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(Manually maintained article list)
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|founded=April 2001
|active=Closed on {{#dateformat:2013-06-21|mdy}}
|founded=December 2004
|active=Closed 2013 (presumed)
'''TEATIME''' (ティータイム) was a Japanese [[wikipedia:eroge|eroge]] developer, founded in April 2001.
On {{#dateformat:2013-06-21|mdy}} '''TEATIME''' announced on their website that they will close, and the website itself was shut down on {{#dateformat:2014-03-31|mdy}}. An [http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.teatime.ne.jp/ archived copy] of the website is still available via Wayback Machine.
Welcome to the '''{{PAGENAME}}''' mini wiki at Wikia. This is a mini wiki for [[wikipedia:eroge|eroges]] made by the Japanese company '''Teatime'''.
'''FULLTIME''' was it's sister brand.
Topics include technical troubleshooting, gameplay guide, game modding, and news for the next release. Please note that this is a public wikia and no inappropriate images are allowed to directly appear or be directly linked to.
[https://archive.org/details/tt-ft-a-c-c Games, HF patches and bonus materials archive]
{| align="center" width=100%
{| class="wikitable" style="display: inline-table;"
|style="width:50%; padding: .5em; border: 1px solid #c9c9ff; background-color: #f3f3ff;"|
! style="font-weight: bold;" | Release date
== Manually maintained article list ==
! style="font-weight: bold;" | Game title
Only selected articles are listed. For a full list go to [http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Category:TeatimeGames Category:TeatimeGames]
|+ Teatime
| 20 April 2001
===[[Love Death Final!]]===
| [[Broken_Glass_Heart|Broken Glass Heart (捕われた硝子の心)]]
*LDF - Gameplay Guide
*LDF - Technical help
| 19 October 2001
| [[Flowers_Scream_Broken_Glass_Heart|Flower's Scream ~Broken Glass Heart~<br>(華の悲鳴~壊れた硝子の心~)]]
=== [[HCT]] ===
| 21 March 2002
* [[HCT_Gameplay_Guide|HCT - Gameplay Guide]]
| [[Maiden_Breeder|Maiden Breeder (めいでん☆ブリーダー)]]
* [[HCT_Technical_help|HCT - Technical help]]
| 9 August 2002
=== [[LoveGear|Lovegear]]===
| [[Yukibotaru|Yukibotaru (雪蛍)]]
*[[LoveGear Technical help|LG Technical help]]
*[[LoveGear Gameplay Guide|LG Gameplay Guide]]
| 14 February 2003
*[[LoveGear FAQ|LG FAQ]]
| [[Toon]]
===[[LoveGear|Netowaku Netorari Karemachi Kanojou]]===
*[[KareKano_Technical_help|KareKano Technical Help]]
| 5 September 2003
*[[KareKano_Gameplay_Guide|KareKano Gameplay Guide]]
| [[Sacred_Plume|Sacred Plume (セイクリッド・プルーム)]]
*[[KareKano_FAQ|KareKano FAQ]]
| 21 May 2004
=== [[Renai+H]] ===
| [[Maiden_Breeder_2|Maiden Breeder 2 (メイデン☆ブリーダー2)]]
* [[Renai+H_Gameplay_Guide|Renai+H - Gameplay Guide]]
* [[Renai+H_Technical_help|Renai+H - Technical help]]
| 28 April 2005
* [[Renai+H_FAQ|Renai+H - FAQ]]
| [[Love_Death|Love Death (らぶデス 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
=== [[SYL|See You Lover]] ===
| 22 September 2005
* [[SYL_Gameplay_Guide|See You Lover - Gameplay Guide]]
| [[Futa Majo]]
* [[SYL_Technical_Help|See You Lover - Technical help]]
* [[SYL_FAQ|See You Lover - FAQ]]
| 17 November 2006
| [[Polyani|Polyani ~Polygon Anime Beautiful Girl~<br>(ポリアニ 〜ポリゴンアニメ美少女〜)]]
=== [[Love Death 555]] ===
* [[Love Death 555 gameplay guide|Love Death 555 - Gameplay Guide]]
| 31 August 2007
* [[Love Death 555 Technical help|Love Death 555 - Technical help]]
| [[Love_Death_2|Love Death 2 (らぶデス2 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
