RyonaRPG → Slave mode

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RyonaRPG edit

Core version: 155 (2022-08-10)


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The slave mode is a special status the player's character may be in. Quite a number of town events are different when the player's character is a slave.

Becoming a slave

To become a partial slave, your character needs to wear the 淫虐の首輪 in her Magic (4th) slot. This can be obtained in a few different ways:

  • Creating a character as a 肉奴隷 (4th type of girl).
  • Losing a tournament match when your character doesn't have enough money to pay the ante.
  • Losing a card match in the pub of 首都アバロソ, and owe 50000 or more gold.

To become a full sex slave, have your partial-slave character go talk to the sister in the church of Ray-On Village.

Becoming free

Method One
  • Advantages
    • works with partial slave
  • Disadvantages:
    • 75% chance of game over
    • Costs 1 gold
  • Process
    1. Visit the RAY-ONの村 pub, talk to the Japanese swordsman on the left side and buy a 塩昆布 (0178) from him for 1 gold.
    2. Go to 裏通り, find a black-haired guy and talk to him, then pick the 3rd option この首輪を斬ってください!. There is a 75% probability that your character will get KO-ed in the process, become captured and end up in a Bad Ending. Ie., there is only a 25% chance that your character can actually be freed.
Method Two
  • Advantages
    • Free
  • Disadvantages
    • Only works with full sex slave
    • Game over if character has already been "altered" by the Life Scientists 15 times or more.
    • Becomes futanari and gains almost all sex-related attributes (or is this an advantage?)
  • Process
    1. Make sure the character is a full sex slave
    2. Visit the 生命科学研究所 (Life Science Institute), go to ダイジョーブ博士 (Dr. NOPROBLEM)'s lab
    3. Talk to the doc, and pick first option.
Method Three
  • Advantages
    • Free
  • Disadvantages
    • More hassle
    • Requires another character to become partial slave in place of the current character
  • Process
    1. Utilize an event to force the removal of your current 4th slot equipment. Possible events include:
      • Being defeated in 無想の森
      • Being captured (and later rescued) in the goblin cave of 近くの森 (Nearby Forest)
      • Being infested by a bug that goes in the 4th equipment slot
    2. If your character is a full sex slave instead of just a partial slave, also utilize event to force removal of your current 1st slot equipment. Possible events include:
      • Being captured (and later rescued) in the goblin cave of 近くの森 (Nearby Forest)
      • Being infested by a bug that goes in the 1st equipment slot
    3. Without ever going into the menu mode since step 1, visit the RAY-ONの村 inn 1st floor, and open the fourth door from the left to switch characters.
    4. Pick a different character, set her character type to anything except 肉奴隷 (4th type)
    5. With the new character, open the menu then close it. She'll now be equipped with the collar of your previous character
    6. Swap back to your previous character. She's now free!
  • Note
    • If only the collar is removed and not the handcuff, then even after the collar is transferred to another character, the handcuff will generate another collar for your old character!
What doesn't work
  • If your character becomes a slave through method two (losing tournament), the receptionist promises you will be freed if you repay all your debt. However, if you visit her with enough money to repay your debt, she'll first congratulate you, then apologizes for getting the wrong key to unlock your collar, and tell you to come back another day so she can get the right key. She will not let you completely repay your debt, and she'll in fact never find the key!

Partial-Slave Events

Full Sex Slave Events