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Custom AI-Droid [edit]


Technical Help

Purpose of the Game

The purpose is to train your AI-Droid by performing various things. These things can be conversation, everyday things and H.

Starting a New Game

When you start a new game, the story will run and you will eventually be taken to the customization of your AI-Droid. Complete customization is not unlocked as soon as the game begins; as the story progresses, clothing customization and specific H actions are unlocked.

Ending the Game

The game only has one ending and it does not matter how long you take. Triggering storyline events by having the appropriate stats (Green/Intelligence, Blue/Feeling, Red/Skillfulness) and having AI reach a high enough mood will progress through the story. Ending the game will unlock the Free Play Mode and Music Box on the Title Screen, and extra options not available in the Customization Menu during Story Mode.

The Free Play Mode will only have H actions, daily activities and locations that you have unlocked during your play. In the case that you did not unlock everything, you may continue from your last save (if it was not saved right before the ending conversations) or starting a new game; trying to fulfill the requirements while in Free Play Mode does not work.


The customizer is separated into two categories: Body Customization and Clothing Customization. Selecting specific parts opens the color palette in which it lets you change that parts colors by using standard RGB (Red, green, Blue) or HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). This includes:

  • Preset Colors
  • Color Parts
    • Opens a list of different parts of the current choice to change colors. For example, opening the list for the Iris in the Facial Features section lets you change the reflection of the Iris, the Eye Color, the color of the Right Eye, the color of the Left Eye, etc.
  • Color
    • The Color Palette. The bar on the Right lets you change the tones from Light to Dark while the one under the Palette lets you change between Black and White.
  • User Colors
    • Let's you choose among colors you have saved. To save a color, Right Click on the slot and the current color in the Palette will be saved.
  • Apply Color to All Hair
    • Applies the color you WILL choose to all hair, including eyebrows.
  • Color Palette
    • Changes the Color Palette between HSV and RGB.

Other important options in the Customization Menu include:

  • Auto Camera ON/OFF
    • Camera automatically zooms in and out of AI to look at specific parts which are being customized.
  • Random Character
    • Creates a random character
  • Restore Body Shape
    • Resets completely all the customization done to AI.
  • Remove All Clothes
    • Only available once Clothing is unlocked. Removes all clothing on AI.
  • Save Favorites
    • Depending if you are within the Clothes Customization Menu or the Body Customization Menu, saves the current customization for AI or the clothing on AI to its corresponding Favorites option.


  • Hairstyle
    • Customize everything related to AI's hair. This includes:
  1. Front
  2. Back
  3. Sides
  4. Side Burns
  5. Ahoge (Overhead and Forelock)
  6. Twin-Tail (Right and Left)
  7. Pony Tail.
  • Body Shape
    • Customizes everything related to body shape. This includes:
      • NOTE: Increasing Tightness will increase the male's sensitivity, but only slightly. It is unknown if it is intentional or a bug in the game, as AI's sensitivity is very high.
  1. Arm Thickness
  2. Breast Size
  3. Chest Thickness
  4. Waist Thickness
  5. Ass Size
  6. Leg Thickness
  7. Leg Balance
  8. Eye Height
  9. Eye Width
  10. Vertical Eye Position
  11. Eye Distance
  12. AI's Sensitivity (represented by the Pink Bar in-game for AI's H sensitivity)
  13. Tightness of the vagina (represented by the Blue Bar in-game for the protagonist's H sensitivity)
  14. Head Height
  15. Head Width
  16. AI's Height.
  • Facial Features
    • Customizes everything related to facial features. This includes:
  1. Eyebrows
  2. Iris
  3. Eye Type
  4. Mole
  5. Ear Type
  6. Tan Line
  • Location
    • Only available in Free Mode. Lets you change the background.
  • Personality
    • Only available in Free Mode. Lets you change AI's personality and other miscellaneous options. This include:
  1. Personality
    1. Changes AI's personality and way of speaking during Free Mode and the Title Screen.
      1. Type-A: AI's storyline personality
      2. Type-B: Tsundere
      3. Type-C: Emotionless
  2. Virgin
    1. Turn ON or OFF AI's virginity status.
  3. Sperm
    1. Change the amount of sperm released.
  4. Ahegao
    1. Turn ON or OFF AI's extreme H excitement.
  • Emotions
    • Only available in Free Mode. Change AI's mood.
  • Favorites
    • Only available once Clothing Customization has been Unlocked.

