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Windows support information for games built with the Unity game engine

Assume all versions mentioned have the latest hotfixes and service packs installed. Identification is done via kernel versions to keep things simple as multiple editions exist, but are generally based on the same kernel. For example, NT 6.1 refers to Embedded Standard 7P, 7 Ultimate, and Server 2008 R2 Datacenter.

Kernel versions

NT 4.0 - Embedded, Workstation, Server (Standard, Terminal, Enterprise)
NT 5.0 - Professional, Server (Small Business, Standard, Advanced, Datacenter)
NT 5.1 - XP Embedded (Standard, for Point of Service, Fundamentals for Legacy PCs), Embedded 2009 (Standard, POSReady), XP (Starter, Home, Professional, Media Center, Tablet PC)
NT 5.2 - XP (Professional x64), Server 2003 R2 (Home, Web, Small Business, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Compute Cluster, Storage Express, Storage Workgroup, Storage Standard, Storage Enterprise)
NT 6.0 - Vista (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate), Server 2008 (Foundation, Web, Essential Business, Small Business, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, HPC, Storage Basic, Storage Workgroup, Storage Standard, Storage Enterprise)
NT 6.1 - Embedded 7 (Standard E, Standard P, Standard C, POSReady, Thin PC), 7 (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate), Server 2008 R2 (Foundation, Web, Home 2011, Small Business Essentials, Small Business Standard, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Hyper-V, HPC, Storage Essentials, Storage Workgroup, Storage Standard, MultiPoint 2010, MultiPoint 2011 Standard, MultiPoint 2011 Premium)
NT 6.2 - Embedded 8 (Standard, Industry Professional, Industry Enterprise), 8 (Home, Professional, Enterprise), Server 2012 (Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Datacenter, MultiPoint 2012)
NT 6.3 - Embedded 8.1 (Industry Sideloading, Industry Professional, Industry Enterprise), 8.1 (Home, Professional, Enterprise), Server 2012 R2 (Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Datacenter)

Unity Player commands

If the game's shaders rely on a single graphics API with no support for the others, these options will throw a 'Failed to initialize unity graphics' error.

-force-glcore (Or specify 2 numbers for OpenGL version, from 3.2 to 4.6. Default is the latest supported by the video driver and OS)
-force-gles (Or specify 2 numbers for OpenGL ES version, from 3.0 to 3.2. Default is the latest supported by the video driver and OS)

Unity Player version notes

NT 4.0 and NT 6.0 were never officially supported by Unity.

3.4.2 - Last version to support NT 5.0
2017.2 - Last version to support NT 5.1
2017.3 - DirectX 9.0c support was removed
2022.3 - Possibly the last version to support NT 6.2 & 6.3
2023.1 - Last version to support NT 6.1