Summer Vacation! Scramble: Traits

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all characters are at least 18

Summer Vacation! Scramble [edit]


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NOTE: many of these have been copied from AA2 and have NOT been confirmed as accurate. anything with a ? at the end, I am very unsure of.

Trait Effects
Easygoing Quick to get close to others.

-easier to raise love points and chemistry

Affable Deeply passionate about friends and lovers.

-easier to raise friend points

Bad with Guys Unfavorable to men.

-less Like/Love points gained when interacting with guys

-accepts good rumors about guys harder

-will never interrupt or compete with guys

Bad with Girls Unfavorable to women.

-less Like/Love points gained when interacting with girls

-accepts good rumors about girls harder

-will never interrupt or compete with girls

Charming Easily gets close to opposite sex.

-positive modifier to relationship point only to the opposite gender

-NPCs will seek this character for interaction but are also more likely to interrupt conversations

Chivalrous Easily gets close to same sex.

-increases the chances of successful "let's...(e.g. study)" action

-positive modifier to relationship point only to the same gender

Trendy Susceptible to popular opinion.

-increases the chances of joining any group activities

-more likely to stalk/interact with the characters they love/like.

-more likely to ask to become lovers

Obedient actions and opinions are swayed by others

-easier to accept the the "encourage", "group", and "follow me" options

-increases the chance of accepting confess(=express love)

Positive Easily excited

-prone to positive moods

-bonus to cheering others up

-dates are more likely to be successful (need to confirm)

-will never grumble

-unlikely to initiate negative acts(warn about cheating, insult, spread bad rumors etc)

Shy Will shy away from interactions

-harder to accept physical contact and public H action in the presence of other people

-will always run away when witnessing H

-less likely to ask someone on a date

Jealous Easily become jealous of others

-increased chances of interrupting conversation and H

Melancholy Easily depressed (needs cheering up)

-prone to depressed moods

-becomes depressed after witnessing a fight

Perverted Likes being lewd

-prone to horny moods

-easier to raise chemistry

-increases the frequency and the success rate of lewd actions and topics

-more likely to masturbate when horn

-will never interrupt or run away when it witnesses H

Serious Behaves seriously

-increased chances of interrupting H

-will not Blackmail

-More likely to study at school?

Calm Strong presence of mind

-more stable mood

-resistant to angry moods

-will almost never do anything (talk, interrupt, slap, etc.) unless balanced by other traits

Nervous Sensitive to other people and things

- ???

Impulsive Prone to mood swings

-easily changes moods, bad or good

Absentminded Often unaware of other's discomfort

-reduced movement speed

-will never try to break up with a lover

-will never confront

-less Dislike/Hate gained

Hot-headed Quick to anger

- prone to angry moods

- twice more likely to confront characters he or she hates

- increases chances of Confronting

Carnivorous Forward in pursuing their lust

-More likely to start H?

-More likely to ask out?

-More likely to join 3P H

Herbivorous Passive in pursuing their lust

-less likely to start H?

-less likely to ask out?

Meddlesome Enjoys taking care of others

-more likely to cheer up or calm down other characters

Leader Often tries to get everyone involved in group activities

-increases the frequency of "everyone, let's..." actions

-will always try to interrupt fights

Musclehead more likely to exercise and befriend those with high phys

- More likely to engage in Exercise activity

- increased like with High Physical attribute characters

Chatty Enjoys talking and befriend those with high soc

-increases frequency of triggering conversation

-increased frequency of gossiping rumors, good or bad, but not their success rate

-chat interactions have 20% higher success rate

-increased like with high social attribute characters

Gluttonous Enjoys eating and befriend those with high life

-tend to loiter in cafe? maybe convivence store?

-increase like with high life attribute characters

Diligent Loves studying and befriend those with high study

-More likely to engage in Study activity

-increased like with high study attribute character

Romantic Takes more romantic actions

-double success rate for discussing "Love"

-twice more likely to hug/kiss/confess/date their lovers

Selfish More satisfied with own actions than those of others

- More like/love points when character started the conversation?

- less like/love points when the character did not start the conversation?

Singleminded Less likely to have multiple partners, committed to current partner

-always refuses hug/kiss/touch interactions until is in a relationship

-unlikely to accept more than one lover regardless of their virtue?

-will always choose their lover when competition occurs

-never warn about cheating

Indecisive Tends to make ambiguous choices when confronted

-unlikely to choose someone when two characters compete

-will not ask to become lovers with anyone

Schemer Often engages in mean actions

-increases the chances of spreading successful bad rumors

-very likely to call people from adjacent rooms when it sees a fight or a H scene

-Characters with this trait can blackmail for Kissing and Groping actions with double the success rate

Inoffensive Behaves in ways other's find agreeable

- ???

Workaholic Married to their jobs

- More likely to work

Wild Fulfills desires regardless of the consequences

- ???

Masochist Enjoys doing things out of the ordinary

-All other characters get a 100% blackmail success on this character

-successful forced interactions increase love points

Evil Deeply loves their partner to the point of hate. Be careful around them.

-will never break up with, or permit a break up from, any lover

-will attempt to kill their lovers if favorability drops low enough to break up

-will attempt to kill anyone they witnessed having sex with their lover

-can force sex on the player?

-will almost never stop from continuing a H scene if seen

Thick-headed Able to use a 3rd option in conversations

-has the extra option "Huh?!" when asked something that has same effect as "No" but with lower decrease on relationship

Blind Narrow field of vision and may not recognize others

- decreased chance of interruption

- has chance to not notice lover cheating on them

Lucky Somehow manages to get by if something happens to them.

-has a chance of escaping murder or getting away after killing someone If both characters have this trait then the victim dies and the murderer gets arrested as usual.?