NOTE: Choosing Save to Favorites while in the Body Customization saves the complete customized AI into the Body Favorites option. Choosing Save to Favorites while in the Clothes Customization only saves the clothing into the Clothes Favorite option.


NOTE: Unlocked by a story event.

  • Underwear
    • Although separated by categories, it is not possible for AI to wear a One-piece underwear AND an Upper body underwear with a Lower body underwear; it is only possible to wear an Upper with a Lower body underwear, OR a One-piece underwear. Choosing one after the other resets the previously chosen underwear.
  1. Upper Body Underwear
  2. Lower Body Underwear
  3. One-piece Underwear
  4. Other Underwear
  • Clothing
    • Although separated by categories, it is not possible for AI to wear a One-piece clothing AND an Upper body clothing with a Lower body clothing; it is only possible to wear an Upper with a Lower body clothes, OR a One-piece clothing. Choosing one after the other resets the previously chosen clothes.
  1. Upper body clothes
  2. Lower body clothes
  3. One-piece/Dress
  4. Coats/Jackets
  5. Other clothes
  • Shoes/Socks
  1. Socks
  2. Shoes
  • Facial Accessories
  1. Face Accessories
  2. Head Accessories
  3. Neck Accessories
  4. Ear Accessories
  • Hair Accessories
  1. Front Hair Items
  2. Back Hair Items
  3. Back+ Hair Items
  4. Right and Left Hair Items
  5. Overhead and Forelock Ahoge Items
  6. Right and Left Twin-Tail Items
  7. Pony Tail Items
  • Body Accessories
  1. Chest Accessories
  2. Back Accessories
  3. Rear-end Accessories
  4. Arm Accessories
  5. Leg Accessories
  6. Pussy Items
  7. Ass Items
  8. Nipple Accessories
  9. Right and Left Hand Accessories

NOTE: Right and Left hand Accessories are not part of the regular game. Bonus discs are required to unlock these accessories.

  • Favorite Clothes

NOTE: Choosing Save to Favorites while in the Body Customization saves the complete customized AI into the Body Favorites option. Choosing Save to Favorites while in the Clothes Customization only saves the clothing into the Clothes Favorite option.

Playing the Game

Throughout the story, events will take place where you would perform new H actions to her (which unlocks it for the rest of the story mode and for Free Mode) and will result in her Heart meter to drop to zero. This is normal, as it is part of the story (if you can understand the Japanese, you will know that she is angry at the protagonist).

As the purpose of the game is to train AI with everyday activities such as Cleaning and Cooking, and eventually with H. Doing so will unlock more daily activities and H actions in which AI can perform. Performing activities while AI's mood is positive will give better results and increase more for her Green/Intelligence, Blue/Feeling and Red/Skillfulness bars, which are required to advance through the story and unlocking specific H actions. The amount of progress on each bar depends on the result of each training (Fail, Normal, Good), and the chance of those happening are affected by her mood:

  • Low (about 0%~30%) => Angry with you
  • Mid => Just okay
  • High (from around 70%) => Very happy with you

The higher her mood is, the higher the chance that she will do well on each training, adding much more progress on the progress bar. Vice versa, if she is angry with you, higher chance that she will fail, only adding a little to the progress bar.

During gameplay, camera movement is possible. By using the Mouse Wheel, it is possible to zoom in and zoom out while holding the right button will allow for 3D displacement of the camera in a spherical manner. Holding the right and left buttons will allow for camera displacement horizontally and vertically.

