Template:Cunt-Wars-Data-The Great Warrior

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 The Great Warrior Data

The following data is currently set for the The Great Warrior card. Note that capitalization matters. If you need a source of data, check the Great Warrior C*** Wars Wiki Entry for The Great Warrior

Variable Value Description
faction The faction to which the card belongs. Can be one of Order, Chaos, Nature.
type The type to which the card belongs. Can be one of Ranged, Melee.
rarity How rare the card is. Can be one of Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary.
gender Either Male or Female.
hp-min The starting HP for the card before it has been leveled at all.
hp-max The maximum HP the card can attain at full level.
attack-min The starting attack for the card before it has been leveled at all.
attack-max The maximum attack the card can attain at full level.
might-min The starting might for the card before it has been leveled at all.
might-max The maximum might the card can attain at full level.
evolve-from The card this card evolves from.
evolve-into The card(s) this card evolves into. If the card evolves into multiple cards as in the case of Valkyrie, separate the card names with a semicolon like Titania;Menestrel
unlk-league The league at which the card is unlocked.

The following is a sample of a blank data template for reference when creating new data templates:

<noinclude>{{Cunt-Wars-Data-Display|Card Name Here}}</noinclude>{{  
    #ifeq: {{{1}}}| faction     | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| type        | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| rarity      | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| gender      | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| hp-min      | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| hp-max      | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| attack-min  | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| attack-max  | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| might-min   | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| might-max   | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| unlk-league | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| evolve-from | 
}}{{#ifeq: {{{1}}}| evolve-into | 