From Hgames Wiki
(The main character): Male. Student. Runs like an autistic spaz.
Must do three things: Save enough money for college, find out what really happened to his father, and find a date for the prom. Has a mother and an older sister.
Amelie: Female.
Annie: Female. Student Union president and official hallway monitor.
Aunt Diane: Female. Farmer. Aunt to the main character and twin sister to his mother.
Cassie: Female. Lifegaurd at the Pool.
Chad: Male. A battle rap opponent.
Chico: Male. A battle rap opponent.
Coach Bridget: Female. School gym coach.
Dexter: Male. Student. Roxxy's boyfriend. A jock and bully. Aggressive toward the main character.
Emma: Female.
Erik: Male. Student. Lives next door to the main character, and a very good friend. Is the son of Mrs. Johnson. Spends a lot of time on his computer, and wishes he could do it all the time.
Eve: Female. Student.
Father (deceased): Male. Funeral held on March 3rd. Died at age 40, allegedly from a work-related accident. Circumstances of his death have been found suspicious by police. They've been at the main character's house a week before the game begins, asking questions. They say they have found nothing conclusive. Owed a lot of money to 'some bad people'.
Harold: Male. Police officer. Husband to Helen, father to Mia.
Helen: Female. Wife to Harold, mother to Mia. Deeply religeous, often seen berating Harold.
Ivy: Female. Employee of Pink, at the mall.
Jane: Female. Librarian.
Judith: Female. Student. Doesn't wear a bra due the extreme sensitivity of her breasts. Is shy due to being frequently ridiculed.
Kevin: Male. Student. Enthusiastic about physical development.
Lily: Female.
Liu Wang: Female. Bank teller.
Lopez: Female. Student. Always seen in the company of Martinez.
Martinez: Female. Student. Always seen in the company of Lopez.
Master Somrak: Male. Muay Thai instructor.
Mia: Female. Student. Lives next door to Erik. Wants the MC's help studying for the exams. Daughter to Helen and Harold.
Mother: Female. Mother to the main character and twin sister to Aunt Diane.
Mrs. Johnson: Female. Erik's mother.
Olivia: Female.
Principal Smith: Female. School principal.
Ronda: Female. Student. Practicing for the swim team. Abrasive and challenging toward the main character.
Roxxy: Female. Student. Dexter's girlfriend. Dismissive toward the main character.
Sister: Female.
Older sister to the MC.
Tyrone: Male. A battle rap opponent.