The Day

The day is separated into three time slots: Morning, Afternoon and Evening and you are only able to perform one action per time slot (except Bonding). The available options are at the bottom of the display and are as follows:

  • Fast Forward Arrow
    • When turned on (red rim on the box) it will not play out Household chores or H actions while still adding the relevant stat bonus for doing it. NOTE: although it grants the relevant stat bonus, it does not fulfill Mastering requirements.
  • Clock
    • Will advance the time of day without doing anything the the specified time frame.
  • Bonding
    • Conversation options which can be used to improve AI's Heart meter. The conversation will NOT advance to the next time slot and the amounts of conversations you can have with AI will depend on her mood. Possible conversation options include:
  1. You are looking in good shape!: Will result in the Heart meter to increase.
  2. Reach Your Goal: When AI's mood is in NEUTRAL or ANGRY, it will lower the heart meter. In the LOVING mood, it will increase the Heart meter.
  3. Do your best!: When AI's mood is in NEUTRAL or LOVING, it will increase the Heart meter. In the ANGRY mood, it will result in no change in the Heart meter.
  4. (さっきは凄かったね): Decision based conversation. Choosing (褒める) will praise her and cause her Heart meter to increase. Choosing (けなす) will criticize her and will result in the Heart meter to decrease.
  5. (さっきは上手くできたね): Decision based conversation. Choosing (褒める) will praise her and cause her Heart meter to increase. Choosing (けなす) will criticize her and will result in the Heart meter to decrease.
  6. (さっきはダメだったね): Decision based conversation. In the LOVING mood, it will increase the Heart meter no matter which option you choose. In NEUTRAL or ANGRY, choosing (褒める) will praise her and cause her Heart meter to increase. Choosing (けなす) will criticize her and will result in the Heart meter to decrease.
  7. (こんな提案を……): Available mostly when AI's mood is NEUTRAL or LOVING and after performing daily activities numerous times, this option unlocks a new daily activity which AI can perform.
  • List
    • Choose something for AI to do. Choosing this option will move to the next time slot.
  • H
    • Choose a location to do H. Choosing this option will move to the next time slot.
  • Settings
    • Options menu.
  • Body Customization
  • Clothes Customization
  • Save Game
  • Load Game

NOTE:It is possible to Save the Game during conversations between the protagonist and AI by right clicking. This includes in conversations in which you have to make decisions except during actual gameplay.

Once all the three time slots have been completed, the day ends with the protagonist and AI going to bed. If a story event would take place, most of the time it would happen in the Morning time slot.

NOTE: If AI's mode is in LOVING, she may suddenly wake up the protagonist during the night to ask if she can sleep next to him, in which you are given two options to choose from: choosing (我慢する) will make the protagonist go back to sleep while choosing (お願いする) will invite AI for H actions (which she will accept to). Choosing any of the options won't cause negative changes to the Heart meter, although choosing the latter may cause slight increase in the Green/Intelligence, Blue/Feeling and Red/Skillfulness bars.

NOTE: As above when AI's mood is in LOVING, there is a chance that AI will wake up alongside the protagonist in the morning and you are given two choices once again to choose from, which will be the same as if it was during the night.

Daily Activities

Available actions AI can perform to advance to the next time slot, increase her mood and her progress bars (Green/Intelligence, Blue/Feeling, Red/Skillfulness). In the beginning of the game, it is only possible to choose between four options. As AI performs some of the activities, more activities are unlocked by the Bonding option (こんな提案を……). Mastering these activities will unlock H actions in which AI can perform and possible locations in which H can be performed. Pressing the P key on the keyboard will make a capture of the current action. Pressing the x while AI is performing an activity will hide all the menus and icons; to show the menus and icons again, click on an area where an icon would be located if it was not hidden.

