Summer Vacation! Scramble: Traits

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Summer Vacation! Scramble [edit]


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Most of these work the same as they did in AA2, with only some features missing like Stalking/Skip Class etc. There are also a couple of new traits aswell with new gameplay effects. However, there's also some who were simply renamed from base AA2 traits, while others use old effects from the previous game's traits.

Trait Effects
Easygoing Quick to get close to others.

-easier to raise love points and chemistry

-accepts calm/encourage/praise commands easier

Affable Deeply passionate about friends and lovers.

-easier to raise friend points

-accepts calm/encourage/praise commands easier

Bad with Guys Unfavorable to men.

-less Like/Love points gained when interacting with guys

-very unlikely to interact with guys

-will never interrupt or compete with guys

Bad with Girls Unfavorable to women.

-less Like/Love points gained when interacting with girls

-very unlikely to interact with girls

-will never interrupt or compete with girls

Charming Easily gets close to opposite sex.

-positive modifier to relationship point only to the opposite gender

-friends passively gain love (opposite gender only)

-NPCS will actively spread good rumors about this character

-NPCs will seek this character for interaction but are also more likely to interrupt conversations

Chivalrous Easily gets close to same sex.

-increases the chances of successful "let's...(e.g. study)" action

-positive modifier to relationship point only to the same gender

Trendy Susceptible to popular opinion.

-increased chances of joining/starting any group activities

-increased chances to invite someone to eat/study/exercise

-more likely to interact with the characters they love/like.

-more likely to ask to become lovers

-tends to praise characters often

-NPCS will somewhat seek this character for interaction and will also actively spread good rumors about them

Obedient actions and opinions are swayed by others

-easier to accept the the "encourage", "group", and "follow me" options

-increases the chance of accepting confess(=express love)

Positive Easily excited

-prone to positive moods

-bonus to cheering others up

-will never grumble

-unlikely to initiate negative acts(insult, spread bad rumors etc)

Shy Will shy away from interactions

-harder to accept physical contact and public H action in the presence of other people

-will almost always run away when witnessing H

-unlikely to initiate group activities

Jealous Easily become jealous of others

-increased chances of interrupting/competing conversation and H

-often tends to feel Jealous of others

-always gets Jealous mood when interrupting their lover

-tends to fight against their love rivals more often (also spread bad rumors about them)

Melancholy Easily depressed (needs cheering up)

-prone to depressed moods

-becomes depressed after witnessing a fight

Perverted Likes being lewd

-prone to horny moods

-easier to raise chemistry

-increases the frequency and the success rate of lewd actions and topics

-more likely to masturbate when horny

-will never interrupt or run away when they witness H

-NPCS will seek this character for affection/H quite often

Serious Behaves seriously

-increased chances of interrupting H

-will not Blackmail

-more likely to warn others about public sex

-unlikely to initiate sex, show affection or get into relationships

Calm Strong presence of mind

-more stable mood

-resistant to angry moods

-will never force a break up with a lover

Nervous Sensitive to other people and things

-decreased chances to accept invites to lunch/study/exercise/work

-will never grope or have sex with characters they don't have high love towards

-most effects seem to be the same as "Tsundere" trait from AA2

Impulsive Prone to mood swings

-easily changes moods, bad or good

Absentminded Often unaware of other's discomfort

-reduced movement speed

-will never try to break up with a lover

-will never confront/insult someone

-higher chances to flash their lover

-less Dislike/Hate gained

Hot-headed Quick to anger

- prone to angry moods

- twice more likely to confront characters he or she hates

- increases chances of Confronting

Carnivorous Forward in pursuing their lust

-more likely to start H

-more likely to join 3P H

-more likely to invite someone for 3P

Herbivorous Passive in pursuing their lust

-will very rarely ask to enter a relationship with someone

-will almost never ask to have sex

-will almost never show affection

-most effects seem to be the same as the "Passive" trait from AA2

Meddlesome Enjoys taking care of others

-more likely to spread good rumors about others/get others to get along with each other

-more likely to eat/study/exercise with others

-more likely to start group activities between characters

Leader Often tries to get everyone involved in group activities

-increases the frequency of "everyone, let's..." actions

-will always try to interrupt fights

Musclehead more likely to exercise and befriend those with high phys

-more likely to engage in Exercise activity

-more likely to exercise with someone

-more likely to encourage others to exercise

- increased like with High Physical attribute characters

Chatty Enjoys talking and befriend those with high soc

-increases frequency of triggering conversation

-increased frequency of gossiping rumors, good or bad, but not their success rate

