PlayHome: Interface

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Revision as of 02:49, 27 January 2018 by Aria (talk | contribs) (Keyboard Controls)

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PlayHome [edit]




FAQ & Technical Help

Keyboard Controls (Main Game)

  • Q - move camera to face
  • W - move camera to chest
  • E - move camera to crotch
  • R - reset camera
  • pgup pgdown, directional arrows - move camera
  • Home End - camera zoom
  • \ / . - tilt camera
  • 8 6 4 2 (Numpad) - rotate camera
  • Esc - opens menu
  • F1 - config
  • F2 - keyboard shortcuts help display
  • F11 - screenshot
  • 1 - toggles man visibility
  • 2 - toggles camera point visibility
  • 3 - toggles map visibility
  • 4 - ???
  • 5 - toggles man (mobs) visibility
  • space - hides UI