Selecting Watch her read, Watch her clean and Watch her cook will unlock Watch her doing yoga, Watch her sitting and Watch her riding while her progress bar keeps completing in the process, while selecting Watch her napping will unlock Watch her sleep.

During an activity session, it is possible to grope AI. Doing so and making her climax counts towards a requirement to Mastering the activity and it will automatically end the session. Performing certain activities approximately 10 times unlocks a new activity, while making AI climax approximately 10 times will make her Master the activity and unlock H actions. Depending on AI's mood it will make her climax faster and without shaking you off. The better the mood, the faster you can make AI climax. If doing so does not unlock anything, it is possible that you are too early in the story or do not have enough progress bar fulfillment to unlock such action.

NOTE: Some story events and progress bar completition are necessary to unlock some H actions. This can be bypassed by reaching the last chapter of the story (which is right after AI masturbates in front of the protagonist and they both confess to each other) and maximizing all the progress bars while making sure AI does not have a full Heart meter, since reaching a full Heart meter will trigger the ending.

  • Watch her napping
    • Available as soon as the story begins.
    • Increases Heart, decreases Green/Intelligence
      • Mastered: Unlocks the HOTEL ROOM location
  • Watch her posing
    • Unlocked after reaching a certain amount of the progress bars.
    • Increases ??, decreases ??
      • Mastered: Unlocks FONDLING WHILE STANDING for Groping
  • Watch her sitting
    • Unlocked after reaching a certain amount of the progress bars.
    • Increases Intelligence, decreases Heart and Red/Skillfulness
      • Mastered: Unlocks FORCED BLOWJOB for H
  • Watch her riding
    • Unlocked after reaching a certain amount of the progress bars.
    • Increases Blue/Feeling, Decreases Green/Intelligence
      • Mastered: Unlocks COWGIRL for H
  • Watch her doing yoga
    • Unlocked after reaching a certain amount of the progress bars.
    • Increases Blue/Feeling and Red/Skillfulness, decreases Green/Intelligence
      • Mastered: Unlocks ANAL AGAINST WALL for H
  • Watch her reading
    • Available as soon as story begins
    • Increases Heart and Green/ Intelligence
      • Mastered: Unlocks SITTING BACK for H
  • Watch her cleaning
    • Available as soon as story begins
    • Increases Heart and Blue/Feeling
      • Mastered: Unlocks DOGGY for H
  • Watch her cooking
    • Available as soon as story begins
    • Increases Heart and Red/Skillfulness
      • Mastered: Unlocks STANDING FROM BEHIND for H
  • Watch her sleep
    • Unlocked via Watch her Napping
    • Increases ??, decreases ??
      • Mastered: Unlocks ???
  • Watch her dancing
    • Only available in Free Play Mode.

NOTE: If this action is chosen, you cannot exit until AI has finished performing the dance. Performing this action in the Laundryroom, Bathroom, Shower, or the Kitchen will result in AI dancing in the Holographic room due to the small space in those rooms.

NOTE 2: As of version 1.06, you can now end the dance by pressing the <Enter> key. You can also change the camera view with the 0 thought 9 keys and the / and * keys on your numeric keypad. The + and - keys on your numeric keypad also move the camera close or farther away respectively.

For each of the possible activities, the Play Arrow and the Action Circle are unusable. There are a few additional options available:

  • View
    • Changes the view of the camera automatically.
  • Conversation
    • Protagonist tells AI the statement, while AI answers back. It works to change her expressions temporarily.
    • It is possible to dress and undress the protagonist with this option. (【服】と【靴】は身につける) dresses the protagonist while (【裸】になる) undresses the protagonist.
  • Dress/Undress
    • Dress and Undress AI. Choosing (全て着させる) will dress AI completely while (全て脱がせる) will undress AI completely. To dress or undress specific parts, choose among the other options.
  • Sex
    • Only available in Free Play Mode. Move to H actions.
  • Grope
    • Only available in Free Play Mode. Move to groping actions.
  • Foreplay
    • Only available in Free Play Mode. Move to foreplay actions.
  • Time
    • Only available in free Play Mode. Changes the time setting.
  • Exit
    • End Session.
  • Settings
  • Finish
    • Lets you chose options for having AI climax manually once her arousal is at max.It also includes the option of Cooling Down(我慢する) protagonist.