* [[Love Death 555 Multiplayer|Love Death 555 - Multiplayer]]
| 28 November 2008
=== Older games ===
| [[Love_Death_3|Love Death 3 (らぶデス3 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
* [[Kasou]] | [[Kasou Gameplay Guide|Gameplay]] | [[Kasou_walkthrough|Walkthrough]] | [[Kasou technical help|Tech Help]]
* [[Love Death 4]] | [[Love Death 4 gameplay guide|Gameplay]] | [[Love Death 4 modding|Modding]] | [[Love Death 4 technical help|Tech help]]
| 26 June 2009
* [[Tech48]] | [[Tech48 Gameplay Guide|Gameplay]] | [[Tech48 Technical Help|Tech Help]]
| [[Tech48]]
* [[Love Death 3]] | [[Love Death 3 gameplay guide|Gameplay]] | [[Love Death 3 scripting|Modding]] | [[Love Death 3 technical help|Tech Help]]
* [[LoveDeath 2 - Realtime Lovers|Love Death 2]] | [[LoveDeath 2 - Realtime Lovers gameplay guide|Gameplay]] | [[LoveDeath 2 Text Scripting|Modding]] | [[LoveDeath 2 - Realtime Lovers technical help|Tech Help]]
| 31 July 2009
| style="padding: .3em .7em .4em; border: 1px solid #b9ffb9; background-color: #f3fff3;"|
| [[IchaComu|IchaComu ~Icha Communication~<br>(いちゃコミュ☆ 〜いちゃいちゃコミュニケーション〜)]]
== Auto-generated article list ==
| 18 December 2009
(sorted by last update, showing most recent 27)
| [[Love_Death_4|Love Death 4 (らぶデス4 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
category            = TeatimeGames
| 28 may 2010
ordermethod          = lastedit
| [[Kasou|Delusion virtual character trouble (妄想性仮想人格障害)]]
count = 27
order = descending
| 30 July 2010
| [[IchaComuPlus|IchaComu+ ~Icha Communication Plus~<br>(いちゃコミュ☆+ 〜いちゃいちゃコミュニケーションプラス〜)]]
| 26 November 2010
| [[Love_Death_555|Love Death 555! (らぶデス555! 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
| 31 March 2011
| [[See_You_Lover|See You Lover (修羅恋 〜See You Lover〜)]]
| 26 May 2011
| [[Renai%2BH|Renai+H (恋愛+H)]]
| 29 July 2011
| [[Houkago_Custom_Time|After School Custom Time(放課後かすたむ☆たいむ)]]
| 9 December 2011
| [[LoveGear|LoveGear (らぶギア 〜Kinematic Lovers〜)]]
| 15 June 2012
| [[KareKano|Netowaku Netorari Karemachi Kanojou<br>(ネトワクネトラル カレマチカノジョ)]]
| 7 June 2013
| [[Gods_Drawing|God's drawing (かみさまのおえかき)]]
| 30 August 2013
| [[Love_Death_Final!|Love Death Final! (らぶデス FINAL! 〜Realtime Lovers〜)]]
{| class="wikitable" style="display: inline-table;"
== Links ==
! style="font-weight: bold;" | Release date
All of the sites below are in Japanese only. You must be 18 or older to enter those sites.
! style="font-weight: bold;" | Game title
* [http://www.teatime.ne.jp Official Teatime Homepage]
|+ Fulltime
{| style="width:100%; border: 1px solid blue; margin:2px; color:lightblue;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5"
| 17 December 2004
| http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120125202145/central/images/f/f6/Gamingwikis.png
| [[Chikanhahanzai!|Chikanhahanzai! (痴漢は犯罪!)]]
| style="text-align:right;" valign="top" |
'''Other [[w:Gaming|gaming wikis]]'''<br />
| 17 March 2006
<small>[[w:c:Eroge|Eroge]]&bull; [[IllusionGames|Illusion]] &bull; [[w:c:mugen|MUGEN]] &bull; [[w:c:AliceSoft|AliceSoft]] &bull; [[RyonaRPG]] &bull; [[w:c:typemoon|TYPE-MOON]] &bull; [[w:c:touhou|Touhou - 東方]] </small>
| [[Eroi|Erotic Doctor (エロ医)]]
| 25 April 2008
| [[Eroi_3D|Erotic Doctor 3D (エロ医3D)]]
| 22 December 2011
| [[Body_Contact|Body Contact (肉体契約書)]]
| 30 March 2012
| [[Virtual_Stalker|Virtual Stalker (バーチャルストーカー)]]
| 31 April 2012
| [[Illusion_Field|Illusion Field (ILLUSION FIELD -幻影現実-)]]
| 29 March 2013

