VH/Hot Springs Town

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Hot Springs Town, often referred to as Onsen Town (using the Japanese word for hot springs), is the town where you will spend the vast majority of your time for the early part the game. It serves as a sort of central hub for the game, since geographically it is centrally located in relation to most of the other locations.

Onsen Town region

This is the region where Nanako starts the game. It consists of Onsen Town itself and the areas to the North, East, and West.

Onsen Town

Onsen Town is a small walled resort located on the horse train line between Nanako's homeland and the Capital. Nanako wants to seek her fortune in the big city, but she stops here because she can't afford a ticket all the way to the Capital. Surely there's a way to make a buck around this place.

Overall layout

Onsen Town is build around a crossroads: one main road runs North-to-South, the other runs East-to-West. The roads divide the town into four quadrants. There are gates leading into the wilderness in each cardinal direction, and there's a fountain right at the center of town.


Onsen Town - fountain.png

The fountain at the center of town has several different points of interest. First, if you examine the sign on the south side of the fountain, you'll find that by praying to the Protective Goddess, you can adjust whether or not the game allows you to change clothes in combat areas. This matters more in VH than in most ARPGs, because many monsters rip off or destroy your clothes.

Second, if you're visiting the fountain during the day, you'll find a bald, fat, angry-looking guy standing at the north side. This man is the only decent human being in the entire game. If you talk to him while you have 2500 G or less, he'll give you 250 G. You can do this repeatedly, until you have more than 2500 G. You can even go blow your money on freaky sex toys and come back broke and he'll start giving you money again.

This part below is unconfirmed in the new update, he seems to give money as long as you're under 2500G. Pretty much a cheat button. In addition, if you talk to him while indecently clothed, he'll assume you're desperately poor and hand you 500 G in one lump. He'll cut you off once he's handed you a total of 500 G, though (this is a hand up, not a hand out). Note that if you really want to abuse his generosity, you can get 450 G out of him 50 G at a time, then go topless to pick up your final handout. He'll still give you a full 500 G, making a total of 950 G leeched out of him before he cuts you off.

Finally, if you come by at night you'll see a blue-haired young man walking around the west side of the fountain. He's available for some hot H-event action.

In the latest versions of the game there is a female craftsman who will make items and equipment for you and even boost your stats in exchange for the right materials:


(Item Name) - (Materials Needed) - (Effect)

  • Potion 傷薬 - 3 Herbs 薬草 - Recover 50 HP
  • Antidote 毒消し - 3 Detoxification Grass 解毒草 - Removes poison
  • Painkiller 痛み止め - 3 Detoxification Grass 解毒草 - ?
  • Life Culture Liquor 養命酒 - 3 Herbs 薬草, 5 Nuts 木の実, 1 Leaves of herbs ハーブの葉 - Reduce tired (presumably to 0)
  • Plaster of Color 色の香薬 - 1 Flower Nectar 花の蜜, 1 Mushroom Spore キノコの胞子, 1 Leaves of herbs ハーブの葉 - ?
  • Physical care of the demon drug 鬼の理気薬 - 1 Plaster of Color 色の香薬, 1 Goblin Potion ゴブリンポーション, 1 Bad Potion バッドポーション, 1 Bad Ether バッドエーテル - ?


(Item Name) - (Materials Needed) - (Stat boosts or other notes)

  • Claw Glove 鉤爪グローブ - 1 Glove グローブ, 2 Sharp Claws 鋭利な爪 - +4 Attack, attack twice with each punch, changes attack animation.
  • Horn Leather Glove 踵入りグローブ - 1 Leather Glove レザーグローブ, 1 Horn of the Minotaur ミノタウロスの踵 -
  • Luxury Hide Glove 高級獣皮グローブ - 1 Leather Glove レザーグローブ, 3 Bristle of Kobold コボルトの剛毛, 5 Fur 毛皮 -
  • Bone Claw ボーンクロー - 1 Claw Glove 鉤爪グローブ, 1 Hard Bone 硬い骨, 1 Strong Bones 丈夫な骨 -
  • Bronze Knuckles ブロンズナックル - 1 Tin Ore スズ石, 1 Copper Ore 銅鉱石, 5 Wood 木材 -
  • Brass Knuckles ブラスナックル - 1 Zinc 亜鉛, 1 Copper Ore 銅鉱石, 5 Wood 木材 -
  • Long Rod 長棒 - 2 Wood 木材, 3 Bark of the Forest 森の樹皮 - +14 Attack, +7 Defense
  • Synthesis Long Rod 合成長棒 - 1 Long Rod 長棒, 2 Very Hard Bone とても硬い骨, 4 Stone 石材 -
  • Power Glove パワーグローブ - 1 Durable Glove 丈夫なグローブ, 1 Bronze Knuckles ブロンズナックル, 1 Brass Knuckles ブラスナックル, 5 Clay 粘土, 10 Waste Stone 廃石, 10 Bone fragment cracked 砕けた骨片 - It's so bad

Stat Boosts:

  • Mana of Physical Fitness - 4 VH Hearts -
  • Mana of Energy - 4 VH Hearts -
  • Mana of Attack - 4 VH Hearts -
  • Mana of Defense - 4 VH Hearts -
  • Mana of Mental Strength - 4 VH Hearts -
  • Mana of Agility - 4 VH Hearts -

Town Wall

Onsen Town is surrounded by a curtain wall, with gates in each cardinal direction. You are able to both go inside the wall and climb on top of it to travel around the perimeter of the city.

