Summer Vacation! Scramble: HGuide

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all characters are at least 18

Summer Vacation! Scramble [edit]


Install Guide

FAQ & Technical Help

Character Creation




  • Q: My girlfriend/boyfriend refuses to have sex with me?
    A: This is common if they are of High Virtue. You must have H in a private place or where no one is around. If someone comes into the area mid-H, they may cancel the H from embarassement.
  • Q: My partner has ended the sex scene after switching to another position?
    A: If your partner has High Virtue, they may not want their first time right away. You may need to make them orgasm or raise sexual compatibility (possibly both) before they will let you switch to that position.
  • Q: How do I end a sex scene? I can't click the button?
    A: The button becomes available after your partner has finished her/his orgasm.
  • Q: Is there ahegao in the game?
    A: Sort of. It has been replaced with Exhaustion, similar to what's in HoneyComb.
  • Q: How do I make my partner(s) exhausted?
    A: You must have High Compatibility with the character. You then must then orgasm together 3 times while the Orgasm bar is gold. You may not change position or it will reset.
  • Q: Sometimes I noticed a change of lines spoken during having sex, like she's being on a heat than usual?
    A: When lust status is maxed, triggered by excessive physical contacts around 2-3 times without the lewd trait (e.g. kissing, hugging, groping) or witnessed others having sex, the girl will be on heat and the dialogues spoken and thoughts will be changed, an easier way to do this if you are on a harem, is asking everyone to have sex, your other harem cannot interrupt during this intercourse and they are forced to watch you having sex with one of your harem (prioritized alphabetically A-Z or kanji list if written in japanese, if there is a girl with an alphabet higher than the rest, she will always be prioritized if present), the other girls witnessing you having sex will have their lust status maxed.
  • Q: I have so many partners in my harem and that one girl that I coincidentally ignore suddenly refuses to be groped or invited to sex, why is that?
    A: This happens when your partner is of High Virtue (and you're not spreading your love equally :p), since they have lesser love points towards you, you need to work your way to increase their love again which will be harder to increase compared to your first time making her your partner. the very effective method to do this, is to spam physical contacts (caress 3 times every period is the safest way when there are other girls nearby), the real challenge while on a harem (extra if you are trying to make no one's a cheater) is that other girls will prone to interrupt you and the girl you are trying to increase the love back. But nowadays, this can become easier since the developer added a cheat option that makes other unable to interrupt your attempts.
  • Q: I have heard pregnant dialogues while ending sex, is it possible to make a girl pregnant? In past games, being pregnant means that character have to go, I don't want that.
    A: Nope, continue cumming inside her to your heart's content, she will not go away, she will always beside you.
  • Q: Sometimes when cumming, I can also see my partner squirts, how to make her squirts often?
    A: You can try cumming while doing her favorite positions, but it can fail because sometimes your partner have different preference on positions aside from her own preference (e.g. likes face-to-face), this will be told when you're inviting her to sex in non-private spaces. Doing those positions requested will guarantee squirting while cumming. So if you noticed while having sex in a private space, a girl that likes face-to-face but somehow not squirting, you can try it from behind (e.g. Doggy Style). If you manage to make a girl squirts 3 times in a row, she will be on lewd mood, or if she's already in a lewd mood, she will stay in the lewd mood.

Basic Requirements for H

This lists the requirements for getting sex in ascending order according to virtue. The higher the virtue, the more requirements must be met.

  1. Like/Love: The most basic of requirements, and a prerequisite for all others listed. Any character would have to like yours in order to consider any physical contact. The lower virtue would consider it if Like is high enough, the higher the virtue, the more Love is required.
  2. Lust: Get the character horny: especially necessary if it's the first time having sex with the character. Talk Lewd, Kiss, or Touch can do this, as can witnessing other characters engaged in sex.
  3. Physical contact: Low virtue characters would agree to sex without at least a kiss, and may not accept a kiss without a hug, or a hug without a head pat. The lowest virtue may respond well to a grope without a kiss if Like or Love are high enough.
  4. Lovers: This is necessary with High virtue characters. Even at Low/Lowest virtue, a character is more wiling to have sex if you're in a relationship, even when love has declined.
  5. Invite to Private Space: High and Highest virtue characters in particular don't want to have sex in public. You will need to invite them to private spaces, such as the Love Hotel or your bedroom, in order to initiate H.


