Main Protagoist
You can choose the protagonist's gender between male and female. and customize the appearance.
Male Protagonist / 男性主人公 Yorth ver. (Left) / Middle-age ver. (Right)
Female Protagonist / 女性主人公 Type A ver. (Left) / Type B ver. (Right)
Characters / Personalities
Tenshin Ranman / 天真爛漫 An innocent, talkative and energetic girl! cv. Misonoo mei |
Cheerful, energetic and talkative. A girl with a lot of expression.
Anyway, she is full of curiosity and is very active and motivated in everything she does.
She can get along with anyone and brighten up her surroundings.
Once she finds someone she loves, she shows her spoiled and jealous side.
Namaiki / 生意気でクール Cheeky and cool girl cv. Takanashi Hanami |
She clearly says what she wants to say and expresses her opinions to others without hesitation.
Sometimes people around her call her "cheeky" because of her appearance.
But actually, she is always calm and never raises her voice.
She wants to be rational and does not like to be emotionally involved or to be influenced by trends.
She thinks if there was someone with whom she could discuss her true feelings on an equal footing, they could be her lover.
Uraraka / 麗らか A beautiful maid who gently embraces you cv. Yuuki Honoka |
An excellent Empire House maid who is always calm and receptive.
She is not agitated by a few things.
She follows up and encourages other maids when they make mistakes. She is kind and motherly.
Although she is a faithful maid, she is not only serious but also jokes and teases her master as a big sister.
Egao / 笑顔 A smiling maid who makes everyone happy cv. Mugime Purin |
A hardworking girl who wants to become a full-fledged maid.
Rather than having something lucky happen to her or something that benefits her,
Her happiness is to see everyone smiling.
She is a friendly and lovely girl who loves to spend time with everyone.
She also has a kind heart and is able to cheer up someone with a gloomy face.