Summer Vacation! Scramble: Character Creation

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all characters are at least 18

Summer Vacation! Scramble [edit]


Install Guide

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Character Creation



Basic Stats


Determines spawn locations, what kind of clothes the character will wear during the day and where they will do their Job activities. You can choose one of the 4 Jobs types.

None: Even so is named None still works like any other job. Job place is in Front of the Station.

Lifeguard: Job place is at the beach.

Cafe: Job place is inside the Coffee store.

Shrine: Job place is at the shrine.

The following table shows what they will wear during the day for each job.


Time Period Monday Tuesday Wesnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal
Midday Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal
Evening Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal
Night Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal


Time Period Monday Tuesday Wesnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal Normal
Midday Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Normal
Evening Normal Swimsuit Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Night Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal


Time Period Monday Tuesday Wesnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Normal Swimsuit Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Midday Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal Normal
Evening Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Normal
Night Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal


Time Period Monday Tuesday Wesnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Normal
Midday Normal Job Clothes Normal Job Clothes Swimsuit Job Clothes Normal
Evening Swimsuit Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Night Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal


Orientation defines whether or not a character will have sex and date guys, girls or both. Sexual preferences are ignored when using the "Blackmail" options. Characters' horniness will be less affected by physical contact with characters further from their orientation. There are five sexual orientations to choose from:

Hetero The character only shows sexual interest in the other gender. Sexual advances from same-sex characters will always be rejected and they cannot gain Love points with them. Opposite-sex characters cannot gain Friend points with them.

Leaning Hetero The character shows more sexual interest in the other gender. Sexual advances from same-sex character and gaining Love points with them will be twice as hard.

Bisexual The character doesn't care about anyone's gender. Both genders gain Love and Friend points normally.

Leaning Homo The character shows more sexual interest in the same gender. Sexual advances from opposite-sex characters and gaining Love points with them will be twice as hard.

Homo The character only shows sexual interest in the same gender. Sexual advances from opposite-sex characters will always be rejected and they cannot gain Love points with them. Same-sex characters cannot gain Friend points with them.


The Virtue level mainly affect the acceptance of lewd actions and Dating. There are 5 Virtue levels.

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Highest

Lowest virtue characters have a chance to accept sex or start dating at the first interaction while Highest need to have their Love favorability level to "I Love You" status before they can date or have sex.

"NOTE" Unlike AA2, now is possible to have sex with a Highest Virtue without being Lovers by abusing the Max Horny State. Highest virtue that are non virgin, can invite you to a private room.


This sets the difficulty for the success rate in conversations and invites. Characters with low sociability are harder to build friendships with and interact less frequently with others, while high sociability characters can be befriended quickly and interact more regularly with other characters.

Fight Style

There are three fighting styles to choose from: "Shouting", "Sarcasm" and "Refutation". Each fighting style has their own fighting animations. The fighting styles are more or less effective against each other in a rock-paper-scissors way: Refutation < Sarcasm < Shouting < Refutation.

Character Stats

Characters have 4 stats and are used for many things. Each stat have a value that goes from 0 to 1000 and depending on what level you set them, is what determined how many points the character will start with. The levels and the amount they start with are as follows: Lowest (around 50 points), Low (around 200 points), Normal (around 400 points), High (around 600 points) and Highest (around 800 points).

  • Speech: Effect unknow. This stats increases whenever a character does Talking actions.
  • LifeStyle: Effect unknow. This stats increases whenever a character does Eating actions.
  • Intelligence: Effect unknow. This stats increases whenever a character does Study actions.
  • Strength: Determined how fast a character will walk and run. This stats increases whenever a character does Exercise actions.


Traits determined how many Favorability Point a characters get from interactions, Controls the NPC behaviour, add unique actions (Like kidnapping) and many other things.


WIP. Personal items DO have a function. The first item (labelled "normal") affects their idle animations in the overworld, or at least some of them do (dumbbell, portable game console, notepad, etc.).

Other settings


Sets if the character will have fangs or not.

Fang preview.png


Set if the character is Virgin or not. Virgin High and Highest Virtue Character are harder to have sex with.


Makes the character a Futa.

Male Virgin

Set the Virginity of a Male Character or Futa.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Key Key Description
Exit Game Esc Esc Key
Options F1 F1
Shortcuts List F2 F2
Help F3 F3
Screenshot F11 F11
Undo Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Y
Translation Gizmo W W
Rotation Gizmo E E
Show/Hide Crosshair Z Z
Reset Camera R R
Zoom In = Equals
Zoom Out ] Right Square Bracket
Reset Zoom ; Semicolon
Rotate Clockwise . Period
Rotate Counter-Clockwise \ Backslash
Reset Rotation / Forward Slash
Scale Camera In Home Home
Scale Camera Out End End
Move Camera Up PgUp Page Up
Move Camera Down PgDn Page Down
Move Camera Left Left Arrow Key
Move Camera Right Right Arrow Key
Move Camera Forward Up Arrow Key
Move Camera Backward Down Arrow Key
Pan Camera Up Num 2 Numpad 2
Pan Camera Down Num 8 Numpad 8
Pan Camera Left Num 6 Numpad 6
Pan Camera Right Num 4 Numpad 4
Reset Camera Pan Num 5 Numpad 5
Show/Hide UI Space Key