-chat interactions have 16% higher success rate

-increased like with high social attribute characters

Gluttonous Enjoys eating and befriend those with high life

-tends to loiter at the beach

-will often eat at the beach

-more likely to encourage others to eat

-increase like with high life attribute characters

Diligent Loves studying and befriend those with high study

-more likely to engage in Study activity

-more likely to encourage others to study

-more likely to study with someone

-increased like with high study attribute character

-NPCS will almost never ask this character for H (nerd experience lol)

Romantic Takes more romantic actions

-double success rate for discussing "Romantic" topics

-often talks about "Romantic" topics

-will always try to enter relationships with people they like/love

-twice more likely to show affection to their lover

-very high chances to "Morning Kiss" their lover

-very high chances to break up with someone they don't love anymore

Selfish More satisfied with own actions than those of others

-more like/love points when this character takes the initiave

-less like/love points when someone else takes the initiave towards this character

Singleminded Stays faithful, very committed to current partner

-always refuses hug/kiss/touch/sex interactions until is in a relationship (if single they may, although unlikely, perform these actions themselves)

-will never accept more than one lover regardless of their virtue

-will always choose their lover when competition occurs

-will never cheat on their lover

-very likely to ask their lover for sex

-prefers to keep interacting with their lover

Indecisive Tends to make ambiguous choices when confronted

-unlikely to choose someone when two characters compete

-will not ask to become lovers with anyone

Schemer Often engages in mean actions

-increases the chances of spreading successful bad rumors

-very likely to call people from adjacent rooms when it sees a fight or a H scene

-characters with this trait can blackmail for Kissing and Groping actions with double the success rate

Inoffensive Behaves in ways other's find agreeable

-seems to prevent NPCs from interrupting certain actions, such as H and possibly fighting

Workaholic Married to their jobs

-more likely to work

-more likely to encourage others to work

-more likely to ask others for help at work

Wild Fulfills desires regardless of the consequences

-will always masturbate, even when other people are around

-will never change their mind, ask to follow or meet up later with someone (more details at the end)

Masochist Enjoys doing things out of the ordinary

-all other characters get a 100% blackmail success on this character

-successful forced interactions increase love points

Evil Deeply loves their partner to the point of hate. Be careful around them.

-will never break up with, or permit a break up from, any lover

-will attempt to kidnap their lovers if favorability drops low enough to break up

-will attempt to kidnap anyone they witnessed having sex with their lover

-can force sex on the player

-will almost never stop from continuing a H scene if seen

-has unique dialogues on being confessed (will never attempt to confess to the player)

-has unique thoughts while having sex (kissing, licking clitoris, doing sex etc.)

Thick-headed Able to use a 3rd option in conversations

-has the extra option "Eh, what was that?!" when asked something that has the same effect as "No" but with no decrease in relationship

-NPCS can also use "Eh, what was that?!" on certain questions to avoid getting a negative outcome

Blind Narrow field of vision and may not recognize others

- decreased chance of interruption

- has chance to not notice lover cheating on them

Lucky Somehow manages to get by if something happens to them.

-has a chance of escaping murder or getting away after killing someone If both characters have this trait then the victim dies and the murderer gets arrested as usual

Wild details about the "Wild" trait

The Wild trait allows the NPCS to initiate any interaction they want regardless of the current BGM playing.

Normally if an NPC tries to interact with you they may, sometimes, depending on sociability, ask you to follow them, meet them later or simply change their mind and aborting the interaction altogether. These actions are influenced by the current BGM playing and the nature of the interaction the NPC is trying to do.

For example, an NPC tries to "Confront" you, but the current BGM playing is "Happiness" mood. In this case, the NPC will either abort the interaction (never mind you) or ask you to follow them, and if you do, they will "Confront" you at the location you tailed them to immediately, unless the BGM is still not suitable to perform the action, in which case they'll abort their move for good.

With the Wild trait however, NPCS will always ignore these restrictions. This means that if they want to "Confront" you on a map full of happy characters with the "Happiness" BGM blasting around, they'll be glad to do so, not ever wasting time by asking you to follow them somewhere else or giving up because it would ruin the mood insulting you in that place.

NOTE: Wild characters can still ask you to follow them to a private place for H, as that ain't a "Command" action but rather a unique interaction for the NPCS.

In short, NPCS don't change their mind just to mess with you. They actually do cancel an interaction they tried to perform because it felt innapropiate for the current BGM mood playing.

Understanding now when an NPC is very likely to change their mind when talking to you is very complex. But once you get familliar with the game, especially with the BGM mood effects, reading the NPCS will become quite an easy feat.