Revision as of 15:43, 22 January 2025


all characters are at least 18

Featured games: [edit]

TEATIME 320x128.png
Location: Japan
Founded: April 2001
Active: Closed on June 21, 2013
Owner: Unknown
TEATIME Website - DLsite unknown
Location: Japan
Founded: December 2004
Active: Closed 2013 (presumed)
Owner: Unknown
Webpage unknown - DLsite unknown

TEATIME (ティータイム) was a Japanese eroge developer, founded in April 2001. On June 21, 2013 TEATIME announced on their website that they will close, and the website itself was shut down on March 31, 2014. An archived copy of the website is still available via Wayback Machine.

FULLTIME was it's sister brand.

Games, HF patches and bonus materials archive


Release date Game title
20 April 2001 Broken Glass Heart (捕われた硝子の心)
19 October 2001 Flower's Scream ~Broken Glass Heart~
21 March 2002 Maiden Breeder (めいでん☆ブリーダー)
9 August 2002 Yukibotaru (雪蛍)
14 February 2003 Toon
5 September 2003 Sacred Plume (セイクリッド・プルーム)
21 May 2004 Maiden Breeder 2 (メイデン☆ブリーダー2)
28 April 2005 Love Death (らぶデス 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
22 September 2005 Futa Majo
17 November 2006 Polyani ~Polygon Anime Beautiful Girl~
(ポリアニ 〜ポリゴンアニメ美少女〜)
31 August 2007 Love Death 2 (らぶデス2 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
28 November 2008 Love Death 3 (らぶデス3 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
26 June 2009 Tech48
31 July 2009 IchaComu ~Icha Communication~
(いちゃコミュ☆ 〜いちゃいちゃコミュニケーション〜)
18 December 2009 Love Death 4 (らぶデス4 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
28 may 2010 Delusion virtual character trouble (妄想性仮想人格障害)
30 July 2010 IchaComu+ ~Icha Communication Plus~
(いちゃコミュ☆+ 〜いちゃいちゃコミュニケーションプラス〜)
26 November 2010 Love Death 555! (らぶデス555! 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
31 March 2011 See You Lover (修羅恋 〜See You Lover〜)
26 May 2011 Renai+H (恋愛+H)
29 July 2011 After School Custom Time(放課後かすたむ☆たいむ)
9 December 2011 LoveGear (らぶギア 〜Kinematic Lovers〜)
15 June 2012 Netowaku Netorari Karemachi Kanojou
(ネトワクネトラル カレマチカノジョ)
7 June 2013 God's drawing (かみさまのおえかき)
30 August 2013 Love Death Final! (らぶデス FINAL! 〜Realtime Lovers〜)
Release date Game title
17 December 2004 Chikanhahanzai! (痴漢は犯罪!)
17 March 2006 Erotic Doctor (エロ医)
25 April 2008 Erotic Doctor 3D (エロ医3D)
22 December 2011 Body Contact (肉体契約書)
30 March 2012 Virtual Stalker (バーチャルストーカー)
31 April 2012 Illusion Field (ILLUSION FIELD -幻影現実-)
29 March 2013 UNDEROID