Summer Vacation! Scramble: Gameplay

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Revision as of 20:58, 7 September 2024 by Semple (talk | contribs) (Added Sunday Date info)

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all characters are at least 18

Summer Vacation! Scramble [edit]


Install Guide

FAQ & Technical Help

Character Creation




  • Q: How can I change my player character?
    A: During the Bedroom phase, select a non-player character in the Community tab and press the green button underneath the character stats.
  • Q: How does Sunday date work?
    A: During the week, Monday thru Saturday, the player and non-player characters can ask others to the BBQ on Sunday. This can be found under 'Express Feeling' and select 'Ask on a Date. When Sunday, 2nd period comes around, you will load into the River map with most, if not all, characters. After a few seconds, they will begin to shout 'Everyone, let the BBQ begin!'. Any dates that NPCs has asked you on, will automatically start. If you have any NPCs youve asked out, you will need to go to the 'Everyone Lets...' and select the option to start the BBQ. Any dates you have will join.
  • Q: Can you ask multiple girls out on Sunday dates?
    A: Yes. You can go on multiple dates on Sunday for the BBQ. All NPCs that you asked out will join you when you ask to start it. You will automatically join NPCs that asked you out when they shout.



The game must be saved manually and can only be saved during the Bedroom phase. At the top of the Save/Load menu is a button allowing you to create a new savefile with a name and optional notes. Existing saves can be overwritten or loaded. Saves can also be favorited, which places them at the top of the list of saves.


You are initially given 12 slots to assign characters to, but this can optionally be increased to 24 after a confirmation prompt. Buttons on the side give you the option to rearrange characters or randomize each slot.



Dating is quite simple in SVS and works very differently from the spiritual predecessor, AA2. During the week, Monday-Saturday, the player and all NPCs can ask each other on a Sunday BBQ Date. This can be found under the "Express your feelings" option when talking to an NPC and selecting 'Ask on a Date'.

When Sunday rolls around, wait until the 2nd period (noon). When the period begins, most, if not all, characters will be at the river, including your character. At this time, if you have any dates you asked out, a new menu option for 'Start BBQ Date' will appear under the 'Everyone Lets...' right below the 'Everyone, lets H'. It will begin the date with ALL characters that you have a date with that are not busy. You will then move to a location and have a short cutscene for the BBQ date. After this, you can continue the period as normal or even shout to start the date again if any NPCs did not join the first time. Likewise, NPCs will also shout to start dates. It works exactly the same way the player does.


  • You CAN invite multiple girls on dates and accept multiple dates without penalty
  • the period does NOT end after dates