For full details, see the main article about the wall.

Northwest Quadrant

The Northwest part of town may be the most important, as it contains both the inn and the Adventurers' Guild. You might think of it as the business district.

For more information, see the main article about this area.

There is also a restaurant just south of the pub. It offers food and drink to recover HP and MP respectively for cheap prices. If you need to recover HP or MP and you are in town its much more cost effective just to go here than to use a potion or ether. Here is the menu:

  • Green Salad グリーンサラダ - 15g - Recover 15 HP
  • Stir-fried Vegetables 野菜炒め - 30g - Recover 30 HP
  • Snake Meat Steak 蛇肉ステーキ - 60g - Recover 60 HP
  • Oolong Tea ウーロンティ - 15g - Recover 15 MP
  • Natural Spring Water ほこグラ天然水 - 30g - Recover 30 MP

Northeast Quadrant

The Northeast part of Onsen Town has a couple of points of interest, but also quite a bit of filler.

Onsen (Hot Spring)

Onsen Town - onsen.png

The onsen (a hot spring that people bathe in) is the feature for which the town is named. It'll cost you just 20 G to enter and get access to all the ridiculous H-events within.


The onsen actually forms the southwest corner of a little market plaza.

Weapons and Armor
Onsen Town - weapon shop.png

...and lottery tickets and lingerie.

Yes, the gentleman on the left sells a selection of weapons and armor, though it mostly duplicates what you have. This might be useful if some of your original equipment has been dissolved by slimes.

The woman on the right sells lottery tickets for 100 G (i.e. takes money from you and gives nothing in return). She also sells underwear, but again, it mostly just duplicates the starting equipment of various characters. Drop by here in case something... "happens" to your panties or those of your companions.

In rare occasions (and I do mean rare), you can win the lottery. The 7th prize is 100 G, and the 6th prize is 500 G. For the other prizes, I have no idea.

Onsen Town - item shop.png

The woman in the middle stall mostly sells expendable items (potions and whatnot). She also sells horse train tickets, but they're seriously expensive. You might be better off earning the free ticket at the Adventurers' Guild, since you'd probably have to work there anyway to get enough money for a ticket here.

She's also involved in the Medicine Delivery quest; she gives you the item to deliver, and at the end of the quest she'll give you a few items as a bonus on top of the payment you receive back at the Guild.

Onsen Town - toy shop.png

Come by during the day and the shopkeeper will be busy unpacking and setting up. Return at night and he'll be open, offering an array of marital aids with little to no in-game purpose.

Boarding House / Barracks

Onsen Town - boarding house.png

The boarding house (formerly the barracks of the City Guard, but now available for rent) is the large stone building just north of the market. It has four entrances: two on the south face and two on the north. All four entrances lead to the same common area. The above picture shows the southwest entrance.

At the moment, there's really nothing to do here. There are a few people to chat with, but that's all. Note that after you finish the whole Thieves' Hide-out quest, the boarding house will be closed, but you won't be missing much.

City Guard headquarters

Onsen Town - City Guard headquarters.png

The headquarters of the City Guard is to the north of the boarding house, right up against (and connected to) the Walls. There are three doors on the south face; the picture shows the westernmost entrance.

The western entrance leads to a training area, with several soldiers sparring. The central entrance leads to an unmanned counter. The eastern entrance leads to an information desk, where you can report crimes and be raped in exchange.

Most of the interior of the barracks is inaccessible from these three public entrances; to experience the rest of the building, including a soldier who craps lava, you'll need to get in the back way by going inside the Walls.

Southeast Quadrant

There are a few different events around here, but the southeastern portion of town is mostly dominated by a big lake.


Onsen Town - restrooms.png

Just to the southeast of the fountain you'll find the public restrooms. There are, of course, H-events to be had here. Also, the clock on the front of the building can be used to advance time (day to night or night to day).

Bench area

Onsen Town - lake central bench.png

At the center of the lake is a small bench that if Nanako chooses to lie down on, triggers an H-Scene.

Carriage shop

Onsen Town - horse train office.png

From here you can travel to numerous places in debug mode, in regular mode it allows you to travel to the capitol if you have the free city pass.

You can also use the books to travel automatically to different maps:

Left Book (Blue):

  • Just says when the next horse train is arriving.

