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(Female warrior quest)
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Revision as of 19:10, 6 April 2009

RyonaRPG edit

Core version: 155 (2022-08-10)


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A secret research lab hidden at 奴隷都市シュライク Slave City Shrike, go into an empty house near the market and examine the bookshelf, you will found a stair lead to underground. Please note that it is closed at night (you can change day/night time at the witch in village inn)

Female warrior quest

(under construction)

You can start this quest by talking to the female guard near entrance, than go to the library at lower right side and talk to the npc. Find a bed and sleep, and you will wake up at night, you found that they are transforming a warrior and ask you to give 4 different type of herbs to him, he will give you items for reward.

  • ベラドンナ - You must start the quest first and already sent 2 other herbs to the npc, then it will appear at a storgae in Forgotten Mansion (right side?) (MAP ID : 281)
  • マンドレイク - Inside back streets that only accessible by using chain (チェーンフレイル). Same as above, you must start the quest and sent 2 herbs first.
  • 優曇華 - There are 17% chance a special map will appear at Labyrinth Garden (nothing/chest/vendor machine/master sword/優曇華), the chance of 優曇華 is 20%, so that is (1*0.17*0.2=3.4%) and the chance will be higher when you face some powerful monster deep inside the maze. No prerequisite, you can find it without starting the quest.
  • 冬虫夏草 - Inside Bug Labyrinth MAP 050, you need to start the quest and sent 1 herb first

優曇華→冬虫夏草→ベラドンナ or マンドレイク

You can also get them via input ID in cheat mode


(under construction)

  • Life engineering lab
  • Plant research lab
  • Safekeeping room
  • Insect lab
  • Genetics lab
  • Library
  • Pharmacy

Second Floor

  • ダイジョーブ博士

Red face npc, he will transform your body, you have 1/10 chance increase 50hp/mp/attack/magic/defence

Game over if you transform more than 20 times, he can also remove slave mode but will count as 5 times.(you can keep loading/saving the game to have 20 success transform)

  • Life Science Institute basement


Detail list for all event happen in the lab, for short, don't go into the opened cell...