RyonaRPG → Debug mode

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RyonaRPG edit

Core version: 155 (2022-08-10)


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Accessing Cheat Mode

There are two items that allow access to the in-game cheat mode: 乙女の秘密日誌 (Lady's Secret Journal, item 0001) and でばっぐつーる (Debug Tool, item 0199).

Both items can be easily found on the second floor of the Ray-On Village inn. The secret journal is on the desk of the left-most room; whereas the debug tool is in the right-most room, inside the chest on the left.

To access the cheat mode from the journal, open up the Items menu, then use 乙女の秘密日誌. From there, pick the fourth option ("でばっぐつーる"). If it's the first time you are accessing the cheat mode in this save game, the game will ask you to confirm twice.

To access the cheat mode from the debug tool, open up the Items menu and then use でばっぐつーる. If it's the first time you are accessing the cheat mode in this save game, the game will ask you to confirm once.

While it seems more direct to use the debug tool to access cheat mode, the secret journal is always the first item in your inventory, whereas the debug tool can be pretty far down if you have many items. Thus often it is more convenient to just use the secret journal.

Cheat Mode Menu

The cheat mode menu is divided into multiple sub-menus, in multiple pages. The last option on each page takes you to the next page.

Page 1

チート行為 (Cheat Actions)

  • 回復 - Restoration
    • HP/MPを回復 - Recover HP/MP
      • 回復 - Recover
      • HP1 - Set HP to 1
    • 状態異常を回復 - Recover bad status (does not restore "severe wound", which isn't a status but will keep causing bleeding)
    • 全回復 - Recover all (HP, MP, status, ecstasy)
    • EX値 - Empty ecstasy meter
  • 緊急回避 - Emergency Evasion (deals damage to all nearby enemies, and push them away from you)
  • すり抜け移動 - Move through Walls
  • 魔法無限補充 - Opens the magic store and lets you buy magic with gold
  • アイテム入手 - Get Item (by entering the item code. Game crashes if the code doesn't match a valid item)
  • 能力値の編集 - Edit Stats (most sub-options will ask you to enter two values separately)
    • HP & MP
    • Atk & Def
    • Magic & Spirit
    • Enemy HP (of an arbitrary enemy?)
  • 妖魔武具憑依能力

場所移動 (Teleport)

ボスの復活 (Resurrect Boss)

Page 2

状態変化 (Change Status)

名前の変更 (Change Name)

キャラクターの変更 (Change Character)

Page 3

レベル増減 (Alter Level)

お金の増減 (Alter Gold)

スイッチ設定 (Switch Settings)

Page 4

廃人オプションの編集 (Loser Options)

妖精の存在について (Fairy Existence)

どこでもセーブのON/OFF (Save Anywhere)

Page 5

戦闘アニメ (Combat Animation)

サウンドモード (Sound Mode)

立ち絵、バストアップ等の表示 (Portrait Settings)

Page 6

難易度の変更 (Change Difficulty)

キャラクターのセリフ (Character Monologue)

装備制限 (Equipment Limitation)