  • Blackmailing: Any character that has been successfully blackmailed can always be forced to H.

H compatibility

Sex with low compatibility
Sex with high compatibility

Higher H compatibility will unlock the full Orgasm meter, which will expand and add a 2nd line to the bar. Once the 2nd line has passed, the current position will change slightly, similar to HoneyComb when characters are approaching Orgasm. Higher compatibility will also change the character's dialog and reaction to the speed in which you are going. Compatibility very slightly reduces the time expended for each position change.

Characters have a preferred sex position. Having sex in these positions will change the dialog and increase the compatibility gain at the end of H. Additionally, characters with the Easygoing and the Perverted traits will increase compatibility faster.

Motion Change on Orgasm gauge

H Ending Dialogue

H Ending dialogues will have different lines of dialogues since they are tied to the characters' personality itself. Managing to do the said conditions, will have an effect on the mood of the character which is also differs according to their personality. Below are tested with all personalities and maxed love favorability (My Beloved, jp : 最愛の人). *may need corrections based on the level of other favorabilities`

Conditions Dialogue Possible Mood / Moods
Stop H without doing anything Becomes sad without stuttering a word Sad
Caress once / Make her cum Will Kiss you and said I love you Love
Make her Squirt 3 times About Cumming Together or being a perfect match with each other Lewd
Cum 3 times About you letting out so much Happy / Love
Cum Together About Cumming Together or being a perfect match with each other Happy / Love / Relaxed
Make her cum in the same positions 3 times in a row About being exhausted Lewd / Relaxed
Cumming inside during Risky Period without making her exhausted About taking responsibilities Happy / Love / Angry / Relaxed
Invited to your home while having Cheater Status About being fine doing it with a wolf like you Happy / Love / Relaxed

3P (3 person sex)

While the exact conditions for 3P have not been figured out, the following appear to be at least minimum requirements to trigger 3p.

  • All 3 Characters must be in a relationships between the 3 of them (NOTE: It may just require high sexual compatibility as there have been cases where it has triggered between non-lovers)
  • All 3 Characters must have high like/love between the 3 of them
  • The 2 NPC characters must be horny or currently engaged in public H

The Presence of the 'Cheater' opinion does not affect the ability to trigger 3P. It does not appear that 3P is guaranteed and getting it to trigger, even when all the above conditions are met, seems to be difficult. The Carnivorous trait appears to increase the likelihood of an NPC starting 3P H.

The ways that 3P can be triggered:

  • Having Public H with an NPC and another eligible NPC interrupts and suggests 3P
  • 2 eligible NPCs are engaged in public H and the player interrupts and suggests 3P
  • A NPC suggests 3P. The NPC will say they are going to have sex with another character and asks you to join. If accepted, you will follow to the 3rd person. NOTE: This can fail if the 3rd person becomes busy before you reach them (IE Changing cloths, working, or talking with others)

Note: Once 3P has been triggered, it cannot be interrupted by others. however, they will react to to it as they do in normal H.

The following combinations of 3p are possible, along with the positions available.

  • Male x Male x Female (Multiple Men options)
  • Male x Male x Futa (Multiple Men options)
  • Male x Female x Female (Multiple Women Options)
  • Male x Futa x Female (Multiple Men and Multiple Women options, may need to cycle females first to see all options)
  • Male x Futa x Futa (Multiple Men and Multiple women options)
  • Futa x Futa x Futa (Multiple Men and Multiple Women options)
  • Futa x Futa x Female (Multiple Men and Multiple Female options)
  • Futa x Female x Female (Multiple women Options)