From Hgames Wiki
Revision as of 01:52, 10 January 2015 by DokEnkephalin (talk | contribs)
sandboxing and notes
AVModeControl - All of these are used in released scripts:
- CharaSelectMode - start campaign
- FreeSelectMode - Free H
- ArenaSelectMode - Free Battle
- CityMode - wander peacefully, EventPoints aren't activated. This can be used from any script, so open wandering is possible.
- ActionMode - weapons drawn, EventPoints active
- ShopMode - purchase interface, w/ item stat display
- Q_ReceiveMode - quest and chapter menu
- Q_ResultMode - displays battle performance stats
- H_Mode - ecchi
- EndingMode - roll credits, return to title
Found through hex dump:
- GM_Mode - probably GameMain_Mode
- EventMode - probably requires parameters, by itself doesn't appear to do anything but lock up controls and remove HUD
- MenuMode - probably start menu mode
- H_EditMode
- ResultMode - separate from Quest_ResultMode, probably for Arena mode
- OverlapMode
- OverlapMode_No
- OverlapMode_CharaSelect
- OverlapMode_ResultH
- OverlapMode_End
- OverlapMode_Title
H Flags - aside from Creature, none of these chars made it into the game
- H_Sakura
- H_Kikuchiyo
- H_Orin_A
- H_Orin_B
- H_Amakusa
- H_Soldier_A
- H_Soldier_B
- H_Creature
Other interesting stuff:
- AVEventK - new term for touch mode?
- AVPhysicsVehicle - but didn't find any interface stuff included
- EventChara - these persist through changes to Action or H modes. Possibly persist until Quest Return.