During the H activity, three different types of options are available: Groping, Sex and Foreplay. For each of the possible options, different positions are available which are unlocked via Daily Activities and Storyline Events. It is also good to know that H activities will increase all three of her progress bars and will affect he Heart meter depending on her mood.

Pressing the P key on the keyboard will make a capture of the current action.

Pressing the X located left of the VIEW icon while AI is performing an activity will hide all the menus and icons; to show the menus and icons again, click on an area where an icon would be located if it was not hidden.

  • Play Arrow
    • When activated (red rim around the box), it will have the game do the ACTION on its own, allowing for free control of the camera. Having the PLAY arrow on will not cause for neither AI or the protagonist to finish. To finish, click on the Finish bar or end the arrow and click on the ACTION circle. It is possible to have the PLAY arrow activated and hide all the menus and icons for better view of the action.
  • Action Circle
    • During FOREPLAY, clicking on the ACTION button will have different actions between AI and the protagonist. Right clicking, left clicking and holding the left button while clicking the mouse wheel will result in different actions.
    • During SEX, right clicking and left clicking on the ACTION circle will result in different strokes. Right timing when switching from right clicks and left clicks will result in different strength of the strokes.
  • View
    • Changes the view of the camera automatically.
  • Conversation
    • Protagonist tells AI the statement, while AI answers back. It works to change her expressions temporarily.
    • It is possible to dress and undress the protagonist with this option. (【服】と【靴】は身につける) dresses the protagonist while (【裸】になる) undresses the protagonist.
  • Dress/Undress
    • Dress and Undress AI. Choosing (全て着させる) will dress AI completely while (全て脱がせる) will undress AI completely. To dress or undress specific parts, choose among the other options.
  • Sex
    • Changes sex positions.
  • Grope
    • Changes fondling positions.
  • Foreplay
    • Change between the foreplay actions.
  • Time
    • Only available in free Play Mode. Changes the time setting.
  • Exit
    • End Session or change the location. If H resulted at a night, morning or storyline event, it is only possible to end the session.
  • Settings
  • Finish
    • Lets you chose options for having AI(イカせてあげるよ) or the protagonist climax manually once their arousal is at max. If AI's and the protagonist's arousal is at max, it is possible to choose between climax together(このまま一緒にっ!) or have the protagonist ejaculate outside(外に出すから一緒にっ!). It also includes the option to Cool Down the protagonist(我慢する ).


During Sex, right clicking and left clicking on the ACTION circle will result in different strokes. Right timing when switching from right clicks and left clicks will result in different strength of the strokes. Sex will increase AIs progress bar and her Heart meter, depending on her mood. Possible sex positions (which are unlocked by Mastering different Daily Activities) include:

  1. Anal Against Wall: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her doing yoga
  2. Stand Lifting her: Unlocked via storyline event.
  3. Lift from behind: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her reading
  4. Lift from in front:Unlocked via ???
  5. Lay side position: Unlocked via storyline event.
  6. Cowgirl Position: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her riding
  7. Doggy Style: Unlocked by MasteringWatch her cleaning
  8. Stand behind: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her cooking
  9. Against wall: Unlocked via storyline event
  10. Lay her down: Unlocked at the beginning of the game

The FINISH bar contains more options compared to other activities. Options include for climaxing together and having the protagonist reach outside (if both arousal are at max), have the protagonist or AI finish alone (if only one arousal bar is at max), insert, release or help AI get back into position.