Middle Book (Red):

  • Poor City Far west of Onsen Town (Guruhasuta)
  • Beach Town (with Casino)
  • Unfinished port city

  • Underground Town (Animal town)
  • Unfinished farm town
  • Mountain Town

  • Capital City
  • Unknown City with magic circle entrance
  • Unknown tropical village

  • Unknown Magician City
  • Unknown stone snow city

Right Book (Green):

  • Nanako's House
  • Mountain Loli Inn
  • Brothel in Capital City

  • World Map
  • Slave Market
  • Animation Theater

Secret rating area

This area is found by going to the East Gate but instead of going out the little side door, go down into the wall and you will be inside it, keep going down untill you reach a set of stairs to the right, you will be outside again, go down onto the grassy area up towards the child, he will see if you're wearing panties ( though it doesnt really matter if you are or not). Continue on into the stairs to get to the secret room, viewing the mirror will have Nanako check her self out, talking to the man will have him rate you and going as far right as you can and then down and talking to a barrel will give you a similar scene.

NOTE: this area is largely untranslated.


As mentioned before, it is possible to venture within the walls surrounding Onsen Town and atop their battlements. In addition to doors located to either side of each gate and centered beneath the overarching battlements, the Walls' Interior can also be accessed through another door immediately southeast of the Carriage Shop and through numerous stairwells interspersed along the battlements. The battlements themselves can be accessed by ascending stairwells outside in the Northeast and Southwest Quadrants (the Northwest Quadrant has blockaded its stairwell and the Southeast Quadrant's stairwell only provides access to the Secret Room). The Horse Train Station (whose door is mentioned earlier in this section) is actually located within the southern Wall.

Southwest Quadrant

The southwest section of Onsen Town is filled with residences. One has some very important stuff inside, and almost all have some sort of trouble that you can get in.

The residential district is built around a small L-shaped road. It connects to the major roads near the West Gate and the South Gate. The different houses will be described in the order you encounter them when you walk along the L-shaped road starting near the South Gate.

Soldier's Family's House

Onsen Town - soldier's family's house.png

The first house along the L-shaped road contains a wife and three kids; the husband is off serving in the guard, and this has apparently caused some strife in the family. However, there's nothing for us to care about in here.

"Affectionate" Couple's House

Onsen Town - affectionate couple's house.png

The second house you'll encounter belongs to a married couple. They apparently enjoy each others' company greatly; if you head upstairs you'll find that either the husband is away and the wife is eagerly awaiting his return, or he's home and they're humping like rabbits.

Witch's House

Onsen Town - witch's house.png

Following the third side path off the L-shaped road will take you to a vine-covered house inhabited by a young witch. This is easily the most important house in the district.

First, scattered around the house are books that let you manipulate your character's personality stats: charm, purity/dirtiness, and sexual desire. You can read the books over and over, so you can basically change those stats however you like.

Second, if you're strong enough (determined by your hit points), the witch (named Mel) will offer you extremely degrading but highly profitable quests. There are multiple HP tiers, so if you've done her early quests and she hasn't offered you the later ones you may need to level up more.

Third, after completing the witch's first quest you get access to a new basement area with a magical symbol on the floor. There are similar symbols elsewhere, and the symbol here can act as a teleportation destination from those, but you can't actually teleport from here (which may be a bug).

Shota's House

Proceeding north along the L-shaped road, you'll hit a spot where sidewalks branch off to both the left and the right; if you go left you'll reach Shota's house. By day, there is a loving couple living here with their young son; return at night with a sufficiently depraved character for an H scene with the impressionable lad.

House with Kids "Playing Doctor"

Hang a right at the intersection described above and you'll find this house. According to a note in the kitchen, the parents have gone out for the day; the kids have accordingly headed down to the basement for some H action.

Debug Features

While there are plenty of helpful markers throughout the game when playing in Debug Mode, two main areas will allow you to test and debug most of the available features.

The Event Nexus is accessible from at least one location in each completed town. Here you can switch out the Player Character, alter statistics and conditions, view select expression poses and test some dialogue. You can also gain access to additional debug areas to test Battle Events, switch Party Characters and purchase items, as well as travel directly to major locations.

To reach the Event Nexus from Onsen, take the downward staircase immediately southwest of the Central Fountain.

To reach the Event Nexus from most other towns, look for a new staircase in the local Guild or an otherwise empty house. This staircase will take you to the Party Character Selection Room, where you will find an additional staircase or other marker leading to the Event Nexus.

The Screen Test Room is primarily accessible via a Cactus Marker immediately southwest of Onsen's Central Fountain in Debug Mode, just east of the staircase to the Event Nexus.

Within the Screen Test Room, you can test a wide selection of Poses, Expressions and Animations by interacting with various Debug Markers. Interacting with the Mystic's Orb at the far west will clear the screen of lingering Poses and Expressions.