the mountains, he will refuse to go any farther north than the Road to the Frontier. However, if you have already previously visited locations in the northern mountains (such as Eisen, Surglane Village, etc.) so that they are available as teleport locations, then you can teleport to those places even when Hanten is in your party.

Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi
3 51 50 14 15 15 18



A young but proud witch. She could probably give birth to 50 Goblin babies before her body gives out. The purple-haired adventurer can be found in the Hot Spring Town branch of the Adventurers' Guild.

Benetta can be seen sitting at the guild hall starting from the beginning of the game, but she can only be recruited once you reach a guild rank of 14 (i.e., when your rank beats hers).

It's not recommended that you spend too much effort to level her up, because she is unable to be recruited after the Rescue Ashley quest.

Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi
7 58 150 24 29 48 36



A fairy who lost her memories of her past. She is afraid of humans but feels safe with Nanako. After completing Crybaby Ghost, Nanako decides to help her regain her lost memories. She becomes recruitable at the VH Clan House.

Monsters like to target her!

Note: You can also get her in Hot Spring Town, if you say yes at the sign next to the lake on the right at the south entrance of the town (sets "0723: 妖精フラグ" (Fairy Flag) Variable to 21). When she joins your party, she will increase your dmg, defense, and exp gain. However, it seems to cause you to jump into the future (story progresses without you really knowing what is happening since the Onsen Town guild is empty and many are injured in bed underground [actually this is the end of the quest "Rescue Ashley"]). Additionally, if you look at your character stats in the menu, you will see that you have suddenly gained 10 Levels.

Starting Stats
Lvl HP MP Atk Def Spi Agi
1 35 100 17 14 26 25




A single mother of two young boys who lives in a house just east of Hot Spring Town. She has placed a request with the Adventurers' Guild for a babysitter.

Has a guild request out for someone to babysit her sons.



A young and powerful witch who lives in a vine-overgrown house in Hot Spring Town. As her house is littered with various books, she is quite knowledgeable, but you never really know what those quiet-types are into.

Is looking for someone to help with her experiments.


Henry is a blue haired handsome guy who can be found beside the central fountain in Hot Spring Town.

Bench Elf

This handsome blue-haired elf can often be found in Hot Spring Town sitting on the bench just outside the public toilet. Unfortunately for some, he prefers the company of other men. This is an easter egg of internet meme culture.


Stallion is an experienced adventurer of some fame and notoriety. There are many rumors about him, including that he is rather highly immoral, has an insanely high sex drive, and has an uncanny ability to get the girls he has sex with pregnant.


The Guild Master at the Capital branch of the Adventurers' Guild. Hating to be called "Master", she asks all she meets to call her by name.


Pierre is a young man who lives in the Capital residential district. He keeps a Minotaur as his pet.



Hinano is a young maid working in the Capital public office. She pays special attention to all of Rin's needs.

She has an abusive father.



Daughter from the VH Clan in the Capital.

Needs to be saved from Bloody Lilly. Important character for further quests.


Capital Doctor

Runs a clinic in the Capital. She has rather idiosyncratic personality. Offers medical treatment and maternity or child abortion services. Has a guild request out for medical herb collection.



Runs a clinic in Delvanka.

Offers medical treatment and maternity or child abortion services.



Weapon blacksmith and shopkeeper in Underground City. Foster father of Belle. Has a secret past, involving Belle.



An orphaned beastwoman in Underground City. Adopted daughter of Gree. Has a trauma with the fire.


Foothills Town Doctor

Runs a clinic in Foothills Town. Offers medical treatment. Has a secret sadistic personality.


Foothills Town Nurse

The nurse in Foothills Town's clinic. Sells medical items.


Lord of Grihastha

The current lord of Grihastha. Will appear at the end of the Nanako version Merchant Escort. (Step)Brother of Lhat.



A beastwoman in Grihastha. Wants to return to her home. Will be friends with Nanako.

Later appears in Orc Kingdom as well.



Mother of Serena in Kojima.




Boss of the bandits in Bandit's Hideout. The main cause for Rescue Ashley.

Masked Magician

Masked Man

Presumably an Evil Cult leader. The main cause for Murder Investigation. Makes an appearance near the end in Nanako's version of the Merchant Escort quest.

Bloody Lilly

Bloody Lilly

A slave trainer in the Capital.



A young witch from the Mages' Guild. Michiru is a young witch whom you first met just outside the decrepit Inn in the dead village. Enemy at first but then will be friend. Appears in Rescue at Wyvern Valley. Can summon Wyverns.



A young witch from the Mages' Guild (probably the one in Bay Town Ceres). She has an interest in the dark arts whom is seeking large amounts of magic. Winter is coming. Uses banned magic. The main cause for Rescue at Wyvern Valley.


Haven't figured out what type of character they are, haven't met them yet in the game, only have picture files of them tucked away somewhere in the game's folders, etc.


Nanako's Sensei

Martial arts teacher (Sensei) of Nanako. Her empty form can be seen near the end of Rescue Ashley in Nanako's recollection.


Merchant Guild Punitive Soldier

Appears at the end of Nanako's version of the Merchant Escort quest.



Minotaurwoman in Barbarian Village. NPC or companion.



An (dark) elf in Foothills Town. Friend of Eia.

Has a competitive personality towards Eia which turns out quite funny. NPC or companion.



Female pirate. Has events in Grihastha that are not yet available. Future companion.



There are H pictures of her, so probably has events somewhere.

Blonde Sister

Blonde Sister

A nun in the Capital Slums' Church. Changes her speech after a certain thing? (Variable 0366 is 2)


The Debug Ninja

A ninja somewhere…

He appears in some of the debugging maps when you play the game in Debug Mode.