If you desire for the protagonist to reach first and alone, click one of the mouse buttons continuously; this will cause for AI's arousal to stop increasing but the protagonist's arousal to keep increasing. If you desire to have AI climax first and alone, switch button presses after a few periods of time. TO have them both climax at the same time, a combination of the above two is necessary, clicking the PLAY arrow or choosing in the Settings to not have either character climax first.

NOTE:In the beginning of the game, AI has a natural virginity status. Compared to other games, AI has her own menstrual cycle which will cause for her to bleed about every 30 days (this is not a glitch in the game and it is not a new virginity status, even though the bleeding is essentially the same).


During Groping, the ACTION button is unusuable. To increase her arousal, you must hold the left click while choosing a part of AI's body; depending on her reaction is if you "groped" a sensitive spot (some spots are more sensitive than others at different times. To know if you successful groped a breast or her vagina, look carefully to see if the area groped moves while moving the mouse). Since groping is within the H activity, it will increase AIs progress bar and her Heart meter, depending on her mood. Possible positions (which are unlocked by Mastering Watch her posing and via storyline events) include:

  1. Sexy Pose 5: Unlocked via storyline event.
  2. Sexy Pose 4: Unlocked via storyline event.
  3. Sexy Pose 3: Unlocked via storyline event.
  4. Sexy Pose 2: Unlocked via storyline event.
  5. Sexy Pose 1: Unlocked via storyline event.
  6. Fondle on bed: Unlocked at the beginning of the game
  7. Fondle Stand: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her posing

The FINISH bar contains a few options compared to other activities. Having Ai climax or Cooling down are the only options in Groping.

As when groping AI during Daily Activities, depending on her mood will result of how fast will her arousal increase, how frequent she will shake you off and how frequent she will cover herself or expose herself. Having conversations with her will result in different expressions and a chance for her to expose herself.


During Foreplay, right clicking and left clicking on the ACTION circle will result in different strokes while holding down the left button while clicking the wheel button will result in a third option. Right timing when switching from right clicks and left clicks will result in different strength of the strokes. Since Foreplay is within the H activity, it will increase AIs progress bar and her Heart meter, depending on her mood. Possible positions (which are unlocked by performing foreplay actions numerous times by having AI climax, by Mastering some Daily Activities and via storyline events) include:

  1. Pissing Sit: Unlocked by performing TITJOB numerous times.
  2. Pissing crouch: Unlocked by performing TITJOB numerous times.
  3. Touch Yourself on bed: Unlocked via storyline event.
  4. Touch yourself stand: Unlocked via storyline event.
  5. Footjob: Unlocked by performing LAY BLOWJOB numerous times.
  6. 69:Unlocked by performing FORCED BLOWJOB numerous times.
  7. Titjob: Unlocked by performing LAY BLOWJOB numerous times.
  8. Force Blowjob: Unlocked by Mastering Watch her sitting
  9. Stand blowjob: Unlocked via storyline event.
  10. Lay blowjob: Unlocked via storyline event.

The FINISH bar contains a few options compared to other activities.


Mastering and performing certain actions numerous times will unlock different locations to do H with AI. These locations include:

  1. In hotel room: Unlocked by Mastering Watching her napping
  2. In the alley: Unlocked via storyline events.
  3. In the hospital room: Unlocked by Mastering ???
  4. In the temple: Unlocked via storyline events.
  5. In the park: Unlocked via storyline events.
  6. In the schoolpool: Unlocked by Mastering ???
  7. In the classroom: Unlocked by Mastering ???
  8. In the bathroom: Available from the beginning of the game.
  9. In the laundryroom: Available from the beginning of the game.
  10. In the shower: Available from the beginning of the game.
  11. In the kitchen: Available from the beginning of the game.
  12. On the bed: Available from the beginning of the game.

NOTE: Performing H in some Locations will limit the H actions you can do with AI (due to the space)


To take snapshots just press "P" on your keyboad. The photo will be in your REAL folder under "cap" with two pictures one with background and one without.